(1) (am) 1. Except as provided in par. (c), the person or agency
22primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order, the district attorney,
23or the corporation counsel may request a change in placement under this subsection
24by causing written notice of the proposed change in placement to be sent to the
25juvenile, the juvenile's counsel or guardian ad litem, the parent, guardian, and legal
1custodian of the juvenile, and any foster parent or other physical custodian described
2in s. 48.62 (2) of the juvenile. If the request is for a change in placement under sub.
3(3), notice shall be sent to the entity that operates the secured residential care center
4for children and youth or
Type 1 juvenile correctional facility where placement is
5proposed. If the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who has been removed from the home
6of his or her parent or Indian custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), written
7notice shall also be sent to the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe. The
8notice shall contain the name and address of the new placement, the reasons for the
9change in placement, a statement describing why the new placement is preferable
10to the present placement, and a statement of how the new placement satisfies
11objectives of the treatment plan or permanency plan ordered by the court. The
12person sending the notice shall file the notice with the court on the same day that the
13notice is sent.
14Section 3214
. 938.357 (1) (am) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin
15Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
(1) (am) 1. Except as provided in par. (c), the person or agency
17primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order, the district attorney,
18or the corporation counsel may request a change in placement under this subsection
19by causing written notice of the proposed change in placement to be sent to the
20juvenile, the juvenile's counsel or guardian ad litem, the parent, guardian, and legal
21custodian of the juvenile, and any foster parent or other physical custodian described
22in s. 48.62 (2) of the juvenile. If the request is for a change in placement under sub.
23(3), notice shall be sent to the entity that operates the secured residential care center
24for children and youth or juvenile correctional facility where placement is proposed.
25If the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who has been removed from the home of his or
1her parent or Indian custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), written notice
2shall also be sent to the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe. The notice shall
3contain the name and address of the new placement, the reasons for the change in
whether the new placement is certified under s. 48.675, a statement
5describing why the new placement is preferable to the present placement, and a
6statement of how the new placement satisfies objectives of the treatment plan or
7permanency plan ordered by the court. The person sending the notice shall file the
8notice with the court on the same day that the notice is sent.
9Section 3215
. 938.357 (1) (am) 1m. and 1r. of the statutes are created to read:
(1) (am) 1m. If the proposed change in placement would place the
11juvenile in a residential care center for children and youth, group home, or shelter
12care facility certified under s. 48.675, the qualified individual shall conduct a
13standardized assessment and the person or agency primarily responsible for
14implementing the dispositional order shall submit it and the recommendation of the
15qualified individual who conducted the standardized assessment, including all of the
16following, to the court and all persons who are required to receive the notice under
17subd. 1. no later than time of filing that notice or, if not available by that time, and
18except as provided under subd. 1r., no later than 10 days after the notice is filed:
a. Whether the proposed placement will provide the juvenile with the most
20effective and appropriate level of care in the least restrictive environment.
b. How the placement is consistent with the short-term and long-term goals
22for the juvenile, as specified in the permanency plan.
c. The reasons why the juvenile's needs can or cannot be met by the juvenile's
24family or in a foster home. A shortage or lack of foster homes is not an acceptable
25reason for determining that the juvenile's needs cannot be met in a foster home.
1d. The placement preference of the family permanency team under s. 938.38
2(3m) and, if that preference is not the placement recommended by the qualified
3individual, why that recommended placement is not preferred.
1r. If, for good cause shown, the information required to be submitted under
5subd. 1m. is not available by the deadline under that subdivision, the person or
6agency primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order shall submit
7it no later than 30 days after the date on which the placement is made.
8Section 3216
. 938.357 (1) (c) 1r. of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (c) 1r. If the proposed change in placement would place the juvenile
10in a residential care center for children and youth, group home, or shelter care facility
11certified under s. 48.675, the qualified individual shall conduct a standardized
12assessment and the person or agency primarily responsible for implementing the
13dispositional order shall submit it and the recommendation of the qualified
14individual who conducted the standardized assessment, including the information
15specified in sub. (1) (am) 1m., to the court and to the party that requested the change
16in placement under subd. 1. no later than the filing of that request or, if not available
17by that time, no later than 30 days after the date on which the placement was made.
18Section 3217
. 938.357 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 938.357 (2) (a) 1.
19Section 3218
. 938.357 (2) (a) 2., 3. and 4. of the statutes are created to read:
(2) (a) 2. If the emergency change in placement under subd. 1. results
21in a juvenile being placed in a residential care center for children and youth, group
22home, or shelter care facility certified under s. 48.675, the qualified individual shall
23conduct a standardized assessment and the person or agency primarily responsible
24for implementing the dispositional order shall submit it and the recommendation of
25the qualified individual who conducted the standardized assessment, including the
1information specified under sub. (1) (am) 1m. with the notice under subd. 1. or, if not
2available at that time, and except as provided under subd. 3., no later than 10 days
3after the filing of that notice.
3. If, for good cause shown, the information required to be submitted under
5subd. 2. is not available by the deadline under that subdivision, the person or agency
6primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order shall submit it no
7later than 30 days after the date on which the placement was made.
4. If the emergency change in placement under subd. 1. results in a juvenile
9being placed in a residential care center for children and youth, group home, or
10shelter care facility certified under s. 48.675, the court shall, no later than 60 days
11after the placement is made, issue an order making the findings under sub. (2v) (a)
125., the answers to which do not affect whether the placement may be made, after
13considering the standardized assessment and the recommendation of the qualified
14individual who conducted the standardized assessment.
15Section 3219
. 938.357 (2) (b) 5. and 6. of the statutes are created to read:
(2) (b) 5. If the emergency change in placement under this paragraph
17results in a juvenile being placed in a residential care center for children and youth,
18group home, or shelter care facility certified under s. 48.675, the qualified individual
19shall conduct a standardized assessment and the person or agency primarily
20responsible for implementing the dispositional order shall submit it and the
21recommendation of the qualified individual who conducted the standardized
22assessment, including the information specified in sub. (1) (am) 1m., to the court and
23all persons who are required to receive the notice under subd. 2. that requested the
24change in placement no later than the filing of that request or, if not available by that
25time, no later than 30 days after the date on which the placement was made.
16. If the emergency change in placement this paragraph results in a juvenile
2being placed in a residential care center for children and youth, group home, or
3shelter care facility certified under s. 48.675, the court shall, no later than 60 days
4after the placement is made, issue an order making the findings under sub. (2v) (a)
55., the answers to which do not affect whether the placement may be made, after
6considering the standardized assessment and the recommendation of the qualified
7individual who conducted the standardized assessment.
8Section 3220
. 938.357 (2m) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 938.357 (2m) (a)
10Section 3221
. 938.357 (2m) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(2m) (a) 2. If the change in placement results in the juvenile being
12placed in a residential care center for children and youth, group home, or shelter care
13facility certified under s. 48.675, the qualified individual shall conduct a
14standardized assessment and the person or agency primarily responsible for
15implementing the dispositional order shall submit it and the recommendation of the
16qualified individual who conducted the standardized assessment, including the
17information under sub. (1) (am) 1m., to the court and to the party that requested the
18change in placement under subd. 1. no later than the filing of that request or, if not
19available by that time, no later than 30 days after the date on which the placement
20was made.
21Section 3222
. 938.357 (2v) (a) 5. and 6. of the statutes are created to read:
(2v) (a) 5. Except as provided in subd. 6., if the court changes the
23placement to a residential care center for children and youth, group home, or shelter
24care facility certified under s. 48.675, the change-in-placement order shall contain
25a finding as to each of the following, the answers to which do not affect whether the
1placement may be made, after considering the standardized assessment and the
2recommendation of the qualified individual who conducted the standardized
a. Whether the needs of the juvenile can be met through placement in a foster
b. Whether placement of the juvenile in a residential care center for children
7and youth, group home, or shelter care facility certified under s. 48.675 provides the
8most effective and appropriate level of care for the juvenile in the least restrictive
c. Whether the placement is consistent with the short-term and long-term
11goals for the juvenile, as specified in the permanency plan.
d. Whether the court approves or disapproves the placement.