SB667-SSA1,14,1917 (e) 1. For purposes of par. (c), a trustee is not considered to have acted in bad
18faith solely because the trustee accepted the property that is the subject of the
19recoverable qualified disposition.
SB667-SSA1,14,2220 2. For purposes of par. (d), a beneficiary, including a beneficiary who is a
21transferor, is not considered to have acted in bad faith solely because the beneficiary
22accepted a distribution made in accordance with the terms of the legacy trust.
SB667-SSA1,14,2423 3. For purposes of pars. (c) and (d), a creditor has the burden of proving by clear
24and convincing evidence that a trustee or a beneficiary acted in bad faith.
1(2) A court shall award costs and reasonable attorney fees to a prevailing party
2in a final judgment in an action that is wholly or partially brought under this section
3or s. 701.1306.
SB667-SSA1,15,5 4701.1308 Trust advisors; eligibility; default fiduciary status. (1) Except
5as provided in sub. (2), any person is eligible to serve as an advisor of a legacy trust.
SB667-SSA1,15,7 6(2) A transferor of a legacy trust may serve as an advisor only in connection
7with investment decisions related to trust assets.
SB667-SSA1,15,9 8(3) Notwithstanding s. 701.0818 (2), an advisor is a fiduciary unless the terms
9of a legacy trust expressly provide otherwise.
SB667-SSA1,15,13 10701.1309 Rules regarding discretion. Except as otherwise provided under
11the terms of a legacy trust, each trustee and each advisor of the legacy trust has the
12greatest discretion permitted by law in connection with all matters of trust
13administration, trust distributions, and any other trustee or advisor decision.
SB667-SSA1,15,18 14701.1310 Discretionary interest not property of a beneficiary. No
15person, including a beneficiary, has a property interest in property of a legacy trust
16to the extent that the distribution of that property is subject to the discretion of a
17qualified trustee or advisor, whether acting alone or in conjunction with another
18person, including a person authorized to veto a distribution from the legacy trust.
SB667-SSA1,15,21 19701.1311 Miscellaneous provisions. (1) If there is a conflict between a
20provision of this subchapter and s. 242.07, the provision of this subchapter shall
SB667-SSA1,15,25 22(2) A statement in a trust instrument that the trust is governed by “the laws
23of this state" or a statement to similar effect is considered to expressly designate the
24laws of this state to govern the validity, construction, and administration of the trust
25and satisfies s. 701.1301 (8) (b).
1(3) A disposition by a nonqualified trustee to a qualified trustee of a legacy trust
2is not disqualified from being a qualified disposition on the sole basis that the
3nonqualified trustee is a trustee of a trust that is a nonlegacy trust.
SB667-SSA1,16,9 4(4) A valid lien that is attached to property before the property is the subject
5of a qualified disposition survives the disposition, and the trustee of the legacy trust
6takes the property subject to the lien and subject to any agreements that created or
7perfected the lien. Nothing in this subchapter may be construed to authorize any
8disposition that is prohibited by the terms of an agreement, note, guaranty,
9mortgage, indenture, instrument, undertaking, or other document.
SB667-SSA1,16,11 10(5) A trust administered under the laws of another state or a foreign
11jurisdiction is considered to be a legacy trust if all of the following apply:
SB667-SSA1,16,1412 (a) The trustee of the trust complies with the requirements in the trust
13instrument and any applicable requirements under the laws of the state or foreign
14jurisdiction in which the trust is being administered.
SB667-SSA1,16,1715 (b) 1. The trustee or other person having the power to transfer the domicile of
16the trust declares in writing that the trustee or other person intends to transfer the
17domicile of the trust to this state.
SB667-SSA1,16,1918 2. If the person making the declaration under subd. 1. is a person other than
19the trustee, the declaration is delivered to the trustee.
SB667-SSA1,16,2120 (c) At the time of or immediately following the transfer of the trustee to this
21state, the trust satisfies the definition of a legacy trust under this subchapter.
SB667-SSA1,2 22Section 2 . Initial applicability.
SB667-SSA1,16,2423 (1) This act first applies to qualified dispositions made on the effective date of
24this subsection.
SB667-SSA1,16,2525 (End)