Xk is the fraction of the total heat input from fuel combustion derived from coal and oil, as determined by applicable procedures in Method 19
NR 440.207(5)(e)2.2. The owner or operator of an affected facility that qualifies under the provisions of sub. (3) (c) or (d), where percent reduction is not required, does not have to measure the parameters Ew or Xk if the owner or operator of the affected facility elects to measure emission rates of the coal or oil using the fuel sampling and analysis procedures under Method 19. NR 440.207(5)(f)(f) Affected facilities subject to the percent reduction requirements under sub. (3) (a) or (b) shall determine compliance with the SO2 emission limits under sub. (3) pursuant to par. (d) or (e), and shall determine compliance with the percent reduction requirements using the following procedures: NR 440.207(5)(f)1.1. If only coal is combusted, the percent of potential SO2 emission rate is computed using the following formula: %Ps = 100 (1 - %Rg/100) (1 - %Rf/100)
%Ps is the percent of potential SO2 emission rate, in percent
%Rg is the SO2 removal efficiency of the control device as determined by Method 19, in percent
%Rf is the SO2 removal efficiency of fuel pretreatment as determined by Method 19, in percent
NR 440.207(5)(f)2.2. If coal, oil, or coal and oil are combusted with other fuels, the same procedures required in subd. 1. are used, except as provided for in the following: NR 440.207(5)(f)2.a.a. To compute the %Ps, an adjusted %Rg (%Rgo) is computed from Eaoo from par. (e) 1. and an adjusted SO2 inlet rate (Eaio) using the following formula: %Rgo = 100 [1.0 - (Eaoo/Eai)]
%Rgo is the adjusted %Rg, in percent
Eaoo is the adjusted Eao, ng/J (lb/million Btu)
Eaio is the adjusted average SO2 inlet rate, ng/J (lb/million Btu)
NR 440.207(5)(f)2.b.b. To compute Eaio, an adjusted hourly SO2 inlet rate (Ehio) is used. The Ehio is computed using the following formula: Ehio = [Ehi - Ew (1 - Xk)]/Xk
Ehio is the adjusted Ehi, ng/J (lb/million Btu)
Ehi is the SO2 concentration in fuels other than coal and oil combusted in the affected facility, as determined by fuel sampling and analysis procedures in Method 19, ng/J (lb/million Btu). The value Ew for each fuel lot is used for each hourly average during the time that the lot is being combusted. The owner or operator does not have to measure Ew if the owner or operator elects to assume Ew = 0
Xk is the fraction of the total heat input from fuel combustion derived from coal and oil, as determined by applicable procedures in Method 19
NR 440.207(5)(g)(g) For oil-fired affected facilities where the owner or operator seeks to demonstrate compliance with the fuel oil sulfur limits under sub. (3) based on shipment fuel sampling, the initial performance test shall consist of sampling and analyzing the oil in the initial tank of oil to be fired in the steam generating unit to demonstrate that the oil contains 0.5 weight percent sulfur or less. Thereafter, the owner or operator of the affected facility shall sample the oil in the fuel tank after each new shipment of oil is received, as described under sub. (7) (d) 2. NR 440.207(5)(h)(h) For affected facilities subject to sub. (3) (h) 1., 2. or 3. where the owner or operator seeks to demonstrate compliance with the SO2 standards based on fuel supplier certification, the performance test shall consist of the certification, the certification from the fuel supplier, as described under sub. (9) (f) 1., 2. or 3., as applicable. NR 440.207(5)(i)(i) The owner or operator of an affected facility seeking to demonstrate compliance with the SO2 standards under sub. (3) (c) 2. shall demonstrate the maximum design heat input capacity of the steam generating unit by operating the steam generating unit at this capacity for 24 hours. This demonstration shall be made during the initial performance test, and a subsequent demonstration may be requested at any other time. If the demonstrated 24-hour average firing rate for the affected facility is less than the maximum design heat input capacity stated by the manufacturer of the affected facility, the demonstrated 24-hour average firing rate shall be used to determine the annual capacity factor for the affected facility; otherwise, the maximum design heat input capacity provided by the manufacturer shall be used. NR 440.207(5)(j)(j) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall use all valid SO2 emissions data in calculating %Ps and Eho under par. (d), (e) or (f), as applicable, whether or not the minimum emissions data requirements under sub. (7) (f) are achieved. All valid emissions data, including valid data collected during periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction shall be used in calculating %Ps or Eho pursuant to par. (d), (e) or (f), as applicable. NR 440.207(6)(6) Compliance and performance test methods and procedures for particulate matter. NR 440.207(6)(a)(a) The owner or operator of an affected facility subject to the PM standards, opacity standards, or both, under sub. (4) shall conduct an initial performance test as required under s. NR 440.08, and shall conduct subsequent performance tests as requested by the department, to determine compliance with the standards using the following procedures and reference methods. Unless otherwise indicated, these procedures and reference methods are in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, which is incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17. NR 440.207(6)(a)1.1. Method 1 shall be used to select the sampling site and the number of traverse sampling points.