hist189671To the committee on Labor, Regulatory Reform, Veterans and Military Affairs.
hist188541Senate Bill 1039
Relating to: compensation of qualified treatment trainees under health insurance policies and plans.
By Senator Roys; cosponsored by Representatives VanderMeer, Considine, Andraca, Behnke, Conley, Emerson, Jacobson, Joers, Moore Omokunde, Sinicki and Subeck.
hist189672To the committee on Insurance and Small Business.
hist188544Senate Bill 1040
Relating to: creating a journalism fellowship program in the University of Wisconsin System and making an appropriation.
By Senators Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Larson, Pfaff and Roys; cosponsored by Representatives J. Anderson, Emerson, Andraca, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Jacobson, Joers, Moore Omokunde, Murphy, Ohnstad, Ratcliff, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass and Stubbs.
hist189673To the committee on Universities and Revenue.
hist188547Senate Bill 1041
Relating to: a tax credit for local newspaper subscriptions.
By Senators Spreitzer and Pfaff; cosponsored by Representatives J. Anderson, Emerson, Bare, Clancy, Jacobson, Joers, Moore Omokunde, Murphy, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Ratcliff, Shankland, Shelton, Snodgrass and Stubbs.
hist189674To the committee on Universities and Revenue.
hist188550Senate Bill 1042
Relating to: creating a Civic Information Consortium Board and a grant program administered by a nonprofit corporation to support local journalism and media projects and making an appropriation.
By Senators Spreitzer, Agard and Pfaff; cosponsored by Representatives J. Anderson, Emerson, Bare, Clancy, Jacobson, Joers, Moore Omokunde, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Ratcliff, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass and Stubbs.
hist189675To the committee on Universities and Revenue.
hist188766Senate Bill 1043
Relating to: requiring periodic inspections of parking structures.
By Senators Larson and Cowles; cosponsored by Representatives Madison, Maxey, Donovan, C. Anderson, J. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Clancy, Conley, Considine, Drake, Jacobson, Joers, S. Johnson, Melotik, Michalski, Ratcliff, Schmidt, Sinicki, Stubbs, Subeck, Gundrum and Palmeri.
hist189676To the committee on Labor, Regulatory Reform, Veterans and Military Affairs.
hist188767Senate Bill 1044
Relating to: restricting a person's operating privilege to vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock device.
By Senators Larson, Carpenter, Roys, Spreitzer, Agard, L. Johnson and Smith; cosponsored by Representatives Andraca, Shelton, Ratcliff, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Considine, Subeck, Joers, J. Anderson, Clancy, Emerson, Jacobson and Neubauer.
hist189677To the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.
hist189368Senate Bill 1045
Relating to: grants for students enrolled in teacher education programs, school district revenue limits, the reimbursement rate for special education costs, and making an appropriation.
By Senators Roys and Smith; cosponsored by Representatives Vining, Hong, Baldeh, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Emerson, Joers, Madison, Myers, Ratcliff, Stubbs, Sinicki and Jacobson.
hist189682To the committee on Education.