AB68,2998 11Section 2998 . 633.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1579,16 12633.06 Examination and inspection of books and records. (1) The
13commissioner may examine, audit or accept an audit of the books and records of an
14administrator or pharmacy benefit manager as provided for examination of licensees
15under s. 601.43 (1), (3), (4) and (5), to be conducted as provided in s. 601.44, and with
16costs to be paid as provided in s. 601.45.
AB68,1579,20 17(2) A principal that uses an administrator may inspect the books and records
18of the administrator, subject to any restrictions set forth in ss. 146.81 to 146.835 and
19in the written agreement required under s. 633.04, for the purpose of enabling the
20principal to fulfill its contractual obligations to insureds insured employees.
AB68,2999 21Section 2999 . 633.07 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1579,24 22633.07 Approval of advertising. An administrator may not use any
23advertising for a an employee benefit plan underwritten by an insurer unless the
24insurer approves the advertising in advance.
AB68,3000 25Section 3000 . 633.09 (4) (b) 2. and 3. of the statutes are amended to read:
1633.09 (4) (b) 2. To a an employee benefit plan policyholder for payment to a
2principal, the funds belonging to the principal.
AB68,1580,33 3. To an insured employee, the funds belonging to the insured employee.
AB68,3001 4Section 3001 . 633.11 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1580,10 5633.11 Claim adjustment compensation. If an administrator adjusts or
6settles claims under a an employee benefit plan, the commission, fees or charges
7that the principal pays the administrator may not be based on the employee benefit
8plan's loss experience. This section does not prohibit compensation based on the
9number or amount of premiums or charges collected, or the number or amount of
10claims paid or processed by the administrator.
AB68,3002 11Section 3002 . 633.12 (1) (intro.), (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to
AB68,1580,1713 633.12 (1) (intro.) An administrator shall prepare sufficient copies of a written
14notice approved in advance by the principal for distribution to all insureds insured
of the principal and either shall distribute the copies to the insureds
16insured employees or shall provide the copies to the principal for distribution to the
insured employees. The written notice shall contain all of the following:
AB68,1580,1918 (b) An explanation of the respective rights and responsibilities of the
19administrator, the principal and the insureds insured employees.
AB68,1580,2120 (c) A statement of the extent to which the employee benefit plan is insured or
21self-insured, and an explanation of the terms “insured" and “self-insured".
AB68,3003 22Section 3003 . 633.13 (1) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB68,1581,223 633.13 (1) General. Except as provided in sub. (2), a person may not perform,
24offer to perform or advertise any service as an administrator or a pharmacy benefit
unless the person has obtained a license under s. 633.14. A pharmacy

1benefit manager that also performs services as an administrator need only obtain an
2administrator license under s. 633.14.
AB68,1581,7 3(3) Responsibilities of principal. A principal may not use the services of an
4administrator unless the administrator furnishes proof of licensure under s. 633.14
5or exemption under sub. (2). An insurer or a self-insured health plan may not use
6the services of a pharmacy benefit manager unless the pharmacy benefit manager
7furnishes proof of licensure under s. 633.14.
AB68,3004 8Section 3004 . 633.14 (2) (intro.) and (c) 1. and 3. and (3) of the statutes are
9amended to read:
AB68,1581,1210 633.14 (2) (intro.) The commissioner shall issue a license to act as an
11administrator or pharmacy benefit manager to a corporation, limited liability
12company or partnership that does all of the following:
AB68,1581,1613 (c) 1. That the corporation, limited liability company or partnership intends in
14good faith to act as an administrator or pharmacy benefit manager through
15individuals designated under subd. 3. in compliance with applicable laws of this
16state and rules and orders of the commissioner.
AB68,1581,2117 3. That for each employee benefit plan or prescription drug benefit to be
18administered, the corporation, limited liability company or partnership has
19designated or will designate an individual in the corporation, limited liability
20company or partnership to directly administer the employee benefit plan or
21prescription drug benefit
AB68,1581,25 22(3) The commissioner shall promulgate rules establishing the specifications
23that a bond supplied by an administrator or pharmacy benefit manager under sub.
24(1) (b) or (2) (b) must satisfy to guarantee faithful performance of the administrator
25or pharmacy benefit manager.
1Section 3005. 633.15 (1) (a), (1m), and (2) (a) 1., 2. and 3. and (b) 1. of the
2statutes are amended to read:
AB68,1582,53 633.15 (1) (a) Payment. An administrator or pharmacy benefit manager shall
4pay the annual renewal fee under s. 601.31 (1) (w) for each annual renewal of a
5license by the date specified by a schedule established under par. (b).
AB68,1582,17 6(1m) Social security number, federal employer identification number or
At an annual renewal, an administrator or pharmacy benefit manager
8shall provide his or her social security number, if the administrator is an individual
9unless he or she does not have a social security number, or its federal employer
10identification number, if the administrator or pharmacy benefit manager is a
11corporation, limited liability company or partnership, if the social security number
12or federal employer identification number was not previously provided on the
13application for the license or at a previous renewal of the license. If an administrator
14who is an individual does not have a social security number, the individual shall
15provide to the commissioner, at each annual renewal and on a form prescribed by the
16department of children and families, a statement made or subscribed under oath or
17affirmation that the administrator does not have a social security number.
AB68,1582,25 18(2) (a) 1. If an administrator or pharmacy benefit manager fails to pay the
19annual renewal fee as provided under sub. (1) or fails to provide a social security
20number, federal employer identification number or statement made or subscribed
21under oath or affirmation as required under sub. (1m), the commissioner shall
22suspend the administrator's or pharmacy benefit manager's license effective the day
23following the last day when the annual renewal fee may be paid, if the commissioner
24has given the administrator or pharmacy benefit manager reasonable notice of when
25the fee must be paid to avoid suspension.
12. If, within 60 days from the effective date of suspension under subd. 1., an
2administrator or pharmacy benefit manager pays the annual renewal fee or provides
3the social security number, federal employer identification number or statement
4made or subscribed under oath or affirmation, or both if the suspension was based
5upon a failure to do both, the commissioner shall reinstate the administrator's or
6pharmacy benefit manager's
license effective as of the date of suspension.
AB68,1583,117 3. If payment is not made or the social security number, federal employer
8identification number or statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation is
9not provided within 60 days from the effective date of suspension under subd. 1., the
10commissioner shall revoke the administrator's or pharmacy benefit manager's
AB68,1583,1412 (b) 1. Except as provided in pars. (c) to (e), the commissioner may revoke,
13suspend or limit the license of an administrator or pharmacy benefit manager after
14a hearing if the commissioner makes any of the following findings: