DOC 335.08(3)(a)2.2. An analysis of the probable impact of the proposed action on the environment of human beings, to include identification of positive as well as negative effects of the proposed action and, wherever possible, indirect as well as direct consequences for the environment. DOC 335.08(3)(a)3.3. Alternatives to the proposed action, including a rigorous exploration and objective evaluation of the environmental impacts of all reasonable alternatives, particularly those that might avoid all or some of the adverse environmental effects of the proposed action. If the department has a preferred alternative to the proposed action, that should be identified. DOC 335.08(3)(a)4.4. A discussion of probable adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented. Protective and mitigative measures to be taken as part of the proposed action shall be identified. DOC 335.08(3)(a)5.5. A discussion of the relationship between short-term use of the environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity. DOC 335.08(3)(a)6.6. Identification of significant irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources that would be involved in the proposed action, if implemented, with a statement identifying the extent to which the proposed action irreversibly curtails the range of potential uses of the environment. DOC 335.08(3)(a)7.7. Details of the beneficial aspects of the proposed action, and of the economic advantages and disadvantages of the proposed action. DOC 335.08(3)(a)8.8. A summary of the scoping process used and of the major issues identified through it for detailed analysis in the EIS. DOC 335.08(3)(b)(b) The EIS shall be an analytical document that enables environmental factors to be considered in the development of a proposed action. It shall be considered by the department in the decision-making process. DOC 335.08(3)(c)(c) An EIS is not a document of justification. On the other hand, disclosure of adverse environmental effects does not necessarily mean that a proposed action should be abandoned. DOC 335.08(3)(d)(d) Where proposed actions are likely to be repeated on a recurring basis or where they have relevant similarities such as common timing, impacts, alternatives, methods of implementation, or subject matter, a generic EIS may be prepared. The department shall, when addressing a single action already covered by a generic EIS, examine the relevance of the generic EIS to the specific action. DOC 335.08 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1992, No. 435, eff. 4-1-92. DOC 335.09(1)(1) Specified distribution. Copies of the DEIS shall be distributed to: DOC 335.09(1)(b)(b) The department of natural resources and other state, federal, and local government agencies having special expertise, interest or jurisdiction. DOC 335.09(1)(c)(c) Regional and county planning agencies located within the proposed project or action area. DOC 335.09(1)(e)1.1. For proposed actions affecting a local area, the nearest public library. DOC 335.09(1)(e)2.2. For projects of regional importance, public libraries with a geographic distribution which permits public access without undue travel. DOC 335.09(1)(e)3.3. For projects having statewide significance, public libraries providing reasonable access for individuals who could be affected by the proposed action. DOC 335.09(1)(f)(f) The county clerk, city clerk or town clerk for proposed actions affecting a local area. DOC 335.09(1)(g)(g) Any individual or group requesting a copy. Requests should be sent to the Division of Management Services, Department of Corrections, P.O. Box 7925, Madison, WI 53707-7925. DOC 335.09(2)(a)(a) The department shall publish in local newspapers, or in the official state newspaper, as appropriate, a notice of availability of the DEIS which briefly describes the proposed action and the administrative procedures being followed in review for environmental impact, sets the last date by which comments on the DEIS are to be submitted to the department, indicates locations where copies of the DEIS are available for review, and provides an address from which any interested party may obtain a copy of the DEIS. DOC 335.09(2)(b)(b) The department shall send copies of the notice of availability to: DOC 335.09(2)(b)2.2. Groups and individuals known to have an interest in the particular EIS; and