NR 406.04(1)(i)4.b.b. The department may provide public notice of an application for research and testing exemption, may provide an opportunity for public comment and an opportunity to request a public hearing and may hold a public hearing on any application under this paragraph.
NR 406.04(1)(i)4.c.c. The department shall make all nonconfidential information available to the public upon request.
NR 406.04(1)(j)(j) A laboratory which emits volatile organic compounds, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides or particulate matter or a combination thereof at a rate of less than 5.7 pounds per hour unless the emissions of any single hazardous air pollutant listed under section 112 (b) of the Act equal or exceed 10 tons per year or the cumulative emissions of hazardous air pollutants listed under section 112 (b) of the Act equal or exceed 25 tons per year. Hourly emissions shall be determined, based on the quantitative estimate of air contaminants before they enter any emission control devices, by dividing the total uncontrolled emissions which would have occurred during a calendar month by the total hours of operation of the laboratory during that calendar month. A laboratory is in operation if laboratory apparatus or equipment is in use.
NR 406.04(1)(k)(k) Equipment whose primary purpose is to transport or sort paper.
NR 406.04(1)(L)(L) Facilities for chlorination of municipal drinking water, the intake of once through industrial process or cooling water, or water for swimming pools, spas or other recreational establishments.
NR 406.04(1)(m)(m) The following procedures for the remediation or disposal of soil or water contaminated with organic compounds, provided the potential to emit, considering emission control devices, for any hazardous air contaminant listed in Table A to Table C of s. NR 445.07 is not greater than the emission rate listed in Table A to Table C of s. NR 445.07 for the air contaminant at the respective stack height, and the procedure is not subject to an emission limitation or emission standard under section 111 or 112 of the Act (42 USC 7411 or 7412):
NR 406.04(1)(m)1.1. Landspreading of contaminated soil, including the agricultural landspreading of soil contaminated with pesticide or fertilizer.
NR 406.04(1)(m)2.2. Negative pressure venting of contaminated soil or bioremediation, provided the remediation is completed within 3 months or the potential to emit organic compounds from the remediation site is at a rate of not more than 5.7 pounds per hour, considering emission control devices.
NR 406.04(1)(m)3.3. Pilot testing of a negative pressure venting system provided the testing is limited to a total withdrawal of not more than 150,000 standard cubic feet (scf) of air.
NR 406.04 NoteNote: The total withdrawal may be determined by the equation: Total withdrawal (scf) = hours of operation of pilot test (hr) × average flow rate in cubic feet per minute at standard conditions (scfm) × 60 min/hr. An example is: 10 hours of operation × 250 scfm × 60 min/hr = 150,000 scf. When testing at multiple flow rates, determine the withdrawal for each flow rate and sum the withdrawals for a total withdrawal.
NR 406.04(1)(m)4.4. Landfilling of contaminated soil.
NR 406.04(1)(m)5.5. Installation and use of devices which remove organic compounds from a private or municipal potable water supply.
NR 406.04(1)(m)6.6. Installation and use of crop irrigation systems or dewatering wells to remediate contaminated water.
NR 406.04(1)(m)7.7. Installation and use of air strippers for treatment of contaminated water, provided the remediation is completed within 3 months or the potential to emit organic compounds from the remediation site is at a rate of not more than 5.7 pounds per hour, considering emission control devices.
NR 406.04(1)(m)8.8. Installation and use of any devices or techniques not listed in this paragraph which are used to remediate soil or water contaminated with organic compounds, if the device or technique is not portable and is not a thermal evaporation unit, and the remediation is completed within 3 months.
NR 406.04(1)(m)9.9. Installation and use of any technique or device to remediate soil or water contaminated with organic compounds as part of actions taken by EPA under the authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 USC 9601 to 9675, by the department under the authority of s. 289.67 or ch. 292, Stats., or by a responsible party in compliance with the requirements of an administrative order, consent decree or contract issued pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 or s. 289.67 or ch. 292, Stats.
NR 406.04(1)(n)(n) Renovation or demolition operations involving regulated asbestos-containing material provided that the provisions of subd. 1. or 2. are met:
NR 406.04(1)(n)1.1. The amount of regulated asbestos-containing material is less than 260 linear feet on pipes or 160 square feet on other facility components.
NR 406.04(1)(n)2.2. If the amount of regulated asbestos-containing material is at least 260 linear feet on pipes or at least 160 square feet on other facility components, all of the following conditions are met:
NR 406.04(1)(n)2.a.a. Notice of intention is provided under s. NR 447.07.
NR 406.04(1)(n)2.b.b. The notice indicates that the project will meet all applicable requirements of ch. NR 447.
NR 406.04(1)(n)2.c.c. The fee required under s. NR 410.05 (2) and (3) is submitted with the notice.
NR 406.04(1)(o)(o) Batch cold cleaning equipment which does not use halogenated HAP solvent and has a total air to solvent interface of 1.0 square meters or less during operation.
NR 406.04(1)(om)(om) Batch cold cleaning equipment which uses halogenated HAP solvent and meets both of the following requirements:
NR 406.04(1)(om)1.1. The equipment has a total air to solvent interface of 1.0 square meters or less during operation.
NR 406.04(1)(om)2.2. The equipment is not a major source or located at a major source, as defined in s. NR 460.02 (24).
NR 406.04(1)(p)(p) Batch open top vapor degreasing equipment which does not use halogenated HAP solvent and has a total air to vapor interface of 1.0 square meters or less during operation.
NR 406.04(1)(pm)(pm) Batch open top vapor degreasing equipment which uses halogenated HAP solvent and meets both of the following requirements:
NR 406.04(1)(pm)1.1. The equipment has a total air to solvent interface of 1.0 square meters or less during operation.