2. Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote with regard to the promulgation
14of rules and creation of bylaws and shall otherwise have an opportunity to participate
15in the business and affairs of the commission. A delegate shall vote in person or by
16such other means as provided in the bylaws. The bylaws may provide for delegates'
17participation in meetings by telephone or other means of communication.
3. The commission shall meet at least once during each calendar year.
19Additional meetings shall be held as set forth in the bylaws.
4. All meetings shall be open to the public, and public notice of meetings shall
21be given in the same manner as required under the rule-making provisions in sub.
5. The commission may convene in a closed, nonpublic meeting if the
24commission must discuss any of the following:
a. Noncompliance of a member state with its obligations under the compact.
1b. The employment, compensation, discipline, or other personnel matters,
2practices, or procedures related to specific employees, or other matters related to the
3commission's internal personnel practices and procedures.
c. Current, threatened, or reasonably anticipated litigation.
d. Negotiation of contracts for the purchase or sale of goods, services, or real
e. Accusing any person of a crime or formally censuring any person.
f. Disclosure of trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is
9privileged or confidential.
g. Disclosure of information of a personal nature where disclosure would
11constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
h. Disclosure of investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes.
i. Disclosure of information related to any investigatory reports prepared by or
14on behalf of or for use of the commission or other committee charged with
15responsibility of investigation or determination of compliance issues pursuant to the
j. Matters specifically exempted from disclosure by federal or member state
6. If a meeting, or portion of a meeting, is closed pursuant to this provision, the
20commission's legal counsel or designee shall certify that the meeting may be closed
21and shall reference each relevant exempting provision. The commission shall keep
22minutes that fully and clearly describe all matters discussed in a meeting and shall
23provide a full and accurate summary of actions taken, and the reasons therefore,
24including a description of the views expressed. All documents considered in
25connection with an action shall be identified in such minutes. All minutes and
1documents of a closed meeting shall remain under seal, subject to release by a
2majority vote of the commission or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
Rules and bylaws. The commission shall, by a majority vote of the delegates,
4prescribe bylaws and rules to govern its conduct as may be necessary or appropriate
5to carry out the purposes and exercise the powers of the compact, including all of the
1. Establishing the fiscal year of the commission.
2. Providing reasonable standards and procedures for all of the following:
a. The establishment and meetings of other committees.
b. Governing any general or specific delegation of any authority or function of
11the commission.
3. Providing reasonable procedures for calling and conducting meetings of the
13commission, ensuring reasonable advance notice of all meetings, and providing an
14opportunity for attendance of such meetings by interested parties, with enumerated
15exceptions designed to protect the public's interest, the privacy of individuals, and
16proprietary information, including trade secrets. The commission may meet in
17closed session only after a majority of the membership votes to close a meeting in
18whole or in part. As soon as practicable, the commission must make public a copy
19of the vote to close the meeting revealing the vote of each member with no proxy votes
4. Establishing the titles, duties, and authority, and reasonable procedures for
22the election of the officers of the commission.
5. Providing reasonable standards and procedures for the establishment of the
24personnel policies and programs of the commission. Notwithstanding any civil
1service or other similar laws of any member state, the bylaws shall exclusively
2govern the personnel policies and programs of the commission.
6. Promulgating a code of ethics to address permissible and prohibited
4activities of commission members and employees.
7. Providing a mechanism for winding up the operations of the commission and
6the equitable disposition of any surplus funds that may exist after the termination
7of the compact after the payment or reserving of all of its debts and obligations.
8. The commission shall publish its bylaws and file a copy thereof, and a copy
9of any amendment thereto, with the appropriate agency or officer in each of the
10member states, if any.
9. The commission shall maintain its financial records in accordance with the
10. The commission shall meet and take such actions as are consistent with the
14provisions of this compact and the bylaws.
Powers of the commission. The commission shall have the following powers: