Veterans outreach and recovery program continued [Sec. 257, 435] -
SB59Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision -
AB131Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision -
SB141Academic credits transferred from military transcripts to UW System schools or TCS schools: the student may object to the transfer -
SB205Academic credits transferred from military transcripts to UW System schools or TCS schools: the student may object to the transfer -
AB230Application fees at UW System schools and technical colleges: exemption for veterans and armed forces members -
AB663Application fees at UW System schools and technical colleges: exemption for veterans and armed forces members -
SB588Fee remission program for certain veterans enrolled in a UW System school or TCS school: expanded to include noncredit courses -
AB218Late receipt of student’s veterans benefits: UW System school or technical college prohibited from taking adverse action -
SB142Late receipt of student’s veterans benefits: UW System school or technical college prohibited from taking adverse action -
AB161Tuition and fee remission program for certain veterans and their spouses and children at UW System schools and technical colleges: residency requirement modified -
SB597Tuition and fee remission program for certain veterans and their spouses and children at UW System schools and technical colleges: residency requirement modified -
AB689Veteran-related tuition grants for certain students enrolled at private nonprofit institutions that are Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities members: HEAB required to offer, conditions set -
AB684Veteran-related tuition grants for certain students enrolled at private nonprofit institutions that are Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities members: HEAB required to offer, conditions set [S.Amdt.1: UW and TCS fee remission provisions added] -
SB537Authorized state building program for 2019-2021 amended to add grant to Wisconsin Veterans Village Association, Inc. to assist with construction and renovation -
AB1031Central Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery maintenance appropriation renumbered [Sec. 252] -
SB59Central Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery maintenance appropriation renumbered [Sec. 252] -
AB56Veterans homes: grants to counties appropriation repealed [Sec. 254, 255] -
AB56Veterans homes: grants to counties appropriation repealed [Sec. 254, 255] -
SB59Veterans and surviving spouses’ property tax credit: eligibility threshold modified re service-connected disability rating -
AB88Veterans and surviving spouses’ property tax credit: eligibility threshold modified re service-connected disability rating -
SB116Veterans home exchange program and veterans cemetery operations: appropriations made continuing [Sec. 253, 261] -
SB59Veterans home exchange program and veterans cemetery operations: appropriations made continuing [Sec. 253, 261] -
AB56Veterans housing loan program eliminated [Admin Code VA 4] [Sec. 67, 118-121, 258-260, 293, 308-311, 337, 338, 427-434, 436, 828, 1802, 1803, 1824, 1858, 1862-1866, 2111, 2267, 9148 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 308c, deletes 308-311; A.Amdt.1: further revisions, 308d, e, deletes 308c] -
AB56Veterans housing loan program eliminated [Sec. 67, 118-121, 258-260, 293, 308-311, 337, 338, 427-434, 436, 828, 1802, 1803, 1824, 1858, 1862-1866, 2111, 2267, 9148 (1)] -