Environmental impact report per s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.
A 299; S 410

Hunger programs: annual report per s. 49.76, Wis.Stats.
A 299

Impact of CIP 1A on state employees per s. 46.275 (5m), Wis.Stats.
A 85, 729; S 133, 808

Involuntary administration of psychotropic medication orders per s. 55.14 (12), Wis.Stats.
A 414; S 525

MA dental reimbursement pilot project update per s. 49.45 (24k)(c), Wis.Stats.

Mandate 19-04 WHAIC report per s. 153.05 (2m)(c), Wis.Stats.
A 152; S 227

Mental health services by county per s. 51.42 (7)(d), Wis.Stats.

Non-statutory provision of [2017] Act 178: cost estimate of an independent study per s. 47.05 (4)(a), Wis.Stats.

Participation of low-income households in DHS food programs per s. 49.76, Wis.Stats.
A 299; S 410

Public health emergency preparedness report per s. 250.03 (3)(b), Wis.Stats.
A 299; S 410

Rehabilitation review requests: annual report per s. 50.065 (5g), Wis.Stats.
A 60, 533; S 98, 639

Statewide immunization program report per s. 252.04 (11), Wis.Stats.
A 268; S 353

Tobacco prevention and control program annual report per s. 255.15 (4), Wis.Stats.
A 153; S 227

Higher Educational Aids Board, Wisconsin

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 365; S 474

Housing and Economic Development Authority, Wisconsin

Annual activity report per s. 234.65, Wis.Stats.
A 448

Dividends for Wisconsin report per s. 234.165 (2)(b), Wis.Stats.

Partnership lending program annual report per s. 234.65 (4), Wis.Stats.

Qualified development reports per s. 234.45 (6), Wis.Stats.
A 448; S 10, 638

Wisconsin Development Reserve Fund per s. 234.93 (5), Wis.Stats.
A 268; S 354

Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of

Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund annual functional and progress report per s. 655.27 (4)(f), Wis.Stats.
A 714; S 808

Social and financial impact report: 2019 SB100/AB114 re registration and regulation of pharmacy benefit managers, drug pricing transparency
A 118

Wisconsin Insurance Report per s. 601.46 (3), Wis.Stats.
A 268; S 354

Wisconsin insurance report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.

Investment Board

Administrative rules biennial report per s. 227.29 (1), Wis.Stats.
S 134

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 299; S 410