Juvenile correctional facilities. The treatment of ss. 16.99 (3b), 46.011
17(1p) (by
Section 797
), 46.057 (1) (by
Section 799
), 46.22 (1) (c) 1. b., 48.023 (4) (by
18Section 831), 48.526 (7) (h), 48.66 (1) (b) (by
Section 951), 48.981 (1) (b), 49.11 (1c)
Section 975
), 49.343 (1g), 49.345 (2) (by
Section 1029), 49.45 (25) (bj) (by
Section 201051), 77.52 (2) (ag) 39. (intro.), 101.123 (1) (ac) 2. and (j) and (2) (d) 3., 115.76 (10),
21115.81 (1) (b), 146.81 (5) (by
Section 2323), 157.065 (2) (a) 4. c., 227.03 (4), 301.01 (1n)
Section 2721
) and (1s), 301.025, 301.08 (1) (b) 3., 301.16 (1w) and (1x), 301.18 (1)
23(fm), 301.26 (4) (d) 2. (by
Section 2741
) and (eg), 301.37 (title) and (1m), 302.31 (7)
Section 2780
), 302.386 (5) (c) and (d), 450.062 (4), 757.69 (1m) (g) (by
Section 253036), 938.02 (4) (by
Section 3124), (10p), (12d), (15g), (19), (19r), and (20), 938.069
1(1) (intro.), 938.19 (1) (d) 6., 938.20 (2) (cm), (7) (c) 1m., and (8) (c), 938.205 (1) (c),
2938.208 (1) (intro.), 938.33 (3) (c), 938.34 (intro.), (4m) (intro.) and (c) (intro.), and (4n)
3(intro.), 938.355 (2) (b) 2., 2m., 6., and 6m. and (4) (b) (by
Section 3209), 938.357 (3)
4(a), (b) (intro.) and 1. b., (c), and (e), (4) (am), (b), and (c), (4g) (title), (a), (b), (c) (intro.),
52., 3., and 4., and (d), (4m), and (5) (title), (a), (b), (d), (e), and (g), 938.365 (5) (a) (by
6Section 3258
) and (7), 938.48 (3) (by
Section 3284
), (4) (by
Section 3286
), (4m) (b)
Section 3290
), (5) (by
Section 3292
), (6) (by
Section 3294
), (13), and (14) (by
8Section 3298
), 938.50, 938.505 (1) (by
Section 3302
), 938.51 (1m), 938.52 (2) (a) (by
9Section 3306
) and (c) (by
Section 3308
), 938.533, 938.538 (3) (a) 1., 1m., and 2. and
10(b), (4) (a) and (b), and (5) (a), 938.539, 938.54 (by
Section 3322), 938.59 (1), 938.595,
11938.78 (2) (d) (intro.), 946.42 (1) (a) 1. a. and f. (by
Section 3349) and 2. and (3) (c)
Section 3352
), 946.44 (2) (c) and (d) (by
Section 3355), 946.45 (2) (c) and (d) (by
13Section 3358), the renumbering of s. 938.357 (4) (ab), the repeal of s. 938.34 (4d), the
14repeal and recreation of s. 938.53, and the creation of s. 938.357 (4) (ab) 2. and
15Sections 9108 (6
) and
9308 (5
) and (6) of this act take effect on the date specified in
16the notice under
2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section
110 (2) (b).
Extended juvenile jurisdiction. The treatment of ss. 301.03 (10) (d),
18938.184, 938.23 (1m) (as), 938.31 (2), 938.34 (intro.) and (4p), 938.355 (2) (b) 6o.,
19938.357 (5d), 938.369, 938.396 (1) (b) 6., (2) (a), and (2j), 938.48 (7), 938.78 (2) (m),
20and 973.01 (1), the renumbering and amendment of s. 938.355 (4) (b), and the
21creation of s. 938.355 (4) (b) 5. take effect on July 1, 2022.
Student loan servicers. The treatment of ss. 15.01 (6), 15.02 (3) (c) 1., and
1115.185 (6) and subch. V of ch. 224 takes effect on October 1, 2021, or on the date
12specified in the notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under
13Section 9116 (1
) (b) of this act, whichever is later.
Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreements. The treatment of
2ss. 20.235 (1) (e), 20.285 (1) (gb), 36.27 (2r), 39.42, 39.47 (title), (1), and (2), 45.20 (2)
3(a) 1., (c) 1., and (d) 1. (intro.), 71.05 (6) (b) 28. (intro.), and 321.40 (1) (c) 2. takes effect
4on July 1, 2022.
Coverage of individuals with preexisting conditions, essential health
13benefits, and preventive services. The treatment of ss. 40.51 (8) (by
Section 755
14and (8m) (by
Section 757
), 66.0137 (4) (by
Section 1141
), 120.13 (2) (g) (by
152208), 185.983 (1) (intro.) (by
Section 2442
), 609.713, 609.847, 625.12 (1) (a) and (e)
16and (2), 625.15 (1), 628.34 (3) (a) (by
2973), 632.728, 632.746 (1) (a) and (b),
17(2) (a), (c), (d), and (e), (3) (a) and (d) 1., 2., and 3., (5), and (8) (a) (intro.), 632.748 (2),
18632.76 (2) (a) and (ac) 1. and 2., 632.795 (4) (a), 632.895 (8) (d), (13m), (14) (a) 1. i.,
19j., and k. to o., (b), (c), and (d) 3., (14m), (16m) (b), and (17) (b) 2. and (c), and 632.897
20(11) (a) and
Section 9323 (3
) of this act take effect on the first day of the 4th month
21beginning after publication.