SB152,74 7Section 74. 346.803 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,23,98 346.803 (1) (intro.) Every person operating a bicycle , electric scooter, or electric
9personal assistive mobility device upon a bicycle way shall:
SB152,75 10Section 75. 346.803 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,23,1311 346.803 (1) (a) Exercise due care and give an audible signal when passing a
12bicycle, electric scooter, or electric personal assistive mobility device rider or a
13pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
SB152,76 14Section 76. 346.803 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,23,1715 346.803 (2) Every person operating a bicycle, electric scooter, or electric
16personal assistive mobility device upon a bicycle way open to 2-way traffic shall ride
17on the right side of the bicycle way.
SB152,77 18Section 77. 346.803 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,23,2119 346.803 (3) Every operator of a bicycle, electric scooter, or electric personal
20assistive mobility device entering a bicycle way shall yield the right-of-way to all
21bicycles and pedestrians in the bicycle way.
SB152,78 22Section 78. 346.803 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,23,2523 346.803 (4) Except as provided in s. ss. 349.236 (1) (bm) and 349.237, a person
24may operate an electric personal assistive mobility device, or an electric scooter at
25a speed not to exceed 15 miles per hour,
upon any bicycle path.
1Section 79. 346.804 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,24,6 2346.804 Riding bicycle on sidewalk. When local authorities under s. 346.94
3(1) permit bicycles on the sidewalk, every person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk
4shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall exercise due care and give
5an audible signal when passing a bicycle, electric scooter, or electric personal
6assistive mobility device rider or a pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
SB152,80 7Section 80. 346.805 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,24,15 8346.805 Riding electric scooter or electric personal assistive mobility
9device on sidewalk.
Except as provided in ss. 346.94 (18) (a) 2. and (18s), 349.236
10(1) (b), and 349.237, a person may operate an electric scooter or an electric personal
11assistive mobility device upon any sidewalk. Every person operating an electric
12scooter or
an electric personal assistive mobility device upon a sidewalk shall yield
13the right-of-way to any pedestrian or bicyclist and shall exercise due care and give
14an audible signal when passing a bicycle or other electric scooter or electric personal
15assistive mobility device or a pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
SB152,81 16Section 81. 346.94 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,24,2317 346.94 (12) Driving on bicycle lane or bicycle way. No operator of a motor
18vehicle may drive upon a bicycle lane or bicycle way except to enter a driveway, to
19merge into a bicycle lane before turning at an intersection, or to enter or leave a
20parking space located adjacent to the bicycle lane or bicycle way. Persons operating
21a motor vehicle upon a bicycle lane or bicycle way shall yield the right-of-way to all
22bicycles, electric scooters, and electric personal assistive mobility devices within the
23bicycle lane or bicycle way.
SB152,82 24Section 82 . 346.94 (18s) of the statutes is created to read:
1346.94 (18s) Electric scooters on roadways, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and
2bicycle ways.
(a) Except as otherwise prohibited in this chapter, a person may
3operate an electric scooter upon any roadway, sidewalk, bicycle lane, or bicycle way
4that is under the jurisdiction of the department or that is open to operation of
SB152,25,96 (b) A person may operate an electric scooter upon any roadway, sidewalk,
7bicycle lane, or bicycle way under the jurisdiction of a local authority, subject to any
8restrictions or prohibitions specified by municipal ordinance enacted under s.
SB152,25,1110 (c) No person may operate an electric scooter upon any roadway, sidewalk,
11bicycle lane, or bicycle way at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
SB152,83 12Section 83. 347.02 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,25,1313 347.02 (1) (i) Electric scooters and electric personal assistive mobility devices.
SB152,84 14Section 84. 347.245 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,26,615 347.245 (1) No person may operate on a highway any vehicle or equipment, any
16implement of husbandry, any animal-drawn vehicle, or any other machinery,
17including all road machinery, that usually travels at speeds of less than 25 miles per
18hour or any vehicle operated under a special restricted operator's license issued
19under s. 343.135 or any lightweight utility vehicle, as defined in s. 346.94 (21) (a) 2.,
20unless there is displayed on the most practicable visible rear area of the vehicle or
21combination of vehicles, a slow moving vehicle (SMV) emblem as described in and
22displayed as provided in sub. (2). Any towed vehicle or machine is exempt from this
23provision if the towing vehicle is visible from the rear and is in compliance with this
24section. All road machinery is excluded when it is engaged in actual construction or
25maintenance work either guarded by a flagman or clearly visible warning signs. The

1requirement of the emblem shall be in addition to any lighting devices required or
2permitted by law. Mopeds and motor bicycles are excluded from the provisions of this
3section unless they are operated under a special restricted operator's license issued
4under s. 343.135. Electric scooters, electric personal assistive mobility devices, and
5personal delivery devices are excluded from the provisions of this section. The SMV
6emblem need not be displayed on vehicles moving directly across the highway.
SB152,85 7Section 85. 347.489 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,26,248 347.489 (1) No person may operate a bicycle, motor bicycle, personal delivery
9device, electric scooter, or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a highway,
10sidewalk, bicycle lane, or bicycle way during hours of darkness unless the bicycle,
11motor bicycle, personal delivery device, electric scooter, or electric personal assistive
12mobility device is equipped with or, with respect to a bicycle or motor bicycle, the
13operator is wearing, a lamp emitting a white light visible from a distance of at least
14500 feet to the front of the bicycle, motor bicycle, personal delivery device, electric
or electric personal assistive mobility device. A bicycle, motor bicycle,
16personal delivery device, electric scooter, or electric personal assistive mobility
17device shall also be equipped with a red reflector that has a diameter of at least 2
18inches of surface area or, with respect to an electric scooter or an electric personal
19assistive mobility device, that is a strip of reflective tape that has at least 2 square
20inches of surface area, on the rear so mounted and maintained as to be visible from
21all distances from 50 to 500 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper
22beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a steady or flashing red
23light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in lieu of the red
SB152,86 25Section 86. 347.489 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1347.489 (2) No person may operate a bicycle, motor bicycle, electric scooter, or
2electric personal assistive mobility device upon a highway, bicycle lane, or bicycle
3way unless it is equipped with a brake in good working condition, adequate to control
4the movement of and to stop the bicycle, motor bicycle, electric scooter, or electric
5personal assistive mobility device whenever necessary.
SB152,87 6Section 87. 347.489 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: