jr41(1)(c)(c) For purposes of par.
(a), a bill increasing or decreasing the liability or revenues of the unemployment reserve fund is considered to increase or decrease state fiscal liability or revenues.
jr41(2)(a)(a) Fiscal estimates are required on original bills only and not on substitute amendments or amendments.
(b) A bill containing a penalty provision is exempt from the fiscal estimate requirement if the bill contains no other provisions requiring a fiscal estimate under sub.
(1) (a).
jr41(3)(a)(a) The joint committee on finance by the approval of a majority of its members, or either cochairperson of the committee, may transmit electronically a request for the legislative fiscal bureau, or through the department of administration for an appropriate state agency, to prepare a supplemental fiscal estimate on any bill or on a bill as affected by any proposed amendment or proposed substitute amendment if the committee or cochairperson believes that the fiscal estimate on the bill, or on the bill as affected by the proposed amendment, would be substantially different from the fiscal estimate on the original bill. A supplemental fiscal estimate prepared under this paragraph shall be transmitted electronically to the legislative reference bureau for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
(b) Upon a request of a bill's primary author, transmitted electronically unless directed otherwise by the presiding officer, the presiding officer of either house may transmit electronically a request through the department of administration for an appropriate state agency to prepare a supplemental fiscal estimate on any bill, or on a bill as affected by any proposed amendment or proposed substitute amendment, if the presiding officer believes that the fiscal estimate on the bill, or on the bill as affected by the proposed amendment, would be substantially different from the fiscal estimate on the original bill. Unless otherwise determined by the house in which the bill may be placed on the calendar, failure to receive a supplemental fiscal estimate requested under this paragraph on a bill that already has one or more original fiscal estimates does not delay consideration of the bill. A supplemental fiscal estimate prepared under this paragraph shall be transmitted electronically to the legislative reference bureau for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
(c) The department of administration may transmit electronically a supplemental fiscal estimate to the legislative reference bureau for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope if the department disagrees with a fiscal estimate prepared by a state agency.
(d) In addition to the original estimates prepared by state agencies, the department of administration shall, if appropriate, transmit electronically to the legislative reference bureau, for review by the requester under joint rule
48 and for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope, a consolidated fiscal estimate summarizing all original fiscal estimates prepared by state agencies relating to a specific bill.
(e) Any state agency may transmit electronically to the department of administration for transmission electronically to the legislative reference bureau for review by the primary author of an introduced bill under joint rule
48 and for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope an updated fiscal estimate supplementing the original estimate on any bill if the agency has available better or more current information.
(f) The legislative fiscal bureau or the department of administration shall, if it receives an electronic request under joint rule
48 (3), prepare a supplemental fiscal estimate. If a supplemental fiscal estimate is requested electronically the fiscal bureau or the department shall transmit electronically the prepared supplemental fiscal estimate to the legislative reference bureau for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
(g) A state agency shall transmit electronically any fiscal estimate requested electronically under joint rule
48 (2) to the department of administration for transmission electronically to the legislative reference bureau for review by the primary author under joint rule
48 and for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
(h) Any state agency may rewrite its original fiscal estimate as provided under joint rule
48 (4).
(i) The department of administration may correct any fiscal estimate prepared by a state agency as provided under joint rule
46 (5).
oint Rule 42.
General procedures. jr42(1)(a)(a) Fiscal estimates shall be prepared by all state agencies receiving the appropriation, collecting the revenue, administering the program, or having information concerning the subject matter of the bill. Bills containing provisions for both appropriations and revenues or either appropriations or revenues for more than one state agency shall receive estimates from each such agency.
(b) In addition, the department of administration shall, when appropriate, prepare a consolidated fiscal estimate as required under joint rule
41 (3) (d).
(c) For bills with a fiscal impact on general local government, the department of administration shall obtain the requisite information from all appropriate state agencies.
(2) The name of the state agency preparing the estimate, and the date, shall be reproduced at the end of the estimate. The estimate shall also include the name and telephone number of a responsible official of the agency.
(3) Each state agency shall prepare the fiscal estimate within 5 working days from the date on which it receives the bill, but the department of administration, on a limited basis only and upon an agency's request received before the end of the 5-day period and applicable to only one fiscal estimate, may extend the period for the specified fiscal estimate to not more than 10 working days if the bill necessitates extended research. Whenever the extension is granted, the department of administration shall immediately notify the legislative reference bureau.
(4) The state agencies are requested to use the bills, substitute amendments, and amendments transmitted to them for official purposes only. In particular, no state agency may copy, or otherwise disseminate information regarding, any bill, substitute amendment, or amendment to it by “LRB" number, indicating that the bill, substitute amendment, or amendment transmitted has not been offered or introduced in the legislature.
Joint Rule 43.
Reliable dollar estimate. The estimate shall be factual in nature, and shall provide as reliable a dollar estimate as possible. The fiscal estimate shall contain a statement setting forth the assumptions used in arriving at the dollar estimate. Identification of technical or policy problems in the bill may not be included in the estimate but shall be transmitted electronically and separately in a technical memorandum.
oint Rule 44.
Bill jackets to display “FE." jr44(1)(1) The jackets of all bills carrying a fiscal estimate shall have the initials “FE" displayed on them.