31.07(4)(4) The approximate amount of hydraulic power developed thereby. 31.07(5)(5) The name of the city, village or town in which the dam site is located and the name of the nearest existing dam above and below the dam site. 31.07(6)(6) Such additional information of any nature whatsoever as may be required by the department. 31.07 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 246. 31.0831.08 Hearing. Upon receipt of an application under s. 31.07 procedure shall be had substantially as required by s. 31.06, and if the department finds that such operation and maintenance does not materially obstruct existing navigation or violate other public rights and will not endanger life, health or property, a permit is hereby granted to the applicant, provided the department also finds that the applicant has complied with s. 31.14 (2) or (3). 31.08 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 300, Wis. adm. code. 31.0931.09 Proposals to accompany applications. Each applicant for a permit to construct, operate and maintain a dam for the purpose of developing power or for the purpose of aiding in the development of power by other dams through the creation of reservoirs or otherwise, and each applicant for a permit to construct, operate and maintain a dam for any other purpose whatsoever, which is capable of developing 50 theoretical horsepower or more available for 50 percent of the time throughout the year, shall file with an application for a permit, in addition to the requirements of s. 31.05 or s. 31.07, as the case may be, the following proposals: 31.09(1)(1) That the department prior to the time the permit is granted shall value the dam site and all flowage rights and other property necessary for the purposes set forth in the application for the permit, whether the same or any part thereof are owned by the applicant or not. 31.09(2)(2) That the department shall audit all outlays for property and for the construction of the dam, buildings, and other structures and works constructed, maintained, and operated and used and useful under the permit. 31.09(3)(3) That the permit, if granted, shall be granted and accepted subject to the express condition that the state of Wisconsin, if it shall have the constitutional power, or any municipality, on not less than one year’s notice, at any time after the expiration of 30 years after the permit becomes effective, may acquire all of the property of the grantee, used and useful under the permit, by paying therefor, the cost of reproduction in their then existing condition of all dams, works, buildings, or other structures or equipment, used and useful under the permit, as determined by the department, and by paying in addition thereto the value of the dam site and all flowage rights and other property as determined by the department prior to the time the permit was granted, as provided in sub. (1), plus the amounts paid out for additional flowage rights, if any, acquired after the valuation made by the department as provided in sub. (1); and that the applicant waives all right to any further compensation. 31.09 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 316. 31.09531.095 Water power permits, condition precedent. 31.095(1)(1) Except where the stream to be improved forms a boundary line between this and another state, no permit shall be granted or transferred in accordance with this chapter until the applicant has filed with both the department and the public service commission, in addition to all other things required by law to be filed, an agreement setting forth: 31.095(1)(a)(a) That, in the event any electric energy generated under said permit shall be transmitted or conveyed beyond the confines of this state to be there sold, the applicant will furnish to any resident of this state or any corporation domiciled therein electric energy at reasonable rates to be determined by the commission, provided that the commission after public hearing shall find that public convenience and necessity require such service. 31.095(1)(b)(b) That the rate as determined by the commission shall in no event exceed the rate charged by applicant for similar service supplied under like conditions for the energy so transmitted outside the state. 31.095(2)(2) The commission may hold hearings, fix rates and do all things necessary and convenient to carry out the purposes of sub. (1). 31.1031.10 Permit not to be valued. Each and every permit is granted, and shall be conclusively deemed to be accepted, subject to the condition that no element of value whatever shall ever attach to or be allowed for such permit in and of itself in the sale or acquisition of the property used and useful under such permit or otherwise. 31.1131.11 Certificate of terms and forfeiture of permits. The department shall issue to every grantee of a permit a certificate evidencing a grant of the permit allowed by law. Every permit, and every franchise heretofore granted by the legislature, to construct, maintain and operate a dam shall become null and void, unless the dam thereby authorized be completed within 5 years from the time when the permit or the franchise was granted; but the department, for good cause, may extend such time for a period not exceeding 2 years. 31.1231.12 Map, profile and plans. 31.12(1)(1) The grantee of a permit under s. 31.06, to construct, maintain and operate a dam, before commencing any work of construction authorized by the permit, shall submit to the department a complete map and profile on the scale of not less than one inch per 1,000 feet showing the land that may be affected by the construction and maintenance of the dam, or by any flowage that may be caused thereby, and the outline of the flowage, and such other hydrographic and topographic data as the department may prescribe, and shall also file complete detailed plans and specifications for the proposed dam, including all booms, piers, or other protection works. 31.12(2)(2) The department shall examine the map, profile, plans and specifications; shall hear the grantee thereon and may reject the same or any part thereof, if unsatisfactory or incomplete, or may suggest and require modifications thereof. If the map, profile and plans and specifications are satisfactory and complete, or, if the same shall be modified as suggested and required, the department shall so find and approve the same, and thereupon the grantee may construct the proposed dam in accordance therewith, but the department may, at any time during the construction of any dam and in the interest of the public safety, or of any public rights in navigable waters, authorize, order or require such changes in the plans and specifications and the construction of the dam as shall be necessary. 31.12(3)(3) If the department, in the case of an application for a permit to construct a dam with a capacity of less than 250 hydraulic horsepower at ordinary stage of water, shall find that the information and data furnished in the original or amended application is sufficient, the applicant shall not be required to furnish the additional or more detailed information or data specified in subs. (1) and (2). The department may, however, at any time during the construction of any such dam authorize, order or require changes in the construction or the method or plan of construction thereof, as provided in sub. (2). 31.12(4)(4) Within 10 days after the completion of any dam the grantee shall file with the department a verified statement that the same was constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the department; or in case no plans and specifications were required to be filed, then that the dam was constructed in accordance with the description contained in the application. 31.12 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 353 and s. NR 335.11, Wis. adm. code. 31.12(5)(5) The department shall establish an expedited procedure for approval of plans for low hazard dams, as defined in s. 31.19 (1g) (b), under this section. The expedited procedure shall apply, in lieu of the procedure under this section, if the department determines that all of the following are satisfied: 31.12(5)(a)(a) The plan design is of a common construction and size or is for a minor addition to an existing dam. 31.12(5)(b)(b) The plan design is submitted by a registered professional engineer. 31.12(5)(c)(c) The plan design is submitted by a person who has designed similar dams and none of those similar dams has caused adverse impacts to the environment. 31.12(5)(d)(d) The plan design contains no unusual siting requirements or other unique design features.