Relating to advance practice nurse prescribers collaboration with dentists.
Submitted by the Board of Nursing.
hist101560Report received from Agency, May 31, 2019. hist102004Referred to the committee on Health and Human Services, June 7, 2019. Relating to predetermination of conviction record prior to submitting a full application for licensure.
Submitted by the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
hist101561Report received from Agency, May 31, 2019. hist102005Referred to the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, June 7, 2019. Relating to motor bus equipment and inspection, and affeting small business.
Submitted by the Department of Transportation.
hist101599Report received from Agency, June 3, 2019. hist102006Referred to the committee on Transportation, Veterans and Military Affairs, June 7, 2019. Relating to assessor certification.
Submitted by the Department of Revenue.
hist101366Report received from Agency, May 29, 2019. hist102002Referred to the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions, June 7, 2019. _____________
The committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions reported and recommended:
Relating to penalty for failure to produce records.
hist102016Referred to the joint committee for review of Administrative Rules, June 7, 2019. Relating to income and franchise tax provisions.