NR 718.09(8)(c)1.c.c. A description of the current land use of the facility and surrounding properties. NR 718.09(8)(c)1.d.d. The slope, depth to seasonal high water table and bedrock, and soil characteristics including soil type, and the mean permeability of the uppermost 5 feet of soil. Information summarized from county soil surveys published by the United States department of agriculture maps and similar sources may be used to obtain this information where appropriate. Information obtained from soil borings or test pits may be used to determine site-specific characteristics. The use of county soil surveys is not appropriate to determine separation from groundwater or bedrock for sites where a 10-foot separation distance is required. NR 718.09(8)(c)1.e.e. Copies of any local approvals required in order to landspread or an affirmation that no local approvals are required. NR 718.09 NoteNote: Copies of application forms for facility approvals may be obtained from any regional office of the department or by writing to the Department of Natural Resources, Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment, PO Box 7921, Madison, Wisconsin, 53707-7921.
NR 718.09(8)(c)2.a.a. If a facility approval application is not complete, the department shall notify the applicant within 15 business days of receipt that it is not complete and identify the information necessary to complete the application. NR 718.09(8)(c)2.b.b. The department shall approve or disapprove of an application within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application. NR 718.09(8)(c)2.c.c. Approval of a facility shall be effective for 2 years after the date of approval, unless circumstances affecting the facility change so that the facility no longer meets the location standards in subd. 3. An approval is no longer effective at any time that circumstances change in a manner that would cause the facility to not meet any of the standards in subd. 3. The department may extend a facility approval up to an additional 2 years from the date of the original approval if the applicant submits a request for an extension and that request certifies that circumstances have not changed in a manner that would cause the facility to not meet any of the standards in subd. 3. NR 718.09(8)(c)3.3. No person may establish, construct, operate, maintain or permit use of property as a single-application landspreading facility in the following areas: NR 718.09(8)(c)3.e.e. Within 1,000 feet of a public water supply well or its delineated wellhead protection area, unless a written waiver by the department is obtained. The department shall use the provisions for alternative requirements under s. NR 811.03 in acting on requests for waivers. NR 718.09(8)(c)3.f.f. Within 250 feet of a private water supply well, unless a written waiver by the department is obtained. The department shall use the provisions for obtaining a variance under s. NR 812.43 in acting on requests for waivers. NR 718.09(8)(c)3.g.g. Within 500 feet of any residence, unless written consent is obtained from the resident. NR 718.09(8)(c)3.h.h. Within 500 feet of buildings housing domestic livestock, unless written consent is obtained from the owner of the livestock. NR 718.09(8)(c)3.i.i. Within 25 feet of any boundary of the property on which the landspreading facility is located if there are no residences within 500 feet of that boundary, unless written consent from the adjoining property owner in obtained. NR 718.09(8)(c)3.j.j. Within 200 feet of any boundary of the property if there is a residence within 500 feet of that boundary, unless written consent is obtained from the resident. NR 718.09(8)(c)3.k.k. On land where the ground surface is located less than 5 feet above the seasonal high groundwater table or bedrock if the mean permeability in the uppermost 5 feet of soil is equal to or less than 6 inches per hour or on land where the ground surface is located less than 10 feet above the seasonal high groundwater table or bedrock if the mean permeability in the uppermost 5 feet of soil is greater than 6 inches per hour. Mean permeability shall be the weighted average determined by summing the products of the permeability of a each layer of soil in the uppermost 5 feet of soil times the thickness of that layer, in feet, and dividing by 5 feet. Where the permeability of a layer of soil is stated as a range, the midpoint of the range shall be used to calculate the mean permeability. NR 718.09(8)(d)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 4., single-application landspreading of excavated contaminated soil may be conducted at a facility that has been approved under par. (c) without additional department approval if the responsible party, or an agent or contractor, submits an operation plan to the department at least 10 days, but not more than 70 days, prior to the start of the operation, and complies with the operation standards in subd. 3., unless the department issues a written objection. The operation plan for a single-application landspreading facility shall contain the following information: NR 718.09(8)(d)1.b.b. A certification that the responsible party, their agent or contractor will comply with the operational requirements of subd. 2. and a description of how the requirements will be complied with. NR 718.09(8)(d)1.c.c. A list of the persons notified under this paragraph and clerks notified under par. (c) 1., or the addresses to which the notices were delivered. NR 718.09(8)(d)2.2. The responsible party, or an agent or contractor, shall give written notice that landspreading of contaminated soil will occur. This notification shall include the location of the landspreading facility, the name, address and telephone number of a contact person for the landspreading facility, a description of the type of contamination in the soil and the anticipated dates and times that the landspreading will occur. This notification shall occur at least 10 days, but not more than 70 days, prior to commencing operation, and shall be mailed or delivered to the following persons: NR 718.09(8)(d)2.a.a. The clerks of the county and the city, village or town where the facility is located.