SB507,20,1717 (c) “Medical cannabis” has the meaning given in s. 94.57 (1) (f).
SB507,20,1918 (cm) “Out-of-state registry identification card" means a document that is valid
19as provided under sub. (7) (f).
SB507,20,2220 (cp) “Practitioner” means a person licensed as a physician, as defined in s.
21448.01 (5), a physician assistant, as defined in s. 448.01 (6), or an advanced practice
22nurse prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2).
SB507,20,2423 (d) “Primary caregiver" means a person who has agreed to help a qualifying
24patient use or acquire medical cannabis and who has a registry identification card.
1(e) “Qualifying patient" means a person who has been diagnosed in the course
2of a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship as having or undergoing a
3debilitating medical condition or treatment but does not include a person under the
4age of 18 years unless all of the following apply:
SB507,21,75 1. The person's practitioner has explained the potential risks and benefits of
6using medical cannabis to the person and to a parent, guardian, or person having
7legal custody of the person.
SB507,21,98 2. The parent, guardian, or person having legal custody provides the
9practitioner a written statement consenting to do all of the following:
SB507,21,1010 a. Allow the person to use medical cannabis.
SB507,21,1111 b. Serve as a primary caregiver for the person.
SB507,21,1212 c. Manage the person's use of medical cannabis.
SB507,21,1313 (f) “Registrant" means a person to whom a registry identification card is issued.
SB507,21,1514 (g) “Registry identification card" means a document issued by the department
15under sub. (4) that identifies a person as a qualifying patient or primary caregiver.
SB507,21,1716 (h) “Written certification" means a statement written by a person's practitioner
17if all of the following apply:
SB507,21,2118 1. The statement indicates that, in the practitioner's professional opinion, the
19person has or is undergoing a debilitating medical condition or treatment and the
20potential benefits of using medical cannabis would likely outweigh the health risks
21for the person.
SB507,21,2322 2. The statement indicates that the opinion described in subd. 1. was made in
23the course of a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship.
SB507,21,2524 3. The statement is signed by the practitioner or is contained in the person's
25medical records.
1(1m) Practitioner restrictions. (a) No practitioner may provide himself or
2herself or any member of his or her family with a written certification for submission
3with an application under sub. (2).
SB507,22,64 (b) No practitioner who provides a written certification under this section may
5have a financial interest in any way connected to a person or entity that produces,
6processes, dispenses, or tests cannabis.
SB507,22,9 7(2) Application. (a) An adult who is claiming to be a qualifying patient may
8apply for a registry identification card by submitting to the department all of the
SB507,22,1110 1. A signed application form that contains the applicant's name, address, and
11date of birth.
SB507,22,1212 2. A written certification.
SB507,22,1413 3. The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant's current
14practitioner, as listed in the written certification.
SB507,22,1915 4. A registration fee in an amount determined by the department, but not to
16exceed $150, except that for an applicant who is a recipient of medical assistance
17under subch. IV of ch. 49, is receiving benefits under the federal social security
18disability insurance program under 42 USC 423 or the federal supplemental security
19income program under 42 USC 1381, or is a veteran, the fee shall be $50.
SB507,22,2220 (ac) A person who is at least 21 years of age may apply for a registry
21identification card as a primary caregiver by submitting to the department all of the
SB507,22,2423 1. A signed application form that contains the applicant's name, address, and
24date of birth.
12. A copy of a written certification or copy of a registration identification card
2for each qualifying patient for whom the applicant will be the primary caregiver.
SB507,23,33 3. A registration fee of $250.
SB507,23,74 (b) The department shall promulgate rules specifying how a parent, guardian,
5or person having legal custody of a child may apply for a registry identification card
6for the child and the circumstances under which the department may approve or
7deny the application.
SB507,23,11 8(3) Processing the application. The department shall verify the information
9the applicant submitted under sub. (2) (a) or (ac) and shall approve or deny the
10application within 30 days after receiving it. The department may deny an
11application submitted under sub. (2) (a) or (ac) only if one of the following applies: