Secured residential care centers for children and youth (SRCCCY) established in 2017 WisAct 185: changes to design and construction grant program, closure date for Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake Schools, grandfathering current juvenile detention programs, transfer and supervision of juveniles between facilities, and purchase of services between counties and DOC; LAB and DHS provisions; DOC to grant variance in certain conditions, hold local public meetings prior to construction, and get prior approval from local government before making modifications - Act 8
municipality _ councilMunicipality — Council
Elective office vacancies in cities and villages: appointing a successor until special election is held and special election provisions revised - Act 164
municipality _ courtMunicipality -- Court, see Court — Municipal
municipality _ court _ judgeMunicipality -- Court -- Judge, see Judge
municipality _ electionsMunicipality — Elections
Elective office vacancies in cities and villages: appointing a successor until special election is held and special election provisions revised - Act 164
municipality _ financeMunicipality — Finance
Adjutant General duties re local government FEMA application training, issuance of FEMA payments, and email and electronic payments re emergency management - Act 159
Biennial budget procedure for cities, villages, towns, and counties authorized - Act 42
Video service provider fees reduced and municipal aid payment created, DOR duties [Sec. 289g, 778g, r, 1034g, 1073g] [1073g -- partial veto] - Act 9
municipality _ fire departmentMunicipality -- Fire department, see Fire department
municipality _ health departmentMunicipality -- Health department, see Public health
municipality _ officersMunicipality — Officers
Elective office vacancies in cities and villages: appointing a successor until special election is held and special election provisions revised - Act 164
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: election procedures and recount provisions - Act 99
municipality _ ordinanceMunicipality -- Ordinance, see Ordinance
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Building permit for one- and two-family dwellings: submitting application in paper or electronic form - Act 38
Wireless services and infrastructure provider regulatory framework for state and political subdivisions, right-of-way provisions; setback requirements by political subdivisions for mobile service support structures authorized; Rights-of-Way Study Committee created, study required - Act 14
municipality _ policeMunicipality -- Police, see Police
municipality _ taxationMunicipality — Taxation
Interest and penalties on property taxes payable in 2020: municipalities allowed to make case-by-case finding of hardship, county board resolution authorizing waiver required; full payment due by October 1, 2020; claim for recovery of unlawful taxes or excessive assessment provision [Sec. 30, 31, 105 (25)] - Act 185
Local levy limit exception for joint EMS district - Act 133
Local levy limit exception for political subdivisions receiving certain utility aid payments - Act 45
Referendum to exceed political subdivision’s levy limit: provisions modified - Act 126
Tax increment value reporting error in 2018: property tax reimbursement provisions - Act 37
911 _emergency number system_911 (Emergency number system), see Telephone