51. 230.24 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The administrator may by rule develop a career executive program
5that emphasizes excellence in administrative skills in order to provide agencies with
6a pool of highly qualified executive candidates, to provide outstanding
7administrative employees a broad opportunity for career advancement, and to
8provide for the mobility of such employees among the agencies and units of state
9government for the most advantageous use of their managerial and administrative
10skills. To accomplish the purpose of this program, the director may provide policies
11and standards for recruitment,
examination, probation, employment register
12control, certification, transfer, promotion, and reemployment, and the director may
13provide policies and standards for classification and salary administration, separate
14from procedures established for other employment. The administrator shall
15determine the positions which may be filled from career executive employment
52. 230.24 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(2) A vacancy in a career executive position may be filled through an
19open competitive examination, a competitive promotional examination or by
20restricting competition to employees in career executive positions in order to achieve
21and maintain a highly competent work force in career executive positions, with due
22consideration given to affirmative action. The appointing authority shall consider
23the guidelines under s. 230.19 when deciding how to fill a vacancy under this
53. 230.25 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Appointing authorities shall give written notice to the director of any
2vacancy to be filled in any position in the classified service. The director shall certify,
3under this subchapter and the rules of the director, from the register of eligibles
4appropriate for the kind and type of employment, the grade and class in which the
5position is classified, any number of names at the head thereof. In determining the
6number of names to certify, the director shall use statistical methods and personnel
7management principles that are designed to maximize the number of certified names
8that are appropriate for filling the specific position vacancy. Up to 2 persons
9considered for appointment 3 times and not selected may be removed from the
10register for each 3 appointments made.
Certification under this subsection shall be
11made before granting any preference under s. 230.16 (7).
54. 230.25 (1g) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(1g) For every position to be filled by promotion from a promotional
14register, the administrator shall, after certifying names under sub. (1), additionally
15certify the name of the highest ranked disabled veteran whose disability is at least
1670 percent.
55. 230.25 (1m) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(1m) After certifying names under sub. (1), additional names shall be
19certified in rank order of those who with the combination of veterans preference
20points awarded under s. 230.16 (7) and examination score earn a total score equal
21to or higher than the lowest score of those certified on the basis of examination only.
22The number of veterans or spouses of veterans added to the list may not exceed the
23number of names certified under sub. (1).
56. 230.25 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) When certifying names to appointing authorities under this
2section, the director shall specify whether the certification includes qualifying
3veterans or persons the hiring of whom would serve affirmative action purposes,
4without divulging the names of those individuals.
The director shall not disclose any
5applicant's test score, with or without the addition of veterans preference points
6under s. 230.16 (7), to the appointing authority.
57. 230.25 (2) (am) of the statutes is repealed.
58. 230.25 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) Unless otherwise provided in this subchapter or the rules of the
10director, appointments shall be made by appointing authorities to all positions in the
11classified service from among those certified to them in accordance with this section.
12Appointments shall be made within
30 60 days after the date of certification unless
13an exception is made by the director. If an appointing authority does not make an
14appointment within
30 60 days after certification, he or she shall immediately report
15in writing to the director the reasons therefor. If the director determines that the
16failure to make an appointment is not justified under the merit system, the director
17shall issue an order directing that an appointment be made.
59. 230.25 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) Subject to par. (b), the term of eligibility on
original entrance and
20promotional registers is 6 months and thereafter the register expires but may be
21reactivated by the administrator for up to 3 years from the date of the establishment
22of the register.
Except as provided in ss. 230.28 and 230.34, the eligibility of
23individuals for reinstatement is 5 years and the eligibility of individuals for
24restoration is 3 years.
60. 230.26 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) If there are urgent reasons for filling a vacancy in any position in
2the classified service and the director is unable to certify to the appointing authority,
3upon requisition by the latter, a list of persons eligible for appointment from an
4appropriate employment register, the appointing authority may nominate a person
5to the director
for noncompetitive examination. If the nominee is certified by the
6director as qualified, the nominee may be appointed provisionally to fill the vacancy
7until an appointment can be made from a register established after announcement
8of competition for the position, except that no provisional appointment may be
9continued for more than 45 working days after the date of certification from the
10register. Successive appointments may not be made under this subsection. This
11subsection does not apply to a person appointed to a vacant position in the classified
12service under s. 230.275.
61. 230.26 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Fringe benefits specifically authorized by statutes, with the
15exception of deferred compensation plan participation under subch. VII of ch. 40,
16worker's compensation, unemployment insurance, group insurance, retirement, and
17social security coverage, shall be denied employees hired under this section. Such
18employees may not be considered permanent employees and do not qualify for
19tenure, vacation, paid holidays, sick leave, performance awards, or the right to
20compete in promotional
processes examinations.
62. 230.28 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) All original and all promotional appointments to permanent,
23sessional and seasonal positions, with the exception of those positions designated as
24supervisor or management under s. 111.81, in the classified service shall be for a
25probationary period of
one year 6 months, but the director at the request of the
1appointing authority
and in accordance with related rules may extend any such
2period for a maximum of
12 3 additional months. Dismissal may be made at any time
3during such periods. Upon such dismissal, the appointing authority shall report to
4the director and to the employee removed, the dismissal and the reason therefor. The
5director may remove an employee during the employee's probationary period if the
6director finds, after giving notice and an opportunity to be heard, that such employee
7was appointed as a result of fraud or error.
63. 230.28 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (am) All probationary periods for employees in supervisory or
10management positions are one year,
but the director at the request of the appointing
11authority may extend any such period for a maximum of 12 additional months unless
12waived after 6 months under par. (c). The waiver under par. (c) may be exercised for
13an employee in a supervisory position only if the employee has successfully
14completed a supervisory development program under s. 230.046 (2). However,
15persons who transfer or are reinstated to supervisory or management positions
16consistent with conditions under sub. (4) and who had previously obtained
17permanent status in class in a supervisory or management position prior to the
18transfer or reinstatement shall serve a probationary period in accordance with sub.
64. 230.28 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) Upon request by the appointing authority, the director may waive
22any portion of
a the lengthened probationary period but in no case before a
one-year 236-month probationary period has been served.
65. 230.28 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
(6) A person with a right of restoration resulting from layoff under s.
2230.34 (2) who competes for promotion to a position under s. 230.19 (3) and is
3appointed shall serve a probationary period under sub. (1). If the appointing
4authority terminates the employee during the probationary period, the person shall
5return to his or her former layoff status.