The committee on Judiciary reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 359
Relating to: justices or judges authorized to officiate a marriage.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Ott, Horlacher, Thiesfeldt, Brooks, Tusler, Kerkman, Anderson, Hebl and Cabrera.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 609
Relating to: pretrial detention.
Ayes: 5 - Representatives Ott, Horlacher, Brooks, Tusler and Kerkman.
Noes: 4 - Representatives Thiesfeldt, Anderson, Hebl and Cabrera.
Assembly Bill 610
Relating to: the use of a pretrial risk assessment when setting conditions for pretrial release.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Ott, Horlacher, Thiesfeldt, Brooks, Kerkman, Anderson, Hebl and Cabrera.
Noes: 1 - Representative Tusler.
Committee on Judiciary
The committee on Local Government reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 365
Relating to: the use of automated speed enforcement systems and traffic control photographic systems in a first class city and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Novak, Gundrum, Duchow, Steffen, Skowronski, Brooks, Subeck, Spreitzer and Gruszynski.