1Section 68. 48.347 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,33,172 48.347 (6) (a) If, based on an evaluation under s. 48.295 and the report under
3s. 48.33, the judge finds that the adult expectant mother parent is in need of inpatient
4treatment for her a habitual lack of self-control in the use of alcohol, controlled
5substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a severe degree, that
6inpatient treatment is appropriate for the adult expectant mother's parent's needs
7and that inpatient treatment is the least restrictive treatment consistent with the
8adult expectant mother's parent's needs, the judge may order the adult expectant
9mother parent to enter an inpatient alcohol or other drug abuse treatment program
10at an inpatient facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (10). The inpatient facility shall, under
11the terms of a service agreement between the inpatient facility and the county in a
12county having a population of less than 750,000 or the department in a county having
13a population of 750,000 or more, or with the written and informed consent of the
14adult expectant mother parent, report to the agency primarily responsible for
15providing services to the adult expectant mother parent as to whether the adult
16expectant mother parent is cooperating with the treatment and whether the
17treatment appears to be effective.
AB484,69 18Section 69 . 48.355 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,34,1019 48.355 (1) Intent. In any order under s. 48.345 or 48.347 the judge shall decide
20on a placement and treatment finding based on evidence submitted to the judge. The
21disposition shall employ those means necessary to maintain and protect the
22well-being of the child or unborn child which are the least restrictive of the rights
23of the parent and child, of the rights of the parent and child expectant mother parent
24or of the rights of the adult expectant mother parent, and which assure the care,
25treatment or rehabilitation of the child and the family, of the child expectant mother

1parent, the unborn child and the family or of the adult expectant mother parent and
2the unborn child, consistent with the protection of the public. When appropriate,
3and, in cases of child abuse or neglect or unborn child abuse, when it is consistent
4with the best interest of the child or unborn child in terms of physical safety and
5physical health, the family unit shall be preserved and there shall be a policy of
6transferring custody of a child from the parent or of placing an expectant mother
7parent outside of her the expectant parent's home only when there is no less drastic
8alternative. If there is no less drastic alternative for a child than transferring
9custody from the parent, the judge shall consider transferring custody to a relative
10whenever possible.
AB484,70 11Section 70 . 48.355 (2) (b) 2m. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,34,1412 48.355 (2) (b) 2m. If the adult expectant mother parent is placed outside her
13the expectant parent's home, the name of the place or facility, including transitional
14placements, where the expectant mother parent shall be treated.
AB484,71 15Section 71 . 48.355 (4g) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,34,2216 48.355 (4g) (a) 1. The child's parents are parties to a pending action for divorce,
17annulment, or legal separation, a man person determined under s. 48.299 (6) (e) 4.
18to be the biological father parent of the child for purposes of a proceeding under this
19chapter is a party to a pending action to determine paternity parentage of the child
20under ch. 767, or the child is the subject of a pending independent action under s.
21767.41 or 767.43 to determine legal custody of the child or visitation rights with
22respect to the child.
AB484,72 23Section 72 . 48.356 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,35,824 48.356 (1) Whenever the court orders a child to be placed outside his or her of
25the child's
home, orders an expectant mother parent of an unborn child to be placed

1outside of her the expectant parent's home, or denies a parent visitation because the
2child or unborn child has been adjudged to be in need of protection or services under
3s. 48.345, 48.347, 48.357, 48.363, or 48.365 and whenever the court reviews a
4permanency plan under s. 48.38 (5m), the court shall orally inform the parent or
5parents who appear in court or the expectant mother parent who appears in court
6of any grounds for termination of parental rights under s. 48.415 which may be
7applicable and of the conditions necessary for the child or expectant mother parent
8to be returned to the home or for the parent to be granted visitation.
AB484,73 9Section 73 . 48.357 (1) (am) 2. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,35,1410 48.357 (1) (am) 2. b. By the child expectant mother parent, if 12 years of age
11or over, her the child expectant parent's parent, guardian, legal custodian, or Indian
12custodian, the unborn child's guardian ad litem, and the child expectant mother's
13parent's tribe, if she the child expectant parent is an Indian child who has been
14removed from the home of her a parent or Indian custodian.
AB484,74 15Section 74 . 48.357 (5r) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,35,2316 48.357 (5r) Expectant mother parent; placement outside the home. The court
17may not change the placement of an expectant mother parent of an unborn child in
18need of protection or services from a placement in the expectant mother's parent's
19home to a placement outside of the expectant mother's parent's home unless the court
20finds that the expectant mother parent is refusing or has refused to accept any
21alcohol or other drug abuse services offered to her or is not making or has not made
22a good faith effort to participate in any alcohol or other drug abuse services offered
23to her
AB484,75 24Section 75 . 48.361 (2) (a) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
148.361 (2) (a) 1m. If an adult expectant mother parent neglects, refuses or is
2unable to obtain court-ordered alcohol and other drug abuse services for herself
3through her health insurance or other 3rd-party payments, the judge may order the
4adult expectant mother parent to pay for the court-ordered alcohol and drug abuse
5services. If the adult expectant mother parent consents to obtain court-ordered
6alcohol and other drug abuse services for herself through her health insurance or
7other 3rd-party payments but the health insurance provider or other 3rd-party
8payer refuses to provide the court-ordered alcohol and other drug abuse services, the
9court may order the health insurance provider or 3rd-party payer to pay for the
10court-ordered alcohol and other drug abuse services in accordance with the terms
11of the adult expectant mother's parent's health insurance policy or other 3rd-party
12payment plan.
AB484,76 13Section 76 . 48.362 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,36,2414 48.362 (3m) If an adult expectant mother parent neglects, refuses or is unable
15to obtain court-ordered special treatment or care for herself through her health
16insurance or other 3rd-party payments, the judge may order the adult expectant
17mother parent to pay for the court-ordered special treatment or care. If the adult
18expectant mother parent consents to obtain court-ordered special treatment or care
19for herself through her health insurance or other 3rd-party payments but the health
20insurance provider or other 3rd-party payer refuses to provide the court-ordered
21special treatment or care, the judge may order the health insurance provider or
223rd-party payer to pay for the court-ordered special treatment or care in accordance
23with the terms of the adult expectant mother's parent's health insurance policy or
24other 3rd-party payment plan.
AB484,77 25Section 77 . 48.41 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
148.41 (2) (c) A person who may be, but who has not been adjudicated as, the
2father parent of a nonmarital child may consent to the termination of any parental
3rights that he the person may have as provided in par. (a) or (b) or by signing a
4written, notarized statement which recites that he the person has been informed of
5and understands the effect of an order to terminate parental rights and that he the
voluntarily disclaims any rights that he the person may have to the child,
7including the right to notice of proceedings under this subchapter.
AB484,78 8Section 78 . 48.415 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,37,189 48.415 (6) (b) In this subsection, “substantial parental relationship" means the
10acceptance and exercise of significant responsibility for the daily supervision,
11education, protection and care of the child. In evaluating whether the person has had
12a substantial parental relationship with the child, the court may consider such
13factors, including, but not limited to, whether the person has expressed concern for
14or interest in the support, care or well-being of the child, whether the person has
15neglected or refused to provide care or support for the child and whether, with respect
16to a person who is or may be the father parent of the child, the person has expressed
17concern for or interest in the support, care or well-being during pregnancy of the
18mother during her pregnancy person who gave birth to the child.
AB484,79 19Section 79 . 48.415 (9) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB484,38,220 48.415 (9) (a) Parenthood as a result of sexual assault, which shall be
21established by proving that the child was conceived as a result of a sexual assault in
22violation of s. 940.225 (1), (2), or (3), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, or 948.085. Conception
23as a result of sexual assault as specified in this paragraph may be proved by a final
24judgment of conviction or other evidence produced at a fact-finding hearing under
25s. 48.424 indicating that the person who may be the father parent of the child

1committed, during a possible time of conception, a sexual assault as specified in this
2paragraph against the mother of person who gave birth to the child.
AB484,38,63 (b) If the conviction or other evidence specified in par. (a) indicates that the
4child was conceived as a result of a sexual assault in violation of s. 948.02 (1) or (2)
5or 948.085, the mother of person who gave birth to the child may be heard on her the
desire for the termination of the father's other parent's parental rights.
AB484,80 7Section 80. 48.42 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,38,178 48.42 (1g) Affidavit. (a) Except as provided in par. (c), if the petition is filed
9by a person or agency other than the district attorney, corporation counsel, or other
10appropriate official under s. 48.09; if the petition seeks to terminate the parental
11rights of a person who may be the father parent of a nonmarital child who is under
12one year of age at the time the petition is filed, who is not adopted or whose parents
13do not subsequently intermarry under s. 767.803, and whose paternity parentage
14has not been established; and if the mother of person who gave birth to the child has
15voluntarily consented to or seeks to voluntarily consent to the termination of her
16parental rights to the child, the petitioner may file with the petition an affidavit
17signed by the mother person who gave birth that includes all of the following:
AB484,38,2018 1. A statement that the mother person who gave birth to the child has
19voluntarily consented to or seeks to voluntarily consent to the termination of her
20parental rights to the child.
AB484,38,2221 2. A statement acknowledging that the mother person who gave birth to the
has been asked to identify the father other natural parent of the child.