AB50,1465,106(b) A manufacturer may not be required to make an insulin product available 7under sub. (2) or (3) if the wholesale acquisition cost of the insulin product does not 8exceed $8, as adjusted annually based on the U.S. consumer price index for all 9urban consumers, U.S. city average, per milliliter or the applicable national council 10for prescription drug programs’ plan billing unit. AB50,1465,1311(5) Confidentiality. All medical information solicited or obtained by any 12person under this section shall be subject to the applicable provisions of state law 13relating to confidentiality of medical information, including s. 610.70. AB50,1465,1914(6) Reimbursement prohibition. No person, including a manufacturer, 15pharmacy, pharmacist, or 3rd-party administrator, as part of participating in an 16urgent need safety net program or patient assistance program may request or seek, 17or cause another person to request or seek, any reimbursement or other 18compensation for which payment may be made in whole or in part under a federal 19health care program, as defined in 42 USC 1320a-7b (f). AB50,1465,2220(7) Reports. (a) Annually, no later than March 1, each manufacturer shall 21report to the commissioner all of the following information for the previous calendar 22year: AB50,1466,2
11. The number of individuals who received insulin under the manufacturer’s 2urgent need safety net program. AB50,1466,532. The number of individuals who sought assistance under the 4manufacturer’s patient assistance program and the number of individuals who 5were determined to be ineligible under sub. (3) (c) 4. AB50,1466,763. The wholesale acquisition cost of the insulin provided by the manufacturer 7through the urgent need safety net program and patient assistance program. AB50,1466,118(b) Annually, no later than April 1, the commissioner shall submit to the 9governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the 10legislature under s. 13.172 (2), a report on the urgent need safety net programs and 11patient assistance programs that includes all of the following: AB50,1466,12121. The information provided to the commissioner under par. (a). AB50,1466,14132. The penalties assessed under sub. (9) during the previous calendar year, 14including the name of the manufacturer and amount of the penalty. AB50,1466,1915(8) Additional responsibilities of commissioner. (a) Application form. 16The commissioner shall make the application form described in sub. (2) (c) 1. a. 17available on the office’s website and shall make the form available to pharmacies 18and health care providers who prescribe or dispense insulin, hospital emergency 19departments, urgent care clinics, and community health clinics. AB50,1466,2220(b) Public outreach. 1. The commissioner shall conduct public outreach to 21create awareness of the urgent need safety net programs and patient assistance 22programs. AB50,1467,2
12. The commissioner shall develop and make available on the office’s website 2an information sheet that contains all of the following information: AB50,1467,43a. A description of how to access insulin through an urgent need safety net 4program. AB50,1467,65b. A description of how to access insulin through a patient assistance 6program. AB50,1467,87c. Information on how to contact a navigator for assistance in accessing 8insulin through an urgent need safety net program or patient assistance program. AB50,1467,109d. Information on how to contact the commissioner if a manufacturer 10determines that an individual is not eligible for a patient assistance program. AB50,1467,1211e. A notification that an individual may contact the commissioner for more 12information or assistance in accessing ongoing affordable insulin options. AB50,1467,1913(c) Navigators. The commissioner shall develop a training program to provide 14navigators with information and the resources necessary to assist individuals in 15accessing appropriate long-term insulin options. The commissioner shall compile a 16list of navigators that have completed the training program and are available to 17assist individuals in accessing affordable insulin coverage options. The list shall be 18made available on the office’s website and to pharmacies and health care 19practitioners who dispense and prescribe insulin. AB50,1468,220(d) Satisfaction surveys. 1. The commissioner shall develop and conduct a 21satisfaction survey of individuals who have accessed insulin through urgent need 22safety net programs and patient assistance programs. The survey shall ask 23whether the individual is still in need of a long-term solution for affordable insulin
1and shall include questions about the individual’s satisfaction with all of the 2following, if applicable: AB50,1468,33a. Accessibility to urgent-need insulin. AB50,1468,54b. Adequacy of the information sheet and list of navigators received from the 5pharmacy. AB50,1468,66c. Helpfulness of a navigator. AB50,1468,87d. Ease of access in applying for a patient assistance program and receiving 8insulin from the pharmacy under the patient assistance program. AB50,1468,1292. The commissioner shall develop and conduct a satisfaction survey of 10pharmacies that have dispensed insulin through urgent need safety net programs 11and patient assistance programs. The survey shall include questions about the 12pharmacy’s satisfaction with all of the following, if applicable: AB50,1468,1413a. Timeliness of reimbursement from manufacturers for insulin dispensed by 14the pharmacy under urgent need safety net programs. AB50,1468,1515b. Ease in submitting insulin orders to manufacturers. AB50,1468,1616c. Timeliness of receiving insulin orders from manufacturers. AB50,1468,18173. The commissioner may contract with a nonprofit entity to develop and 18conduct the surveys under subds. 1. and 2. and to evaluate the survey results.