AB487,14,6 5455.04 (title) Licensure of psychologists and private practice school
AB487,30 7Section 30 . 455.04 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB487,14,138 455.04 (1) (intro.) The department Subject to s. 455.09, the examining board
9shall issue grant a psychologist license to an individual who submits an application
10for the license to the department on a form provided by the department, pays the fee
11specified in s. 440.05 (1) or, if sub. (3) applies, the fee specified in s. 440.05 (2)
12determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9), and is found by the examining
13board to meet
satisfies all of the following requirements:
AB487,31 14Section 31 . 455.04 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB487,14,1615 455.04 (1) (b) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 , and 111.335, not have an arrest
a conviction record.
AB487,32 17Section 32 . 455.04 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB487,15,218 455.04 (1) (c) Hold a doctoral degree in psychology from a college or university
19accredited by a regional accrediting agency approved by the state board of education
20in the state in which the college or university is located
program accredited by the
21American Psychological Association or the Canadian Psychological Association
, or
22have had other academic training or specialized experience, which in the opinion of
23that the examining board is determines to be substantially equivalent thereto based
24upon standards established by rule
. The examining board may require examinations
25to determine the equivalence of such training and experience and may also require

for individuals holding doctoral degrees in psychology from
2non-American universities.
AB487,33 3Section 33 . 455.04 (1) (d) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB487,15,54 455.04 (1) (d) Complete any predoctoral supervised experience requirements
5established by the examining board by rule.
AB487,34 6Section 34 . 455.04 (1) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB487,15,87 455.04 (1) (dm) Complete any postdoctoral supervised experience
8requirements established by the examining board by rule.
AB487,35 9Section 35 . 455.04 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB487,15,1410 455.04 (1) (e) Pass the examination under s. 455.045 (1) (a). This paragraph
11does not apply to an applicant who is licensed as a psychologist in another state if
12the applicant submits proof of completion of continuing educational programs or
13courses approved under s. 455.065 (4) for the minimum number of hours required in
14the rules promulgated under s. 455.065 (3).
AB487,36 15Section 36 . 455.04 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB487,15,2116 455.04 (2) Subject to s. 455.09, the examining board shall grant an interim
17psychologist license to an individual who submits an application for the license, pays
18the fee specified under s. 440.05 (6), and satisfies the requirements for a license
19under sub. (1) (a) to (f), other than the requirement under sub. (1) (dm). An individual
20licensed under this subsection may provide psychological services only under the
21supervision of qualified supervisors, as determined by the examining board.
AB487,37 22Section 37 . 455.04 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB487,16,423 455.04 (3) The examining board may waive the requirements of sub. (1) (c) and
to (e) if a candidate holds a diploma of the American board of examiners in
25professional psychology, or
an applicant holds a certificate or license of an examining

1board of some other state or territory or foreign country or a Canadian province, if
2the standards of such other examining board are deemed by the members of this
3examining board to be substantially equivalent to the standards of this state and like
4reciprocity is extended to holders of licenses issued by this state
AB487,38 5Section 38 . 455.04 (4) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB487,16,116 455.04 (4) An individual who, on the day before the effective date of this
7subsection .... [LRB inserts date], held a valid private practice school psychologist
8license under s. 455.04 (4), 2017 stats., may continue to renew that license as
9provided in s. 455.06. The examining board may not grant any initial private
10practice school psychologist license based on an application received on or after the
11effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date].
AB487,39 12Section 39 . 455.04 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB487,16,1613 455.04 (5) Applicants for licensure under subs. (1) and (4) this section may be
14required to appear before the examining board in person prior to licensure to allow
15the examining board to make such inquiry of them as to qualifications and other
16matters as it considers proper.
AB487,40 17Section 40 . 455.045 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB487,16,2118 455.045 (1) The examining board shall administer In order to qualify for a
19psychologist license under s. 455.04 (1) or (2), an applicant must have passed all of

20the following examinations for psychologist licensure at least semiannually at times
21and places determined by the examining board
AB487,16,2222 (a) A written examination on the professional practice of psychology.
AB487,16,2423 (b) A written examination in the elements of practice essential to the public
24health, safety or welfare
on state law related to the practice of psychology.
AB487,41 25Section 41 . 455.045 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 42. 455.045 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB487,17,42 455.045 (3) The examining board shall set passing scores for examinations
3under sub. (1) (a) or (b). The examining board may adopt passing scores
4recommended by test developers.
AB487,43 5Section 43. 455.06 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: