NR 440.216(2)(m)(m) “Municipal waste combustor acid gases” means all acid gases emitted in the exhaust gases from municipal waste combustor units including sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride gases. NR 440.216(2)(mm)(mm) “Municipal waste combustor metals” means metals and metal compounds emitted in the exhaust gases from municipal waste combustor units. NR 440.216(2)(n)(n) “Municipal waste combustor organics” means organic compounds emitted in the exhaust gases from municipal waste combustor units and includes tetra- through octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. NR 440.216(2)(nm)(nm) “Municipal waste combustor plant” means one or more affected facilities, as specified in sub. (1), at the same location. NR 440.216(2)(o)(o) “Municipal waste combustor unit capacity” means the maximum charging rate of a municipal waste combustor unit expressed in tons per day of municipal solid waste combusted, calculated according to the procedures under sub. (12) (j). Subsection (12) (j) includes procedures for determining municipal waste combustor unit capacity for continuous and batch feed municipal waste combustors. NR 440.216(2)(om)(om) “Municipal waste combustor unit load” means the steam load of the municipal waste combustor unit measured as specified in sub. (12) (i) 6. NR 440.216(2)(p)(p) “Particulate matter” means total particulate matter emitted from municipal waste combustor units as measured by Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1). NR 440.216(2)(pm)(pm) “Plastics or rubber recycling unit” means an integrated processing unit where plastics, rubber or rubber tires are the only feed materials, except that incidental contaminants may be included in the feed materials, and the feed materials are processed into a chemical plant feedstock or petroleum refinery feedstock, where the feedstock is marketed to and used by a chemical plant or petroleum refinery as input feedstock. The combined weight of the chemical plant feedstock and petroleum refinery feedstock produced by the plastics or rubber recycling unit on a calendar quarter basis shall be more than 70% of the combined weight of the plastics, rubber and rubber tires processed by the plastics or rubber recycling unit on a calendar quarter basis. The plastics, rubber or rubber tire feed materials to the plastics or rubber recycling unit may originate from the separation or diversion of plastics, rubber or rubber tires from MSW or industrial solid waste, and may include manufacturing scraps, trimmings, and off-specification plastics, rubber and rubber tire discards. The plastics, rubber and rubber tire feed materials to the plastics or rubber recycling unit may contain incidental contaminants, for example, paper labels on plastic bottles or metal rings on plastic bottle caps, etc. NR 440.216(2)(q)(q) “Potential hydrogen chloride emission concentration” means the hydrogen chloride emission concentration that would occur from combustion of municipal solid waste in the absence of any emission controls for municipal waste combustor acid gases. NR 440.216(2)(qm)(qm) “Potential mercury emission concentration” means the mercury emission concentration that would occur from combustion of municipal solid waste in the absence of any mercury emissions control. NR 440.216(2)(r)(r) “Potential sulfur dioxide emissions” means the sulfur dioxide emission concentration that would occur from combustion of municipal solid waste in the absence of any emission controls for municipal waste combustor acid gases. NR 440.216(2)(rm)(rm) “Pulverized coal and refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor” means a combustor that fires coal and refuse-derived fuel simultaneously, in which pulverized coal is introduced into an air stream that carries the coal to the combustion chamber of the unit where it is fired in suspension. This includes both conventional pulverized coal and micropulverized coal. NR 440.216(2)(s)(s) “Pyrolysis or combustion unit” means a unit that produces gases, liquids or solids through the heating of municipal solid waste, and the gases, liquids or solids produced are combusted and emissions vented to the atmosphere. NR 440.216(2)(sm)(sm) “Reconstruction” means rebuilding a municipal waste combustor unit for which the reconstruction commenced after June 19, 1996, and the cumulative costs of the construction over the life of the unit exceed 50% of the original cost of construction and installation of the unit, not including any cost of land purchased in connection with the construction or installation, updated to current costs in dollars. NR 440.216(2)(t)(t) “Refractory unit” or “refractory wall furnace” means a combustion unit having no energy recovery, for example, via a waterwall, in the furnace, that is, radiant heat transfer section, of the combustor. NR 440.216(2)(tm)(tm) “Refuse-derived fuel” means a type of municipal solid waste produced by processing municipal solid waste through shredding and size classification. This includes all classes of refuse-derived fuel including low-density fluff refuse-derived fuel through densified refuse-derived fuel and pelletized refuse-derived fuel. NR 440.216(2)(u)(u) “Refuse-derived fuel stoker” means a steam generating unit that combusts refuse-derived fuel in a semisuspension firing mode using air-fed distributors. NR 440.216(2)(um)(um) “Same location” means the same or contiguous property that is under common ownership or control including properties that are separated only by a street, road, highway or other public right-of-way. Common ownership or control includes properties that are owned, leased or operated by the same entity, parent entity, subsidiary, subdivision or any combination thereof including any municipality or other governmental unit or any quasi-governmental authority, for example, a public utility district or regional waste disposal authority. NR 440.216(2)(v)(v) “Second calendar half” means the period starting July 1 and ending on December 31 in any year. NR 440.216(2)(vm)(vm) “Shift supervisor” means the person who is in direct charge and control of the operation of a municipal waste combustor and who is responsible for onsite supervision, technical direction, management and overall performance of the facility during an assigned shift. NR 440.216(2)(w)(w) “Spreader stoker coal and refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor” means a combustor that fires coal and refuse-derived fuel simultaneously, in which coal is introduced to the combustion zone by a mechanism that throws the fuel onto a grate from above. Combustion takes place both in suspension and on the grate. NR 440.216(2)(wm)(wm) “Standard conditions” means a temperature of 20°C (60°F) and a pressure of 101.3 kilopascals (29.92 in Hg). NR 440.216(2)(x)(x) “Total mass dioxin/furan” or “total mass” means the total mass of tetra- through octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, as determined using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1), and the procedures specified under sub. (12) (g). NR 440.216(2)(xm)(xm) “Tumbling-tile” means a grate tile hinged at one end and attached to a ram at the other end. When the ram extends, the grate tile rotates around the hinged end. NR 440.216(2)(y)(y) “Twenty-four hour daily average” or “24-hour daily average” means either the arithmetic mean or geometric mean, as specified, of all hourly emission concentrations when the affected facility is operating and combusting municipal solid waste measured over a 24-hour period between 12:00 midnight and the following midnight. NR 440.216(2)(ym)(ym) “Untreated lumber” means wood or wood products that have been cut or shaped and include wet, air-dried and kiln-dried wood products. Untreated lumber does not include wood products that have been painted, pigment-stained or pressure-treated. Pressure-treating compounds include, but are not limited to, chromated copper arsenate, pentachlorophenol and creosote. NR 440.216(2)(z)(z) “Waterwall furnace” means a combustion unit having energy (heat) recovery in the furnace (radiant heat transfer section) of the combustor. NR 440.216(2)(zm)(zm) “Yard waste” means grass, grass clippings, bushes, shrubs and clippings from bushes and shrubs that are generated by residential, commercial or retail, institutional or industrial sources as part of maintenance activities associated with yards or other private or public lands. Yard waste does not include construction, renovation and demolition wastes, which are exempt from the definition of municipal solid waste in this section. Yard waste does not include clean wood, which is exempt from the definition of municipal solid waste.