Joint Rule 81r.
Limited-business floorperiod; bills introduced by the joint committee for review of administrative rules. In addition to the floorperiod required under joint rule
81m, the biennial session schedule may provide for a floorperiod after the last general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session schedule for the spring of the even-numbered year that is limited to action on bills introduced by the joint committee for review of administrative rules under section
227.19 (5) (e) of the statutes.
oint Rule 82.
Veto review session, even-numbered year. jr82(1)(1) The biennial session schedule shall provide for a veto review session no earlier than April 1 of the even-numbered year and no later than June 30 of the even-numbered year.
(1m) The veto review session is a floorperiod limited to action on:
(a) Gubernatorial vetoes or partial vetoes.
(b) Pending nominations for appointments requiring senate or assembly confirmation.
(c) Revisor's correction or revisor's revision bills.
(d) Reconciliation bills introduced by the committee on organization of either house that resolve conflicts between mutually inconsistent acts of the biennial session and proposals recalled for further legislative action under joint rule
60 (2).
(e) Bills introduced by the joint committee on employment relations for the ratification of state employee collective bargaining contracts under section
111.92 (1) of the statutes.
(f) Resolutions or joint resolutions introduced by the committee on organization of either house.
(g) Resolutions or joint resolutions offering recognition or condolences introduced by any member of the legislature.
jr82(2)(a)(a) Unless otherwise provided by the committee on senate organization or the assembly committee on rules, any vetoes of regular or special session bills not previously on a calendar in the house of origin shall be shown as pending business on the calendar for the veto review session's first day.
(b) Any pending veto that does not receive final action during the veto review session is sustained. The disposition shall be recorded as “failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the governor."
(3) Any veto received from the other house for concurrence notwithstanding the objections of the governor may be taken up immediately.
(4) The action of either house on the motion to pass a bill, or part thereof, notwithstanding the objections of the governor is not subject to a motion for reconsideration.
oint Rule 83.
Introduction and disposition of proposals. jr83(1)(1) During any scheduled floorperiod the introduction, or offering, and disposition of proposals and the offering and disposition of amendments, and citations, shall, in each house, be governed by the rules thereof.
(3) Any proposal on which final action has not been taken at the adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod in the odd-numbered year is carried forward to the even-numbered year.
jr83(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par.
(b), at the adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session schedule for the spring of the even-numbered year, any bill or joint resolution not yet agreed to by both houses, and any resolution not yet passed by the house of origin, is adversely disposed of for the biennial session and recorded as “failed to pass," “failed to adopt," or “failed to concur."
(b) If the biennial session schedule provides for a limited-business floorperiod under joint rule
81r, any bills introduced by the joint committee for review of administrative rules that are not yet agreed to by both houses are adversely disposed of for the biennial session at the conclusion of the limited-business floorperiod under joint rule
81r and are recorded as “failed to pass."
(5) Following the adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session schedule for the spring of the even-numbered year, no further regular session proposals may be introduced or offered for the balance of the biennial session, except proposals under joint rule
81 (2) (c) or
82 (1m); or required for the conduct of any special session called by the governor, of any extraordinary session called by the legislature, of the veto review session, or of any extended floorperiod.
oint Rule 84.
Committees continue throughout biennial session. Every standing committee and, unless otherwise ordered, every special committee of one or both houses, continues throughout the entire biennial session of the legislature creating the committee. Any such committee may:
Meetings. Meet, on call of the chairperson, in the capitol. As authorized by section
13.123 (3) (a) of the statutes, any committee may, with the prior consent of the committee on senate organization in the case of senate committees or of all of the officers required by assembly rule in the case of assembly committees, meet at such other locations throughout this state as the chairperson announces. Each committee meeting shall be given due public notice. No such committee may schedule an executive session outside the capitol unless the executive session is held in conjunction with a public meeting of the committee.
Public notice. In compliance with the appropriate senate and assembly rules, hold public hearings and executive sessions and conduct any other committee business on the proposals that have been referred to the committee.