Game 24.095 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, April, 1994, No. 460, eff. 5-1-94; emerg. am. eff. 8-25-95; am. Register, January, 1996, No. 481, eff. 2-1-96. Game 24.10Game 24.10 Duration. Intertrack wagering licenses shall expire on the last date for which permission to conduct intertrack wagering has been approved by the division. Game 24.10 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, April, 1994, No. 460, eff. 5-1-94. Game 24.11Game 24.11 Interstate broadcasts - Wisconsin racetrack as host track. The following shall apply when a Wisconsin racetrack is the host track: Game 24.11(1)(1) A Wisconsin racetrack proposing to be a host track for simulcasting purposes shall provide written notification to the division at least 10 days prior to sending its races to out-of-state guest track locations. Notification to the division shall include the identification and location of the out-of-state guest tracks, the manner in which the pools will be formed at the guest track, and copies of all simulcast contracts with each out-of-state guest track. Game 24.11(2)(2) Wisconsin host tracks shall include as part of their contracts with out-of-state guest tracks all requirements of ch. Game 24 applicable to host tracks. Game 24.11(3)(3) Wisconsin host tracks shall not delay post times for purposes of accumulating wagers from out-of-state guest tracks, with the exception of an emergency which requires a manual merge of wagering data or emergencies beyond the control of the Wisconsin host track. No delay may occur without informing the stewards, prior to the next race. Game 24.11(4)(4) All contracts entered into by a Wisconsin host track with an out-of-state guest track shall include a provision to the effect that the guest track shall provide any and all information necessary for the host track’s accounting of its pari-mutuel activities and any information required by the division in Wisconsin for auditing purposes. Game 24.11 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, April, 1994, No. 460, eff. 5-1-94; correction in (1) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, March, 1995, No. 471; emerg. renum. (1) to (3) to be (2) to (4) and am., cr. (1), eff 8-25-95; renum. (1) to (3) to be (2) to (4) and am., cr. (1), Register, January, 1996, No. 481, eff. 2-1-96. Game 24.12Game 24.12 Interstate broadcasts - commingled pools. The following shall apply for interstate broadcasts with commingled pools: Game 24.12(1)(1) All contracts governing participation in interstate commingled pools shall be submitted to the division for approval prior to commingling pools as a guest or host track. Game 24.12(2)(2) Rules established for pari-mutuel pools for the out-of-state host track shall apply to the pari-mutuel pools offered at the Wisconsin guest track. Game 24.12(3)(3) When a Wisconsin racetrack is the host track, the wagers received by the out-of-state guest tracks may be transmitted to the host track in Wisconsin to form a commingled pool. Game 24.12(4)(4) Each Wisconsin guest track shall have individual contracts with each out-of-state host track and the Wisconsin guest tracks’ pools shall remain separate for accounting, auditing, reporting, purse calculations, tax liability, and all other statutory obligation purposes. Game 24.12(5)(5) When the commingled pool or a separate pool is formed in Wisconsin, the odds and the payout prices shall be calculated in accordance with the rules in ch. Game 9. In arriving at the amount distributable to the bettors, the total take-out being used by the Wisconsin host track shall apply. Game 24.12(6)(6) If any Pick (N) pool, exchange pool or any other pari-mutuel pool that is not provided for in ch. Game 9 is rejected by an out-of-state host track, then a refund of these pools shall be provided by the Wisconsin guest track. Game 24.12(7)(7) If a Wisconsin racetrack is the host track, all applicable provisions contained in ch. 562, Stats., regarding breakage shall apply. If a Wisconsin racetrack is the guest track, the division shall approve any agreement made between the Wisconsin guest track and any out-of-state host track governing the distribution of breakage. Game 24.12(8)(8) Taxes and other statutory obligations as required by s. 562.065 (3) (c), Stats., shall be applicable to wagers placed at a Wisconsin pari-mutuel facility and received by the Wisconsin host and guest tracks only. Any surcharges or withholding in addition to the takeout shall only apply in the jurisdiction imposing the surcharges or withholdings. Game 24.12(9)(9) If a Wisconsin guest track commingles its wagering pools with the wagering pools of an out-of-state host track and the wagering takeout deductions of the host track are outside the deductions set forth in s. 562.065 (3) (a), Stats., the Wisconsin guest track, with the prior approval of the division, may adopt the takeout deduction of the out-of-state host track so as to achieve a common takeout rate with other participants in the interstate commingled pool to produce a standard common payout price. Game 24.12(10)(10) A Wisconsin guest track proposing to participate in an interstate commingled pool may request that the division approve a methodology whereby the states of the host and guest tracks with different takeout rates for corresponding pari-mutuel pools may effectively and equitably combine wagers from the different states into an interstate common pool and achieve a net price payout. Game 24.12(11)(11) A Wisconsin guest track shall allow its patrons to wager on a specific race or race performance through more than one out-of-state host track. Game 24.12 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, April, 1994, No. 460, eff. 5-1-94; corrections in (3) and (5) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, March, 1995, No. 471; renum. (1), (2), (3) and (6) to be (3), (4), (5) and (8) and am., r. (4) and (5), cr. (1), (2), (6), (7), (9) to (11), eff. 8-25-95; renum. (1) to (3) and (6) to be (3) to (5) and (8) and am., r. (4) and (5), cr. (1), (2), (6), (7), (9), to (11), Register, January, 1996, No. 481, eff. 2-1-96. Game 24.13Game 24.13 Approval for simulcast wagering, fees, and charges. Game 24.13(1)(1) A licensee under s. 562.05 (1) (b), Stats., prior to receiving simulcast races from out-of-state racetracks and acting as a guest track to conduct pari-mutuel wagering, must comply with the following: Game 24.13(1)(a)(a) Notify its tote company 7 days prior to accepting commingled wagers. Game 24.13(1)(b)(b) Receive prior division approval and comply with the following: Game 24.13(1)(c)(c) File an application in the form and manner prescribed by the division and submit any exhibits required by the division for each host track in which simulcast races are to be received by the Wisconsin guest track. Game 24.13(1)(d)(d) Submit a minimum simulcast fee of $20 for each race performance received from an out-of-state host track. In the event the regulatory costs of simulcasting incurred by the division exceeds the assessed fee, the division shall increase the simulcast fee equally to each association conducting simulcasting to ensure simulcast fees equal the expenses of regulating simulcasting. The fee shall be paid no later than 48 hours after the conclusion of the race day in which the simulcast performance started or, if the 48-hour period does not include a business day, on the first business day immediately following the close of the race day. This provision regarding the payment of fees shall be applicable if the guest track accepts wagers on any race of a race performance from an out-of-state host track.