(b) An obligation of an interest holder of an entity under its organizational
19documents to contribute to the entity.
20(20) “Merger" means a transaction authorized by ss. 179.1121 to 179.1125.
21(21) “Merging entity" means an entity that is a party to a merger and exists
22immediately before the merger becomes effective.
23(22m) “Non-United States entity" means an entity whose governing law is the
24law of any jurisdiction other than the United States or any state, but does not include
25an entity that has domesticated under the law of any other state.
1(23m) “Organizational documents" means, with respect to an entity, whether
2in a record or, to the extent permitted under the entity's governing law, other than
3in a record, the following or its equivalent under the entity's governing law:
(a) For a domestic or foreign corporation, whether or not for profit, its articles
5of incorporation and bylaws.
(b) For a domestic or foreign partnership, its partnership agreement and, in the
7case of a domestic or foreign limited liability partnership, its statement of
8qualification as a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability
(c) For a domestic or foreign limited partnership, its certificate of limited
11partnership and partnership agreement.
(d) For a domestic or foreign limited liability company, its certificate or articles
13of organization and operating agreement.
(e) For a business trust, its agreement of trust and declaration of trust.
(f) For any other entity, the basic records, agreements, or other items that
16create the entity and control its internal governance and the relations among its
17interest holders.
18(24) “Plan" means a plan of merger under s. 179.1122, a plan of interest
19exchange under s. 179.1132, a plan of conversion under s. 179.1142, or a plan of
20domestication under s. 179.1152.
21(37) “Surviving entity" means the entity that continues in existence after or is
22created by a merger.
23(38) “Type of entity" means a generic form of entity that is any of the following:
(a) Recognized at common law.
(b) Recognized under a governing law.
1179.1102 Relationship of subchapter to other laws. (1) This subchapter
2does not authorize an act prohibited by, and does not affect the application or
3requirements of, law other than this subchapter.
4(2) A transaction effected under this subchapter may not create or impair a
5right, duty, or obligation of a person under the law of this state, other than this
6subchapter, relating to a change in control, takeover, business combination,
7control-share acquisition, or similar transaction involving a domestic constituent,
8acquired, or converting entity.
9179.1103 Existing purpose. (2) Property held for a charitable purpose under
10the law of this state by a domestic or foreign entity immediately before a transaction
11under this subchapter becomes effective may not, as a result of the transaction, be
12diverted from the objects for which it was donated, granted, devised, or otherwise
13transferred. An entity that is or plans to be engaged in a transaction covered by this
14subchapter may apply to the circuit court for a determination regarding the
15transaction's compliance with cy pres or other law dealing with nondiversion of
16charitable assets.
17(3) A bequest, devise, gift, grant, or promise contained in a will or other
18instrument of donation, subscription, or conveyance that is made to a merging entity
19which is not the surviving entity and that takes effect or remains payable after the
20merger inures to the surviving entity.
21(4) A trust obligation that would govern property if transferred to a
22nonsurviving entity applies to property that is transferred to the surviving entity
23under this section.
1179.1104 Nonexclusivity. The fact that a transaction under this subchapter
2produces a certain result does not preclude the same result from being accomplished
3in any other manner permitted by law other than this subchapter.
4179.1105 Reference to external facts. A plan may refer to facts
5ascertainable outside the plan if the manner in which the facts will operate upon the
6plan is specified in the plan. The facts may include the occurrence of an event or a
7determination or action by a person, whether or not the event, determination, or
8action is within the control of a party to the transaction.
9179.1121 Merger authorized.
(1) One or more domestic limited
10partnerships may merge with or into one or more other constituent entities pursuant
11to ss. 179.1121 to 179.1125 and a plan of merger if the merger is permitted under the
12governing law of each constituent entity and each constituent entity approves the
13plan of merger in the manner required by its governing law.
14(2) One or more other domestic or foreign entities may merge with or into a
15domestic limited partnership pursuant to ss. 179.1121 to 179.1125 and a plan of
16merger if the merger is permitted under the governing law of each constituent entity
17and each constituent entity approves the plan of merger in the manner required by
18its governing law.
19179.1122 Plan of merger. (1) A plan of merger must be in a record and
20contain all of the following:
(a) As to each constituent entity, its name, type of entity, and governing law.
(b) The terms and conditions of the merger.
(c) The manner and basis of converting the interests in each constituent entity
24into interests, securities, or obligations of the surviving entity, rights to acquire such
25interests or securities, money, other property, or any combination of the foregoing.