hist168562SOLVERSON, KARL DUANE of La Crosse, as a Veterinarian on the Veterinary Examining Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2023.
hist168563THORN, ELLEN M. of Sparta, as a Wisconsin Bar Representative on the Public Defender Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2025.
hist168564VETTE, JOHN of Oshkosh, as a Winnebago County Representative on the Fox River Navigational System Authority, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2025.
hist168565WAGNER, DAVID J. of Saukville, as a Certified General Appraiser on the Real Estate Appraisers Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2026.
hist168566WILLIAMSON, MICHAEL of Middleton, as a Member on the Livestock Facility Siting Review Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2024.
hist168567XIONG, MAI NENG of Omro, as a Public Member on the Public Defender Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2025.
The question was: Confirmation en masse?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 33; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Agard, Ballweg, Bradley, Cabral-Guevara, Carpenter, Cowles, Felzkowski, Feyen, Hesselbein, Hutton, Jacque, Jagler, James, L. Johnson, Kapenga, Knodl, Larson, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Pfaff, Quinn, Roys, Smith, Spreitzer, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Taylor, Testin, Tomczyk, Wanggaard, Wimberger and Wirch - 33.
Noes - None - 0.
Absent or not voting - None - 0.
Of Rice Lake, as a Real Estate Broker Representative on the Real Estate Examining Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2026.
hist168569The question was: Confirmation?
Senators Quinn and Roys, with unanimous consent, asked to be excused from voting, pursuant to Senate Rule 73 (1).
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 31; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 2; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Agard, Ballweg, Bradley, Cabral-Guevara, Carpenter, Cowles, Felzkowski, Feyen, Hesselbein, Hutton, Jacque, Jagler, James, L. Johnson, Kapenga, Knodl, Larson, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Pfaff, Smith, Spreitzer, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Taylor, Testin, Tomczyk, Wanggaard, Wimberger and Wirch - 31.
Noes - None - 0.
Absent or not voting - Senators Quinn and Roys - 2.
Second reading and amendments of senate joint resolutions and senate bills
Senate Bill 24
Relating to: the distribution and labeling of fertilizers and soil or plant additives produced from manure.
hist168570Read a second time.
hist168571Ordered to a third reading.
hist168572Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading.