NR 409.02(35)(35) “Direct public utility ownership” means direct ownership of equipment and facilities by one or more corporations, the principal business of which is sale of electricity to the public at retail. Percentage ownership of equipment and facilities shall be measured on the basis of book value. NR 409.02(35h)(35h) ‘‘Dry bottom” means having a furnace bottom temperature below the ash melting point and bottom ash removal as a solid. NR 409.02(35p)(35p) ‘‘Economizer” means the lowest temperature heat exchange section of a utility boiler where boiler feed water is heated by the flue gas. NR 409.02(36)(36) “Emissions” means air contaminants exhausted from an affected unit or affected source into the atmosphere, as measured, recorded and reported to the administrator and the department by the designated representative and as determined by the administrator and the department, in accordance with the emissions monitoring requirements of 40 CFR part 75. NR 409.02(37)(a)(a) Any tonnage of sulfur dioxide emitted by an affected unit during a calendar year that exceeds the emissions limitation in the acid rain program for sulfur dioxide for the unit; and NR 409.02(37)(b)(b) Any tonnage of nitrogen oxides emitted by an affected unit during a calendar year that exceeds the annual tonnage equivalent of the emissions limitation in the acid rain program for nitrogen oxides applicable to the affected unit taking into account the unit’s heat input for the year. NR 409.02(38)(38) “Excess emission offset requirement” means a requirement to reduce excess acid rain emissions pursuant to 40 CFR 77.1 to 77.6 by offsetting excess emissions of sulfur dioxide that have occurred at an affected unit in any calendar year. NR 409.02(39)(39) “Existing unit” means a unit, including a unit subject to new source performance standards, section 111 of the act (42 USC 7411), that commenced commercial operation before November 15, 1990 and that on or after November 15, 1990 served a generator with a nameplate capacity of greater than 25 MWe. The term existing unit does not include simple cycle combustion turbines or any unit that on or after November 15, 1990 served only generators with a nameplate capacity of 25 MWe or less. Any existing unit that is modified, reconstructed or repowered after November 15, 1990 shall continue to be an existing unit. NR 409.02(39m)(39m) ‘‘Flue gas” means the gaseous combustion products arising from the combustion of fossil fuel in a utility boiler. NR 409.02(40)(40) “Gas-fired” means the combustion of natural gas or a coal-derived gaseous fuel with a sulfur content no greater than natural gas, for at least 90% of the average annual heat input during the previous 3 calendar years and for at least 85% of the annual heat input in each of those calendar years; and any fuel, other than coal or any other coal-derived fuel, for the remaining heat input, if any. NR 409.02(41)(41) “General account” means an allowance tracking system account that is not a unit account. NR 409.02(42)(42) “Generator” means a device that produces electricity and was or would have been required to be reported as a generating unit pursuant to the United States department of energy form 860—1990 edition. NR 409.02(43)(43) “Generator output capacity” means the full-load continuous rating of a generator under specific conditions as designed by the manufacturer. NR 409.02(43h)(43h) ‘‘Group 1 boiler’’ means a tangentially-fired boiler or a dry bottom wall-fired boiler that is not a cell burner boiler. NR 409.02(43p)(43p) ‘‘Group 2 boiler” means a wet bottom wall-fired boiler, a cyclone boiler, a boiler applying cell burner technology, a vertically fired boiler, an arch-fired boiler, or any other type of utility boiler, such as a fluidized bed or stoker boiler, that is not a Group 1 boiler. NR 409.02(44)(44) “Heat input” means the product, expressed in mmBtu/time, of the gross calorific value of the fuel, expressed in Btu/lb, and the fuel feed rate into the combustion device, expressed in mass of fuel/time, and does not include the heat derived from preheated combustion air, recirculated flue gases, or exhaust from other sources. NR 409.02(44m)(44m) ‘‘Incidental electricity sales” means the total annual sales of electricity produced by a generator that do not exceed 10% of the nameplate capacity of that generator times 8,760 hours per year and do not exceed 10% of the actual annual electric output of that generator. NR 409.02(45)(45) “Independent power production facility” means a source that: NR 409.02(45)(b)(b) Is used for the generation of electricity, 80% or more of which is sold at wholesale; NR 409.02(45)(d)(d) Does not have direct public utility ownership of the equipment comprising the facility which exceeds 50%. NR 409.02(46)(46) “Life-of-the-unit, firm power contractual arrangement” means a unit participation power sales agreement under which a utility or industrial customer reserves, or is entitled to receive, a specified amount or percentage of nameplate capacity and associated energy generated by any specified generating unit and pays its proportional amount of the unit’s total costs, pursuant to a contract: NR 409.02(46)(b)(b) For a cumulative term of no less than 30 years, including contracts that permit an election for early termination; or NR 409.02(46)(c)(c) For a period equal to or greater than 25 years or 70% of the economic useful life of the unit determined as of the time the unit was built, with option rights to purchase or release some portion of the nameplate capacity and associated energy generated by the unit at the end of the period. NR 409.02(46h)(46h) ‘‘Low NOx burners” or ‘‘low NOx burner technology” means commercially available combustion modification NOx controls that minimize NOx formation by introducing coal and its associated combustion air into a boiler such that initial combustion occurs in a manner that promotes rapid coal devolatilization in a fuel-rich, i.e., oxygen deficient, environment and introduces additional air to achieve a final fuel-lean, i.e., oxygen rich, environment to complete the combustion process. This definition shall include the staging of any portion of the combustion air using air nozzles or registers located inside any waterwall hole that includes a burner. This definition shall exclude the staging of any portion of the combustion air using air nozzles or ports located outside any waterwall hole that includes a burner, commonly referred to as NOx ports or separated overfire air ports. NR 409.02(46p)(46p) ‘‘Maximum continuous steam flow at 100% of load” means the maximum capacity of a boiler as reported in item 3 (Maximum Continuous Steam Flow at 100% Load in thousand pounds per hour), Section C (design parameters), Part III (boiler information) of the U.S. department of energy’s Form EIA-767 for 1995.