SB866,14,6 6(2) “Drug” has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (10).
SB866,14,9 7(3) “Minor office procedure" includes the methods for the repair and care
8incidental to superficial lacerations, superficial abrasions, and superficial lesions
9and the removal of foreign bodies located in the superficial tissues.
SB866,14,10 10(4) “Naturopathic doctor" means an individual licensed under this chapter.
SB866,14,16 11(5) (a) “Naturopathic medicine” means, except as provided in par. (b), a system
12of primary health care for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human health
13conditions, injury, and disease; the promotion or restoration of health; and the
14support and stimulation of a patient's inherent self-healing processes through
15patient education and the use of naturopathic therapies and therapeutic substances,
16including all of the following:
SB866,14,2017 1. Ordering and performing physical and laboratory examinations, for
18diagnostic purposes, consistent with naturopathic education and training, including
19diagnostic or evaluation methods, physical examinations, clinical laboratory tests,
20diagnostic sonography, electrocardiography, and phlebotomy.
SB866,14,2121 2. Ordering diagnostic imaging studies.
SB866,14,2222 3. Dispensing, administering, ordering, or performing any of the following:
SB866,14,2323 a. Health education and health counseling.
1b. Food, extracts of food, nutraceuticals, vitamins, amino acids, minerals,
2enzymes, botanical medicines, homeopathic medicines, dietary supplements, and
3nonprescription drug products.
SB866,15,54 c. Hot or cold hydrotherapy, naturopathic physical medicine, the use of
5therapeutic medical equipment, and therapeutic exercise.
SB866,15,76 d. Devices, including therapeutic devices, barrier contraception, and durable
7medical equipment.
SB866,15,98 e. Any other diagnostic, therapeutic, or other procedure authorized by rule
9under s. 466.03 (2) (a).
SB866,15,1010 4. Prescribing, dispensing, and administering drugs, subject to s. 961.397.
SB866,15,1111 5. Performing minor office procedures.
SB866,15,1512 6. Signing and attesting to any certificates, cards, forms or other required
13documentation that a physician may sign, so long as it is within the naturopathic
14doctor's scope of practice. This subdivision does not supersede any federal or state
15statute, rule, or regulation.
SB866,15,1616 (b) “Naturopathic medicine” does not include any of the following:
SB866,15,1717 1. Performing any surgical procedure other than a minor office procedure.
SB866,15,1818 2. Using general or spinal anesthetics.
SB866,15,1919 3. Administering ionizing radioactive substances for therapeutic purposes.
SB866,15,2120 4. Performing surgical procedures involving the eye, ear, tendons, nerves,
21veins, or arteries that extend beyond superficial tissue.
SB866,15,2322 5. Performing any procedure or other practice prohibited by the board by rule
23under s. 466.03 (2) (a).
SB866,15,24 24(6) “Nonprescription drug product" has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (13m).
1466.02 License required; use of titles. (1) (a) Except as provided in subs.
2(2) (a) and (b) and (3), no person may practice naturopathic medicine or make a
3representation as authorized to do so unless the person is licensed under this
SB866,16,155 (b) Except as provided in subs. (2) (b) and (3), no person may designate himself
6or herself as a naturopathic doctor or doctor of naturopathic medicine; use or assume
7the title “naturopathic physician,” “physician of naturopathic medicine,”
8“naturopathic doctor," “doctor of naturopathic medicine," “naturopathic medical
9doctor,” or “doctor of naturopathy"; use the words “naturopathic medicine” or
10“naturopathic health care” in connection with his or her practice; append to the
11person's name the letters “N.D.," “ND," “N.M.D.," or “NMD"; use any other titles,
12words, letters, abbreviations, insignia, or designation that would imply that the
13individual is licensed, certified, or registered as a naturopathic doctor or doctor of
14naturopathic medicine; or claim to render naturopathic medicine or naturopathic
15health care services unless the person is licensed under this chapter.
SB866,16,16 16(2) (a) Subsection (1) (a) does not require a license for any of the following:
SB866,16,1817 1. Any person lawfully practicing within the scope of a license, permit,
18registration, or certification granted by this state or the federal government.
SB866,16,1919 2. The provision of information in connection with the sale of vitamins or herbs.
SB866,16,2120 3. The provision of advice regarding the use of a therapy including herbal
21medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, or other nondrug or nonsurgical therapy.
SB866,16,2422 4. Any individual acting under an exemption from the requirement to obtain
23a license to practice medicine and surgery under s. 448.03 (2), to the extent that the
24individual's activities also fall within the practice of naturopathic medicine.