SB70-AA1,207,20 18(3) From the appropriations under s. 20.437 (1) (bc) and (kb), the department
19shall distribute $55,000 in each fiscal year to Diverse and Resilient, Inc., to provide
20programs that accomplish one or more of the purposes under sub. (2m).
SB70-AA1,386 21Section 386. 48.545 of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA1,387 22Section 387. 49.1385 of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA1,388 23Section 388. 49.175 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,208,524 49.175 (1) Allocation of funds. (intro.) In this section, with respect to any
25of the following that fund a contract for services, “allocate” means to designate an

1amount of money equal to the amount under the contract that the department is
2obligated to pay.
Except as provided in sub. (2), within the limits of the
3appropriations under s. 20.437 (2) (a), (cm), (dz), (k), (kx), (L), (mc), (md), (me), and
4(s) and (3) (kp), the department shall allocate the following amounts for the following
SB70-AA1,389 6Section 389. 49.175 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,208,107 49.175 (1) (f) Homeless case management services grants. For grants to shelter
8facilities under s. 16.3085, $500,000 $1,000,000 in each fiscal year. All moneys
9allocated under this paragraph shall be credited to the appropriation account under
10s. 20.505 (7) (kg).
SB70-AA1,390 11Section 390. 49.175 (1) (ms) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,208,1412 49.175 (1) (ms) Child support debt reduction. For the child support debt
13reduction program for low-income noncustodial parents under s. 49.226, $3,472,000
14in fiscal year 2023-24 and $6,944,000 in fiscal year 2024-25.
SB70-AA1,391 15Section 391. 49.175 (1) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,208,1816 49.175 (1) (o) Evidence-based substance abuse prevention grants Grants for
17youth services
. For grants awarded under s. 48.545 (2) (c) 48.481, $500,000 in each
18fiscal year.
SB70-AA1,392 19Section 392. 49.175 (1) (t) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,209,220 49.175 (1) (t) Safety and out-of-home placement services. For services provided
21to ensure the safety of children who the department or a county determines may
22remain at home if appropriate services are provided, and for services provided to
23families with children placed in out-of-home care, $10,314,300 $6,282,400 in each
24fiscal year. To receive funding under this paragraph, a county shall match a
25percentage of the amount received that is equal to the percentage the county is

1required to match for a distribution under s. 48.563 (2) as specified by the schedule
2established by the department under s. 48.569 (1) (d).
SB70-AA1,393 3Section 393. 49.175 (1) (zh) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA1,209,84 49.175 (1) (zh) Earned income tax credit supplement. For the transfer of
5moneys from the appropriation account under s. 20.437 (2) (md) to the appropriation
6account under s. 20.835 (2) (kf) for the earned income tax credit, $63,600,000
7$109,020,000 in fiscal year 2021-22 2023-24 and $66,600,000 $111,260,000 in fiscal
8year 2022-23 2024-25.
SB70-AA1,394 9Section 394. 49.226 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA1,209,13 1049.226 Child support debt reduction. (1) The department shall establish
11a program to provide a noncustodial child support debt reduction. A noncustodial
12parent qualifies to receive $1,500 in debt reduction under this section if all of the
13following apply:
SB70-AA1,209,1514 (a) The noncustodial parent completes an eligible employment program, as
15defined by the department in rules promulgated under sub. (3).
SB70-AA1,209,1716 (b) The custodial parent agrees to reducing child support debt owed up to the
17amount of the benefit paid.
SB70-AA1,209,19 18(2) A noncustodial parent may not receive debt reduction under sub. (1) more
19than once in any 12-month period.
SB70-AA1,209,22 20(3) The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section,
21including rules to determine how debt reduction provided under sub. (1) is
22apportioned among multiple child support orders.
SB70-AA1,9106 23Section 9106. Nonstatutory provisions; Children and Families.
SB70-AA1,210,524 (1k) Child support debt reduction; emergency rulemaking. The department
25of children and families may promulgate emergency rules under s. 227.24 to

1implement s. 49.226. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3), the
2department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this
3subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
4health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a
5rule promulgated under this subsection.
SB70-AA1,9406 6Section 9406. Effective dates; Children and Families.
SB70-AA1,210,87 (1k) Child support debt reduction. The treatment of s. 49.226 takes effect on
8the first day of the 7th month beginning after publication.”.
SB70-AA1,210,9 9153. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA1,210,11 10 Section 395. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
11insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-AA1,210,12 12154. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA1,210,13 13 Section 396. 16.3095 of the statutes is created to read: