SB810,196,1919 180.0103 (17g) “Transfer" includes all of the following:
SB810,196,2020 (a) An assignment.
SB810,196,2121 (b) A conveyance.
SB810,196,2222 (c) A sale.
SB810,196,2323 (d) A lease.
SB810,196,2424 (e) An encumbrance, including a mortgage or security interest.
SB810,196,2525 (f) A gift.
1(g) A transfer by operation of law.
SB810,156 2Section 156. 180.0105 of the statutes is created to read:
SB810,197,4 3180.0105 Governing law. (1) The law of this state governs all of the internal
4affairs of a corporation.
SB810,197,8 5(2) The fact that one or more shareholders of a corporation are, or are not,
6subject to tax on the income of the corporation shall have no effect on the application
7of the law of this state under sub. (1) other than as a fact to be taken into account in
8the application of such law.
SB810,157 9Section 157 . 180.0112 of the statutes is created to read:
SB810,197,12 10180.0112 Delivery of a record. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this
11chapter, permissible means of delivery of a record include delivery by hand, mail,
12conventional commercial practice, and electronic transmission.
SB810,197,14 13(2) Delivery to the department is effective only when a record is received by the
SB810,158 15Section 158 . 180.0120 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB810,197,2016 180.0120 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in Subject to sub. (4), a document
17required or permitted
to be filed under by the department pursuant to this chapter
18with the department must, a record must be received by the department, comply with
19this chapter, and
satisfy all of the following requirements to be filed under s.
20180.0125 (2) (a)
SB810,159 21Section 159. 180.0120 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB810,197,2422 180.0120 (1) (g) Be delivered to the department for filing and be accompanied
23by one exact or conformed copy and the filing fee required by s. 180.0122 unless and
24to the extent the department permits electronic delivery of records
SB810,160 25Section 160. 180.0120 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1180.0120 (3) (a) (intro.) Any of the following persons may execute a document
2described in s. 180.0122 (1) (a), (b), (h) to (j), (Lg), (m) to (r) and (u) to (ym) par. (am):
SB810,161 3Section 161. 180.0120 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB810,198,44 180.0120 (3) (am) The documents to which par. (a) applies are the following:
SB810,198,55 1. Articles of incorporation.
SB810,198,66 2. An application for use of indistinguishable name.
SB810,198,77 3. An application for registered name or renewal of registered name.
SB810,198,88 4. A statement of change of registered office.
SB810,198,99 5. A director or principal officer statement under s. 180.0860 (1).
SB810,198,1010 6. Amendment of articles of incorporation.
SB810,198,1211 7. Restatement of articles of incorporation with or without amendment of