55. 812.19 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
812.19 (4) If a garnishee is a financial institution, as defined in s. 214.01 (1) (jn), in possession of, or obligated with respect to, property subject to garnishment, the financial institution is liable to the creditor for the property in its possession, in an amount up to the garnishable amount in the account or accounts, as of the time the financial institution is first reasonably able to put the garnishment into effect, but no later than the end of the 2nd business day after the business day on which the garnishee summons and complaint is received by the financial institution. Any property that leaves the possession of the financial institution within that time frame, but before the financial institution is able to put the garnishment into effect, shall not be subject to the garnishment and the financial institution shall have no responsibility to attempt to secure the return of such property and no liability to the creditor for such property.
Nonstatutory provisions.
(1) Board membership; transition provision. On the effective date of this subsection, each member of the savings institutions review board under s. 15.185 (3), 2017 stats., serving an unexpired term on that board shall become a member of the banking institutions review board for a term that expires on the member's expiration date previously established for the savings institutions review board.
Consolidation of banking review board and savings institutions review board; transfer provisions.
(a) Banking review board renamed. On the effective date of this paragraph, the banking review board is renamed the banking institutions review board.
(b) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all tangible personal property, including records, of the savings institutions review board is transferred to the banking institutions review board.
(c) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the savings institutions review board on the effective date of this paragraph is transferred to the banking institutions review board. All materials submitted to or actions taken by the savings institutions review board are considered as having been submitted to or taken by the banking institutions review board.
(d) Orders. All orders issued by the savings institutions review board in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect until their specified expiration dates or until modified or rescinded by the banking institutions review board.
(e) Secretary to resolve transition disagreements. In the case of disagreement between the savings institutions review board and the banking institutions review board with respect to any provision of this subsection, the secretary of financial institutions shall determine the matter and shall develop a plan for an orderly transfer.
Initial applicability.
(1) Payment of lost, destroyed, or stolen instruments. The treatment of s. 403.312 (2) (c) 1. first applies to claims asserted on the effective date of this subsection.
(2) Federal Home Loan Bank loans; retroactive applicability. The treatment of s. 221.0324 (9) first applies retroactively to loans made or credit extended before, and applies to loans made or credit extended on or after, the effective date of this subsection.
Independent data processing servicers. The treatment of s. 224.46 (3) first applies to contracts entered into, renewed, or amended on the effective date of this subsection.
Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
(1) Banking institutions review board. The treatment of s. 15.185 (1) (by Section 6
) takes effect on May 2, 2021, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.
(2) Mortgage loan originators. The treatment of s. 224.725 (1) and (1r) takes effect on November 28, 2019, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.
(3) Independent data processing servicers. The treatment of s. 224.46 and Section 57 (3) of this act take effect on the first day of the 4th month beginning after publication.