AB188-ASA1,20,156 938.52 (2) (a) In addition to facilities and services under sub. (1), the
7department of corrections may use other facilities and services under its jurisdiction.
8The department of corrections may contract for and pay for the use of other public
9facilities or private facilities for the care and treatment of juveniles in its care.
10Placement of a juvenile in a private or public facility that is not under the jurisdiction
11of the department of corrections does not terminate that department's supervision
12over the juvenile under s. 938.183, 938.34 (4h) or (4n), or 938.357 (3) or (4).
13Placements in institutions for persons with a mental illness or development
14disability shall be made in accordance with ss. 48.14 (5), 48.63, and 938.34 (6) (am)
15and ch. 51.
AB188-ASA1,20,1816 (c) The department of corrections may inspect any facility it is using and
17examine and consult with persons under its supervision under s. 938.183, 938.34
18(4h) or (4n), or 938.357 (3) or (4) who have been placed in the facility.
AB188-ASA1,53 19Section 53 . 938.53 of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act 185,
20section 100, is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,21,2 21938.53 Duration of control of department of corrections over
Except as provided under s. 938.183, a juvenile adjudged delinquent
23who has been placed under the supervision of the department of corrections under
24s. 938.183, 938.34 (4h) or (4n), or 938.357 (3) or (4) shall be discharged as soon as that
25department determines that there is a reasonable probability that departmental

1supervision is no longer necessary for the rehabilitation and treatment of the
2juvenile or for the protection of the public.
AB188-ASA1,54 3Section 54 . 938.533 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,21,104 938.533 (2) Community supervision services. (intro.) From the appropriation
5under s. 20.410 (3) (hr), the department of corrections shall purchase or provide
6community supervision services for juveniles who have been placed under the
7community supervision of the department of corrections under s. 938.183, 938.34
8(4n) (4h), 938.357 (3) or (4), or 938.538 (3) (a) 2. For each juvenile who is placed under
9community supervision, the department of corrections may purchase or provide any
10of the following services:
AB188-ASA1,55 11Section 55 . 938.54 of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act 185,
12section 107, is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,21,19 13938.54 Records. The department of corrections shall keep a complete record
14on each juvenile under its supervision under s. 938.183, 938.34 (4h) , or (4n) or
15938.357 (3) or (4). This record shall include the information received from the court,
16the date of reception, all available data on the personal and family history of the
17juvenile, the results of all tests and examinations given the juvenile, and a complete
18history of all placements of the juvenile while under the supervision of the
19department of corrections.
AB188-ASA1,56 20Section 56 . 938.57 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,22,821 938.57 (4) Aftercare supervision. A county department may provide aftercare
22supervision under s. 938.34 (4n) for juveniles who are released from juvenile
23correctional facilities or secured residential care centers for children and youth. If
24a county department intends to change its policy regarding whether the county
25department will provide aftercare supervision for juveniles released from juvenile

1correctional facilities or secured residential care centers for children and youth or the
2department of corrections will provide community supervision for those juveniles,
3the county executive or county administrator, or, if the county has no county
4executive or county administrator, the chairperson of the county board of
5supervisors, or, for multicounty departments, the chairpersons of the county boards
6of supervisors jointly, shall submit a letter to the department of corrections stating
7that intent before July 1 of the year preceding the year in which the policy change
8will take effect.
AB188-ASA1,57 9Section 57 . 938.78 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,23,610 938.78 (3) Release of information when escape or absence; rules. If a juvenile
11adjudged delinquent under s. 48.12, 1993 stats., or s. 938.12 or found to be in need
12of protection or services under s. 48.13 (12) or (14), 1993 stats., or s. 938.13 (12) or
13(14) on the basis of a violation of s. 943.23 (1m) or (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 941.10, 941.11,
14941.20, 941.21, 941.23, 941.231, 941.235, 941.237, 941.26, 941.28, 941.295, 941.298,
15941.30, 941.31, 941.32, 941.325, 943.02, 943.03, 943.04, 943.10 (2) (a), 943.23 (1g),
16943.32 (2), 948.02, 948.025, 948.03, 948.05, 948.055, 948.085 (2), 948.60, 948.605, or
17948.61 or any crime specified in ch. 940 has escaped from a juvenile correctional
18facility, residential care center for children and youth, secured residential care center
19for children and youth,
inpatient facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (10), juvenile
20detention facility, or juvenile portion of a county jail, or from the custody of a peace
21officer or a guard of such a facility, center, or jail, or has been allowed to leave a
22juvenile correctional facility, residential care center for children and youth, secured
23residential care center for children and youth,
inpatient facility, juvenile detention
24facility, or juvenile portion of a county jail for a specified time period and is absent
25from the facility, center, home, or jail for more than 12 hours after the expiration of

1the specified period, the department of corrections or county department, whichever
2has supervision over the juvenile, may release the juvenile's name and any
3information about the juvenile that is necessary for the protection of the public or to
4secure the juvenile's return to the facility, center, home, or jail. The department of
5corrections shall promulgate rules establishing guidelines for the release of the
6juvenile's name or information about the juvenile to the public.
AB188-ASA1,58 7Section 58 . 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 38 is repealed.
AB188-ASA1,59 8Section 59 . 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 70 is repealed.
AB188-ASA1,60 9Section 60. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (1) (a) is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,23,2110[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (1) (a) Upon the establishment of the Type
111 juvenile correctional facilities under subsection (7) and the secured residential care
12centers for children and youth under subsections (4) and (7m), the department of
13corrections shall begin to transfer each juvenile held in secure custody at the Lincoln
14Hills School and Copper Lake School to the appropriate Type 1 juvenile correctional
15facility or secured residential care center for children and youth. No juvenile may
16be transferred to a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility until the department of
17corrections determines the facility to be ready to accept juveniles, and no juvenile
18may be transferred to a secured residential care center for children and youth until
19the entity operating the facility determines it to be ready to accept juveniles. The
20transfers may occur in phases. The department shall transfer all juveniles under
21this subsection no later than January July 1, 2021.
AB188-ASA1,61 22Section 61. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (2) (a) is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,24,323[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (2) (a) On the earlier of the date on which
24all juveniles have been transferred to secured residential care centers for children
25and youth and Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities under subsection (1) or January,

1July 1, 2021, the department of corrections shall permanently close the Type 1
2juvenile correctional facilities housed at the Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake
3School in the town of Birch, Lincoln County.
AB188-ASA1,62 4Section 62. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (3) (c) is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,24,85[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (3) (c) Termination. The juvenile
6corrections grant committee terminates on the earlier of the date on which all
7projects funded with grants under subsection (4) are completed or January July 1,
AB188-ASA1,63 9Section 63. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (4) (a) 1. c. is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,24,1310[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (4) (a) 1. c. A grant to pay 100 percent of
11the costs of designing and constructing a secured residential care center for children
12and youth only for female juveniles or any portion thereof that is only intended
for the holding and treatment of female juveniles.
AB188-ASA1,64 14Section 64 . 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (4) (d) is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,24,1915[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (4) (d) Deadline. Grant applications are
16due no later than March 31 June 30, 2019. Between that date and June 30
17September 30, 2019, the juvenile corrections grant committee may work with
18applicants to modify their applications in order to increase the likelihood of being
19awarded a grant.
AB188-ASA1,65 20Section 65 . 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (4) (e) is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,25,421[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (4) (e) Wisconsin model of juvenile justice;
22statewide plan.
The juvenile corrections grant committee shall develop a statewide
23plan that recommends which grant applications to approve, based on an overall view
24toward a Wisconsin model of juvenile justice. The committee shall consult with the
25departments of corrections and children and families on the statewide plan and may

1not recommend approval of an application unless the department of corrections
2approves the plans and specifications for the site and the design and construction of
3the proposed secured residential care center for children and youth under section
4301.37 of the statutes
AB188-ASA1,66 5Section 66 . 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (4) (f) is amended to read:
AB188-ASA1,25,116[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (4) (f) Plan approval. No later than July
7October 1, 2019, the juvenile corrections grant committee shall submit the plan
8under paragraph (e) for approval to the joint committee on finance. The juvenile
9corrections grant committee and the department of corrections may not implement
10the plan until it is approved by the joint committee on finance, as submitted or as
AB188-ASA1,67 12Section 67. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (6) (e) is amended to read: