hist118897Senate Bill 268 was made a special order of business at 11:33 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118898Senate Bill 289 was made a special order of business at 11:34 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118899Senate Bill 292 was made a special order of business at 11:35 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118900Senate Bill 298 was made a special order of business at 11:36 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118901Senate Bill 351 was made a special order of business at 11:37 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118902Senate Bill 369 was made a special order of business at 11:38 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118903Senate Bill 387 was made a special order of business at 11:39 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118904Senate Bill 422 was made a special order of business at 11:40 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118905Senate Bill 437 was made a special order of business at 11:41 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118906Senate Bill 446 was made a special order of business at 11:42 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118907Senate Bill 468 was made a special order of business at 11:43 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118908Senate Bill 489 was made a special order of business at 11:44 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118909Senate Bill 500 was made a special order of business at 11:45 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118910Senate Bill 511 was made a special order of business at 11:46 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118911Senate Bill 512 was made a special order of business at 11:47 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118912Senate Bill 514 was made a special order of business at 11:48 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118913Senate Bill 527 was made a special order of business at 11:49 AM on Thursday, February 20, pursuant to Assembly Resolution 21.
hist118688Representative Steineke asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 532 be withdrawn from the committee on Rules and taken up at this time. Granted.
hist118689Assembly Bill 532
Relating to: income and franchise tax benefit for investment in Wisconsin opportunity zones and providing a penalty.
hist118690The question was: Shall Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 532 be adopted?
Motion carried.
hist118691The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 532 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
hist118692Representative Steineke asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 532 be given a third reading. Granted.
hist118693The question was: Assembly Bill 532 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
Motion carried.
hist118694Representative Steineke asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 532 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
hist118695Representative Steineke asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 592 be withdrawn from the committee on Rules and taken up at this time. Granted.