NR 345.04(2)(c)9.a.a. Inspect all equipment used for constructing, operating, or maintaining the project and remove all plants and animals, and other mud, debris, etc. NR 345.04 NoteNote: This does not apply to water in closed engine cooling systems or water tanks, or containers of potable drinking water or other beverages meant for human consumption. If a tanker truck discharges water collected from navigable waters in upland areas, the tank does not require disinfection.
NR 345.04(2)(c)9.c.c. Dispose of plants and animals in the trash. An operator may not transfer plants or animals or water from one navigable waterway to another. NR 345.04(2)(c)9.d.d. Wash equipment at a temperature of not less than 212 degrees Fahrenheit water (steam clean). NR 345.04(2)(c)9.e.e. Wash equipment with soap and water or high pressure water of not less than 2000 pounds per square inch. NR 345.04 NoteNote: Additional drying techniques including drying through natural or mechanical means or changes in drying duration may be submitted to the department for review and approval.
NR 345.04(2)(c)9.g.g. Disinfect equipment with 200 parts per million (0.5 ounces per gallon) chlorine for not less than 10 minute contact time. Every effort should be made to keep the disinfection solution and rinse water out of surface waters. NR 345.04 NoteNote: Chlorine refers to either household bleach solution (5.25% chlorine) or granular chlorine (70% calcium hypochlorite).
NR 345.04(2)(c)9.h.h. Follow the most recent department approved disinfection protocols or department approved best management practices for infested waters. The department shall maintain on its website and make available at its offices a list of the most recent disinfection protocols or department approved best management practices for invasive species and viruses. NR 345.04 NoteNote: See the department’s website at under the topic “Waterway and Wetlands”. Recommendations for additional disinfection or decontamination protocols or department approved best management practices may be submitted to the department for review and approval to be added to this list. NR 345.04(2)(c)10.10. If the project location is within the riparian zone, the applicant is the riparian owner or has permission of the riparian owner to dredge the bottom material. NR 345.04 NoteNote: Effective Aug. 1, 2012, s. 30.20(1t)(b), Stats., is repealed. As provided by s. 30.206(1r), Stats., the General Permit for Removal of Plant and Animal Nuisance Deposits authorized by s. 30.20(1t) (b), Stats., and s. NR 345.04(2)(b), (c), and (im) is invalid effective June 6, 2013. This permit is replaced with Statewide General Permit GP5-2013-WI (WDNR-GP5-2013), which is found on the department website under the topic “Waterway.” WDNR-GP5-2013-WI expires June 5, 2018, unless renewed, modified, or revoked on or before that date. NR 345.04(2)(d)(d) Standards for installation of utility crossing. Dredging to install a utility crossing is eligible for a general permit subject to all of the following limitations: NR 345.04(2)(d)1.1. The location of the utility crossing shall be located to reduce environmental impacts by minimizing the disturbance of the following: adjacent wetland corridors, banks with steep slopes and fish and wildlife habitat within the waterway. NR 345.04(2)(d)2.2. The dredging may occur only to cross a navigable stream no more than 35 feet across. NR 345.04(2)(d)3.3. The general permit may authorize up to 10 waterway crossings that are part of a single project. NR 345.04(2)(d)4.4. The size of the open trench or plowed channel may not exceed 48 inches in width in perennial streams and 72 inches in intermittent streams where no flow is present during construction. NR 345.04(2)(d)5.5. The dredging shall conform to the dimensions and elevations shown on the application. NR 345.04(2)(d)6.6. All equipment used for the project shall be designed and properly sized to minimize to the extent practicable, the amount of sediment that is resuspended into the water. NR 345.04(2)(d)7.7. Any area within 75 feet of the ordinary high water mark, where topsoil is exposed during construction, shall be stabilized within 24 hours to prevent soil from being eroded and washed into the waterway. NR 345.04(2)(d)8.8. During construction and installation of the utility crossing, the entire volume of the stream flow shall be maintained downstream from the project site. NR 345.04(2)(d)9.9. During excavation of the trench, dredged material may be temporarily stockpiled in an upland area provided it is separated from the stream by an installed silt fence or a protective, vegetated buffer strip not less than 20 feet in width. NR 345.04(2)(d)10.10. The trench excavation, filling and installation of utility crossing the below the ordinary high mark shall be completed within an 8-hour period. NR 345.04(2)(d)11.11. In perennial streams, clean, washed gravel or crushed stone or clean river stone originally removed from the utility trench or plowed channel, shall be used as backfill material to replace the excavated material. In intermittent streams with no flow present, the originally removed material may be used as backfill material for the dredged trench if the disturbed site is immediately stabilized. NR 345.04(2)(d)12.12. When the dredging is complete, the streambed contours shall be the same as the pre-construction contours. NR 345.04(2)(e)(e) Standards for maintenance dredging in established drainage districts. Dredging to maintain a district drain which is part of a drainage district established under ch. 88, Stats., is eligible for a general permit subject to the following limitations: NR 345.04(2)(e)1.1. Unless the department previously authorized the project under s. 30.20, Stats., the dredging may not be located in an area of special natural resource interest.