SB810,202,44 5. An application for registered name or renewal of registered name.
SB810,202,55 6. A statement of change of registered office.
SB810,202,66 7. Amendment of articles of incorporation.
SB810,202,87 8. Restatement of articles of incorporation with or without amendment of
SB810,202,99 9. Articles of merger, conversion, interest exchange, or domestication.
SB810,202,1010 10. Articles of dissolution.
SB810,202,1111 11. Articles of revocation of dissolution.
SB810,202,1212 12. An application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution.
SB810,202,1313 13. Certificate of reinstatement.
SB810,202,1414 14. Certificate of judicial dissolution.
SB810,202,1515 15. An application for certificate of authority.
SB810,202,1616 16. An application for amended certificate of authority.
SB810,202,1717 17. An application for certificate of withdrawal.
SB810,202,1818 18. An annual report of a domestic corporation or foreign corporation.
SB810,202,1919 19. Articles of correction.
SB810,179 20Section 179. 180.0125 (4) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated,
21renumbered 180.0125 (4) (intro.) and amended to read:
SB810,202,2522 180.0125 (4) (intro.) Except as provided in s. 180.0203 (2), the department's
23filing of a document, or refusal to file, a document does not do any of the following:
24(a) Affect
affect the validity or invalidity of the document in whole or part. and does
25not create a presumption of any of the following:
1Section 180. 180.0125 (4) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB810,203,32 180.0125 (4) (am) That the document does or does not conform to the
3requirements of this chapter.
SB810,181 4Section 181. 180.0125 (4) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB810,182 5Section 182. 180.0125 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB810,203,76 180.0125 (4) (c) Create a presumption that the document is valid or invalid or
That the information contained in the document is correct or incorrect.
SB810,183 8Section 183 . 180.0128 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB810,203,119 180.0128 (2) (b) 5. The foreign corporation has not applied for a certificate of
10withdrawal under s. 180.1520 and is not the subject of a proceeding under s. 180.1531
11to revoke
, if not, the effective date of its certificate of authority.
SB810,184 12Section 184 . 180.0141 (title), (1), (2) and (3) of the statutes are repealed and
13recreated to read:
SB810,203,15 14180.0141 (title) Knowledge; notice. (1) A person knows a fact if any of the
15following applies:
SB810,203,1616 (a) The person has actual knowledge of the fact.
SB810,203,1717 (b) The person is deemed to know the fact under law other than this chapter.
SB810,203,19 18(2) A person has notice of a fact if the person has reason to know the fact from
19all the facts known to the person at the time in question.