SB70-AA1,453 14Section 453. 48.43 (5) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,230,2015 48.43 (5) (b) 1. The court shall hold a hearing to review the permanency plan
16within 30 days after receiving a report under par. (a). At least 10 days before the date
17of the hearing, the court shall provide notice of the time, place, and purpose of the
18hearing to the agency that prepared the report, the child's guardian, the child, and
19the child's foster parent, the operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the
20relative or like-kin with whom the child is living.
SB70-AA1,454 21Section 454. 48.43 (5) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,231,422 48.43 (5) (b) 3. The court shall give a foster parent, operator of a facility, or
23relative or like-kin who is notified of a hearing under subd. 1. a right to be heard at
24the hearing by permitting the foster parent, operator, or relative or like-kin to make
25a written or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement

1prior to the hearing, relevant to the issues to be determined at the hearing. The foster
2parent, operator of a facility, or relative or like-kin does not become a party to the
3proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice
4and right to be heard.
SB70-AA1,455 5Section 455. 48.43 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,231,116 48.43 (5m) Either the court or the agency that prepared the permanency plan
7shall furnish a copy of the original plan and each revised plan to the child, if he or
8she is 12 years of age or over, to the child's guardian, to the child's foster parent, the
9operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the relative or like-kin with
10whom the child is living, and, if the order under sub. (1) involuntarily terminated
11parental rights to an Indian child, to the Indian child's tribe.
SB70-AA1,456 12Section 456. 48.57 (3m) (a) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,231,2013 48.57 (3m) (a) 1. b. The person is under 21 years of age, the person is a full-time
14student in good academic standing at a secondary school or its vocational or technical
15equivalent, an individualized education program under s. 115.787 is in effect for the
16person, and the person is placed in the home of the kinship care relative provider
17under an order under s. 48.355, 48.357, 48.365, 938.355, 938.357, or 938.365 that
18terminates under s. 48.355 (4) (b) or 938.355 (4) (am) after the person attains 18 years
19of age or under a voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement under s.
2048.366 (3) or 938.366 (3).
SB70-AA1,457 21Section 457. 48.57 (3m) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,231,2322 48.57 (3m) (a) 2. “Kinship care relative” provider" means a relative other than
23a parent, an extended family member, as defined in s. 48.028 (2) (am), or like-kin.
SB70-AA1,458 24Section 458. 48.57 (3m) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
148.57 (3m) (am) (intro.) From the appropriations under s. 20.437 (2) (dz), (md),
2(me), and (s), the department shall reimburse counties having populations of less
3than 750,000 for payments made under this subsection and shall make payments
4under this subsection in a county having a population of 750,000 or more. Subject
5to par. (ap), a county department and, in a county having a population of 750,000 or
6more, the department shall make payments in the amount of $300 per month
7beginning on January 1, 2022, to a kinship care relative provider who is providing
8care and maintenance for a child if all of the following conditions are met:
SB70-AA1,43q 9Section 43q. 48.57 (3m) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,232,2110 48.57 (3m) (am) (intro.) From the appropriations under s. 20.437 (2) (dz), (md),
11(me), and (s), the department shall reimburse counties having populations of less
12than 750,000 for payments made under this subsection and shall make payments
13under this subsection in a county having a population of 750,000 or more. Subject
14to par. (ap), and if all of the following conditions are met, beginning on January 1,
a county department and, in a county having a population of 750,000 or more,
16the department shall make monthly payments to a kinship care provider who is
17providing care and maintenance for a child
in the amount of $300 per month
18beginning on January 1, 2022, to a kinship care relative who is providing care and
19maintenance for a child if all of the following conditions are met
$441 for a child
20under 5 years of age; $483 for a child 5 to 11 years of age; $548 for a child 12 to 14
21years of age; and $572 for a child 15 years of age or over
SB70-AA1,459 22Section 459. 48.57 (3m) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,233,223 48.57 (3m) (am) 1. The kinship care relative provider applies to the county
24department or department for payments under this subsection and, if the child is
25placed in the home of the kinship care relative provider under a court order, other

1than a court order under s. 48.9795 or ch. 54, 2017 stats., for a license to operate a
2foster home.
SB70-AA1,460 3Section 460. 48.57 (3m) (am) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,233,74 48.57 (3m) (am) 1m. The county department or department determines that
5there is a need for the child to be placed with the kinship care relative provider and
6that the placement with the kinship care relative provider is in the best interests of
7the child.
SB70-AA1,461 8Section 461. 48.57 (3m) (am) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,233,169 48.57 (3m) (am) 4. The county department or department conducts a
10background investigation under sub. (3p) of the kinship care relative provider, any
11employee and prospective employee of the kinship care relative provider who has or
12would have regular contact with the child for whom the payments would be made and
13any other adult resident of the kinship care relative's provider's home to determine
14if the kinship care relative provider, employee, prospective employee or adult
15resident has any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the
16kinship care relative's provider's ability to care for the child.
SB70-AA1,462 17Section 462. 48.57 (3m) (am) 4m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,233,2418 48.57 (3m) (am) 4m. Subject to sub. (3p) (fm) 1. and 2., the kinship care relative
19provider states that he or she does not have any arrests or convictions that could
20adversely affect the child or the kinship care relative's provider's ability to care for
21the child and that no adult resident, as defined in sub. (3p) (a), and no employee or
22prospective employee of the kinship care relative provider who would have regular
23contact with the child has any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the
24child or the kinship care relative's provider's ability to care for the child.
SB70-AA1,463 25Section 463. 48.57 (3m) (am) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
148.57 (3m) (am) 5. The kinship care relative provider cooperates with the
2county department or department in the application process, including applying for
3other forms of assistance for which the child may be eligible.
SB70-AA1,464 4Section 464. 48.57 (3m) (am) 5m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,234,65 48.57 (3m) (am) 5m. The kinship care relative provider is not receiving
6payments under sub. (3n) with respect to the child.
SB70-AA1,465 7Section 465. 48.57 (3m) (am) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,234,108 48.57 (3m) (am) 6. The child for whom the kinship care relative provider is
9providing care and maintenance is not receiving supplemental security income
10under 42 USC 1381 to 1383c or state supplemental payments under s. 49.77.
SB70-AA1,466 11Section 466. 48.57 (3m) (an) of the statutes is created to read: