Liability insurance for physicians and nurse anesthetists temporarily authorized to practice in Wisconsin re 2019 WisAct 185 [vetoed] -
AB1Out-of-network costs related to health coverage: defined network plan prohibited from requiring enrollees to pay more than in-network during nationally declared emergency [vetoed] -
AB1Ambulance service providers re MA program: assessment, fees, and trust fund; DHS duties -
Act 228Complex rehabilitation technology contributing to independent completion of activities and mobility: DHS to reimburse MA recipient in a nursing home for -
Act 88DHS prohibited from certifying a MA provider that is a private entity providing abortion services, federal waiver provision [vetoed] -
SB503Direct care in personal care agencies: MA reimbursement rate increased [Sec. 9119 (6)] -
Act 58Emergency medical responder certification applicant: DHS cannot require National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians registration or examination, an ambulance service provider or EMS program may; military service education, training, and experience provisions [vetoed] -
SB89Hospital services provided in a home setting (hospital-associated services): standards and MA reimbursement specified, expiration set [vetoed] -
AB1Hospital-associated services provided in a home setting: 2021 WisAct 10 termination date of January 1, 2022 eliminated -
Act 208Naturopathic medicine practice: regulation and licensing provisions created; Naturopathic Medicine Examining Board created -
Act 130Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions [vetoed] -
SB593State COVID-19 response: MA payments to hospitals for nursing-level-facility custodial care; hospital-associated services standards; temporary credentials for health care providers licensed in another state, telehealth provision -
Act 10Battery or threat to health care providers, staff members at a health care facility, or their family made a felony -
Act 209Board of Nursing practice, licensure, and certification requirement changes re advanced practice RN, nurse-midwifery, prescribing authority, and terminology and technical changes [vetoed] -
SB394Complementary and alternative health care (CAHC) practitioners: requirements and prohibitions established; exemption from prohibition against acting without certain health-care related credentials under set conditions; DSPS authority [vetoed] -
AB86Critical incident mapping data: grants to schools to submit data to public safety officials -
Act 109Discharged military medical personnel who recently served in certain medical positions may temporarily practice certain skilled health services without a license under supervision; conditions specified; emergency rule provision -
Act 158Emergency medical responder certification applicant: DHS cannot require National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians registration or examination, an ambulance service provider or EMS program may; military service education, training, and experience provisions [vetoed] -
SB89EMS personnel and providers with credentials from another state may provide services in Wisconsin; conditions and expiration provisions [vetoed] -
AB1Health care providers licensed in another state: DSPS may grant temporary credentials under certain conditions [vetoed] -
AB1Pharmacy technicians authorized to administer vaccines and specified drugs for adverse reactions; any health care provider authorized to administer vaccines may supervise pharmacy students administering vaccines; use of title “pharmacist” provision -
Act 3Service award program appropriation [Sec. 13, 14, 81, 82] -
Act 58Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer, paid fire department member, or emergency medical responder funding; conditions specified [vetoed] -
SB119State COVID-19 response: MA payments to hospitals for nursing-level-facility custodial care; hospital-associated services standards; temporary credentials for health care providers licensed in another state, telehealth provision -
Act 10