NR 110.26(8)(d)(d) Drainage and filtrate disposal. The drainage from drying beds or shallow lagoons and the filtrate from dewatering units shall be returned to the sewage treatment process at appropriate points. NR 110.26(8)(e)(e) Other dewatering facilities. If other methods of reducing the quantity of sludge are proposed, a detailed description of the process and design data shall accompany the plans. NR 110.26(9)(a)(a) Incineration. Adequate provisions for residue disposal and air pollution control shall be provided. The appropriate requirements of chs. NR 415, 204 and 500 to 538 shall be met. NR 110.26(9)(b)(b) Other reduction facilities. If other methods of reducing the quantity of sludge are proposed, a detailed description of the process and design data shall accompany the plans. NR 110.26(10)(a)(a) General. Sludge storage shall be provided by facilities in accordance with ch. NR 204. A detailed description of the wastewater treatment process and design data shall accompany the plans for the proposed storage facility. Sludge storage facilities shall be designated and operated to maintain compliance with the groundwater quality standards in ch. NR 140. In the event a sludge storage facility is temporary, it shall be abandoned in such a manner so as to prevent safety, environmental and aesthetic problems from occurring. The department shall be notified in writing if the storage facility is to be abandoned and how abandonment will be accomplished. NR 110.26(10)(b)1.1. Sludge storage facilities may not be located within the following distances of a water supply well. NR 110.26(10)(b)3.3. A minimum separation distance of 1.25 meters (4 feet) shall be maintained between the bottom of storage lagoons and the highest recorded or indicated seasonal groundwater table elevation. NR 110.26(10)(b)4.4. A minimum separation distance of 3 meters (10 feet) shall be maintained between the bottom of storage lagoons and bedrock. NR 110.26(10)(c)1.1. Lagoon sludge storage facilities shall be designed to facilitate easy addition and removal of sludge without causing damage to the facility. NR 110.26(10)(c)3.3. The maximum lagoon depth shall be 6 meters (20 feet). The depth may be increased by the department on a case-by-case basis. NR 110.26(10)(d)1.1. Storage tanks shall be designed, installed and maintained to prevent leaks due to corrosion or structural failure. NR 110.26(10)(d)2.2. Liquid sludge storage facilities shall be designed with mixing capabilities to completely mix the tank contents. NR 110.26(10)(d)3.3. Supernatant withdrawal capability is recommended if the solids content of the sludge is less than 5%. NR 110.26(10)(d)4.4. Sampling ports shall be provided on both the influent and effluent lines to the tank. It is recommended that sample ports be equipped with drainage capabilities or other provisions to allow for a means to sample the tank effluent without actual discharge. NR 110.26(10)(e)1.1. Permanent and temporary cake storage facilities shall be designed to minimize odors and to protect surface waters, groundwaters and soil. NR 110.26(10)(e)3.3. Cake storage facilities designed as pits shall provide a method of draining-off and collecting precipitation. NR 110.26(10)(e)4.4. All sludge stored at an intermediate term cake storage facility shall be covered with a temporary cover. At a minimum, the cover shall be a 4 mil polyethylene cover or equivalent. The cover shall be anchored or otherwise secured. NR 110.26(10)(e)5.5. All sludge stored at a long term cake storage facility shall be covered with a permanent cover.