truancyTruancy, see School — Attendance — Compulsory
truax fieldTruax Field, see National Guard
truckTruck, see Bus and truck — Taxation or registration
trust fundTrust fund, see also Veterans Trust Fund
BCPL loans to municipal utilities from the trust funds it manages during 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 84] - SB932
BCPL loans to municipal utilities from the trust funds it manages during 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 84] - AB1038
BCPL may contract with SWIB to invest school trust fund moneys - AB49
Campaign finance: political action committee definition revised; public campaign financing trust fund created and income tax return provision - AB972
Campaign finance: political action committee definition revised; public campaign financing trust fund created and income tax return provision - SB861
Family and medical leave law expanded and family and medical leave insurance program created; trust fund, income tax deduction, ordinance, and employer provisions; JSCTE appendix report - SB596
Family and medical leave law expanded and family and medical leave insurance program created; trust fund, income tax deduction, ordinance, and employer provisions; JSCTE appendix report - AB666
Lifetime fishing license to residents established; lifetime fishing trust fund created - SB508
Lifetime fishing license to residents established; lifetime fishing trust fund created - AB555
Opioid settlement trust fund and opioid settlement foundation created re moneys from court settlements; DHS, AG, and JCF duties - AB862
Transfer from general fund to state building trust fund [Sec. 9104 (1); original bill only] - AB56
Transfer from general fund to state building trust fund [Sec. 9104 (1)] - SB59
Transfer to state building trust fund and lapse to general fund from certain DOA accounts [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9201 (1i), (1j)] - AB56
Water Fund for Our Future trust fund created re natural disaster or public health emergency response; Joint Committee for the Oversight of the Water Fund for Our Future joint standing committee created; JCF, DNR, DOJ, and DHS provisions - SB779
Water Fund for Our Future trust fund created re natural disaster or public health emergency response; Joint Committee for the Oversight of the Water Fund for Our Future joint standing committee created; JCF, DNR, DOJ, and DHS provisions - AB890
tuitionTuition, see Veteran — Education; University of Wisconsin — Tuition; Scholarships and loans; Technical college
uiUI, see Unemployment insurance
unborn childUnborn child, see Maternal and infant care
unclaimed propertyUnclaimed property, see Personal property
underage personUnderage person, see Youth
unemployment _ relief measuresUnemployment — Relief measures
Council on Workforce Investment and local workforce development boards established to provide employment and training services to homeless or those at risk of being homeless - SB124
Council on Workforce Investment and local workforce development boards established to provide employment and training services to homeless or those at risk of being homeless - AB122
Family Navigator Program established in DWD, report required - AB375