Adopted and asks concurrence in:
hist168831Senate Joint Resolution 45
hist168832Senate Joint Resolution 48
Passed and asks concurrence in:
hist168833Senate Bill 24
hist168834Senate Bill 35
hist168835Senate Bill 49
hist168836Senate Bill 105
hist168837Senate Bill 122
hist168838Senate Bill 123
hist168839Senate Bill 124
hist168840Senate Bill 157
hist168841Senate Bill 159
hist168842Senate Bill 207
hist168843Senate Bill 208
hist168844Senate Bill 210
hist168845Senate Bill 222
hist168846Senate Bill 239
hist168847Senate Bill 247
hist168848Senate Bill 249
hist168849Senate Bill 255
Concurred in:
hist168824Assembly Bill 131
hist168825Assembly Bill 141
hist168826Assembly Bill 142
hist168827Assembly Bill 147
hist168828Assembly Bill 149
hist168829Assembly Bill 150
hist168830Assembly Bill 151