AB68,1545,2423 5. Refrain from accruing or charging interest between the time the notice of the
24audit is given under par. (b) 1. and the final report under subd. 3. has been delivered.
AB68,1545,2525 6. Exclude dispensing fees from calculations of overpayments.
17. Establish and follow a written appeals process that allows a pharmacy or
2pharmacist to appeal the final report of an audit and allow the pharmacy or
3pharmacist as part of the appeal process to arrange for, at the cost of the pharmacy
4or pharmacist, an independent audit.
AB68,1546,85 8. Refrain from subjecting the pharmacy or pharmacist to a recoupment or
6recovery for a clerical or record-keeping error in a required document or record,
7including a typographical or computer error, unless the error resulted in an
8overpayment to the pharmacy or pharmacist.
AB68,1546,149 (d) Confidentiality of audit. Information obtained in an audit under this
10subsection is confidential and may not be shared unless the information is required
11to be shared under state or federal law and except that the audit may be shared with
12the entity on whose behalf the audit is performed. An entity conducting an audit may
13have access to the previous audit reports on a particular pharmacy only if the audit
14is conducted by the same entity.
AB68,1546,1815 (e) Cooperation with audit. If an entity is conducting an audit that is complying
16with this subsection in auditing a pharmacy or pharmacist, the pharmacy or
17pharmacist that is the subject of the audit may not interfere with or refuse to
18participate in the audit.
AB68,1546,2119 (f) Payment of auditors. A pharmacy benefit manager or entity conducting an
20audit may not pay an auditor employed by or contracted with the pharmacy benefit
21manager or entity based on a percentage of the amount recovered in an audit.
AB68,1546,2422 (g) Applicability. 1. This subsection does not apply to an investigative audit
23that is initiated as a result of a credible allegation of fraud or willful
24misrepresentation or criminal wrongdoing.
12. If an entity conducts an audit to which a federal law applies that is in conflict
2with all or part of this subsection, the entity shall comply with this subsection only
3to the extent that it does not conflict with federal law.
AB68,1547,11 4(7) Transparency reports. (a) Beginning on June 1, 2021, and annually
5thereafter, every pharmacy benefit manager shall submit to the commissioner a
6report that contains, from the previous calendar year, the aggregate rebate amount
7that the pharmacy benefit manager received from all pharmaceutical manufacturers
8but retained and did not pass through to health benefit plan sponsors and the
9percentage of the aggregate rebate amount that is retained rebates. Information
10required under this paragraph is limited to contracts held with pharmacies located
11in this state.
AB68,1547,1312 (b) Reports under this subsection shall be considered a trade secret under the
13uniform trade secret act under s. 134.90.
AB68,1547,1514 (c) The commissioner may not expand upon the reporting requirement under
15this subsection, except that the commissioner may effectuate this subsection.
AB68,2966 16Section 2966. 632.8655 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1547,17 17632.8655 Hospital drug cost reporting. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB68,1547,1918 (a) “Brand-name drug” means a prescription drug approved under 21 USC 355
19(b) or 42 USC 262.
AB68,1547,2120 (b) “Covered hospital” means an entity described in 42 USC 256b (a) (4) (L) to
21(N) that participates in the federal drug pricing program under 42 USC 256b.
AB68,1547,2222 (c) “Generic drug” means a prescription drug approved under 21 USC 355 (j).
AB68,1548,223 (d) “Margin” means, for a covered hospital, the difference between the net cost
24of a brand-name drug or generic drug covered under the federal drug pricing

1program under 42 USC 256b and the net payment by the covered hospital for that
2brand-name drug or generic drug.
AB68,1548,43 (e) “Net payment” means the amount paid for a brand-name drug or generic
4drug after all discounts and rebates have been applied.
AB68,1548,9 5(2) Hospital margin spending. By March 1 annually, each covered hospital
6operating in this state shall report to the commissioner the per unit margin for each
7drug covered under the federal drug pricing program under 42 USC 256b dispensed
8in the previous year multiplied by the number of units dispensed at that margin and
9how the margin revenue was used.
AB68,1548,15 10(3) Public reporting. The commissioner shall publicly post covered hospital
11documentation of how each hospital spends the margin revenue. The commissioner
12shall analyze data collected under this section and publish annually a report
13including an analysis on hospital-specific margins and how that revenue is spent or
14allocated on a hospital-specific basis. The commissioner shall keep any trade secret
15or proprietary information confidential.
AB68,2967 16Section 2967. 632.8665 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1548,18 17632.8665 Prescription drug cost reporting. (1) Definitions. In this
AB68,1548,2019 (a) “Brand-name drug” means a prescription drug approved under 21 USC 355
20(b) or 42 USC 262.
AB68,1548,2121 (b) “Generic drug” means a prescription drug approved under 21 USC 355 (j).
AB68,1548,2422 (c) “Manufacturer” has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (12). “Manufacturer”
23does not include an entity that is engaged only in the dispensing, as defined in s.
24450.01 (7), of a brand-name drug or generic drug.
1(d) “Manufacturer-sponsored assistance program” means a program offered by
2a manufacturer or an intermediary under contract with a manufacturer through
3which a brand-name drug or generic drug is provided to a patient at no charge or at
4a discount.
AB68,1549,55 (e) “Pharmacy benefit manager” has the meaning given in s. 632.865 (1) (c).
AB68,1549,96 (f) “Pharmacy services administrative organization” means an entity that
7provides contracting and other administrative services to a pharmacy to assist the
8pharmacy in interactions with a 3rd-party payer, pharmacy benefit manager,
9wholesale drug distributor, or other entity.