NR 8.52 NoteNote: Clerks need only provide the department with one notice of noncompliance when a person fails to respond or appear as described in subd. 1. If the court enters a default judgment against a violator and provides the violator with an additional period of time to pay, the clerk may wait to see if the violator fails to make the required deposit by the new deadline established by the court under s. 23.75 (3) (a) 2. Stats., before providing the department with a notice of noncompliance under subd. 2.
NR 8.52 NoteNote: Notices may be mailed to the: Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Violator Compact Administrator, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, or by FAX at (608) 264-6130. An e-mail address for the Compact Administrator may be obtained by calling the department’s call center at 1-888-936-7463.
NR 8.52(1)(a)2.2. A notice of noncompliance provided under subd. 1. shall include at least the following information:
NR 8.52(1)(a)2.a.a. The violator’s full name, date of birth if known and last known address.
NR 8.52(1)(a)2.b.b. Case number, statute, or administrative rule number violated, description of violation, date of violation and county of violation.
NR 8.52(1)(a)2.c.c. Name, address and telephone number of the court.
NR 8.52(1)(a)2.d.d. Disposition by the court, including conviction date, any penalty imposed and any hunting, trapping or fishing privilege or approval revocations ordered by the court.
NR 8.52(1)(a)3.3. After a violator has resolved any citation, summons, or complaint which is subject to this section, the clerk shall provide a notice of compliance to the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator. The notice shall include the following:
NR 8.52(1)(a)3.a.a. The violator’s full name, date of birth, if known, and last known address.
NR 8.52(1)(a)3.b.b. Case number, statute, or administrative rule number violated, description of violation, date of violation and county of violation.
NR 8.52(1)(a)3.c.c. Name, address and telephone number of the court.
NR 8.52(1)(a)3.d.d. Disposition by the court, including conviction date and penalty imposed, if applicable, and any court ordered revocation of the violator’s hunting, fishing or trapping licenses, privileges and approvals under s. 29.971, Stats., not related to the violator’s failure to pay or appear in court.
NR 8.52(1)(a)3.e.e. The date on which any hunting, fishing or trapping privilege and approval revocation was ordered by the court under s. 29.971, Stats., will end.
NR 8.52 NoteNote: Notifications may be mailed to the: Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Violator Compact Administrator, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, or by FAX at (608) 264-6130. An e-mail address for the Compact Administrator may be obtained by calling the department’s call center at 1-888-936-7463.
NR 8.52(1)(b)(b) Wildlife violator compact administrator. The department’s wildlife violator compact administrator or designee shall keep a record of all notices received from the clerk under par. (a) and s. NR 8.53 (1), and shall do all of the following after receiving a notice of noncompliance from a clerk under par. (a) 1.:
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.1. Mail a notice of revocation by the department to the violator. The notice shall include all the following information:
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.a.a. The violator’s full name, date of birth, if known, and last known address.
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.b.b. Case number, statute, or administrative rule number violated, description of violation, date of violation and county of violation.
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.c.c. Name, address and telephone number of the court.
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.d.d. Disposition by the court, including conviction date, any penalty imposed by the court.
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.e.e. That the revocation for failure to resolve the citation, summons or complaint shall take effect 21 days after issuance of the notice of revocation by the department, unless an earlier date has been specified by the court as authorized under s. 23.795 (2) or 29.971, Stats. The date on which the revocation takes effect shall be provided in the notice of revocation.
NR 8.52 NoteNote: Section 23.795 (2), Stats., states that in lieu of an order of imprisonment under s. 23.795 (1) (a), Stats., for a violation of ch. 29, Stats., the court may revoke or suspend any privilege or approval granted under ch. 29, Stats., as provided in s. 29.971 (12), Stats.
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.f.f. That the revocations shall remain in effect until the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator receives a notice of compliance from the clerk of the court with jurisdiction.
NR 8.52(1)(b)1.g.g. Of the conditions provided under s. 29.972 (1) (a) to (c), Stats., under which the violator may request a hearing to appeal the revocation and the procedures for doing so.
NR 8.52(1)(b)2.2. Update the department’s statewide automated system with a violator’s revocation status, including the starting date and the ending date when known.
NR 8.52(1)(b)3.3. Notify all other participating states of the hunting, fishing and trapping revocation status of a violator for any wildlife-related violations.
NR 8.52 NoteNote: Pursuant to s. 29.972 (1), Stats., the opportunity for an administrative appeal to the department is limited to the issue of whether the violator did any of the following:
NR 8.52 Note(a) Failed to respond to a summons under s. 23.66 (3) or 23.67 (4), Stats., or a warrant or summons under s. 968.04, Stats., or
NR 8.52 Note(b) Failed to appear on the court date set under s. 23.72 or 23.75, Stats., unless the person makes a deposit under s. 23.66, Stats., or makes a deposit and stipulation under s. 23.67, Stats., or