SB111,2964 21Section 2964 . 632.865 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1541,2522 632.865 (2m) Fiduciary duty and disclosures to health benefit plan
. (a) A pharmacy benefit manager owes a fiduciary duty to the health
24benefit plan sponsor to act according to the health benefit plan sponsor's instructions
25and in the best interests of the health benefit plan sponsor.
1(b) A pharmacy benefit manager shall annually provide, no later than the date
2and using the method prescribed by the commissioner by rule, the health benefit plan
3sponsor all of the following information from the previous calendar year:
SB111,1542,54 1. The indirect profit received by the pharmacy benefit manager from owning
5any interest in a pharmacy or service provider.
SB111,1542,76 2. Any payment made by the pharmacy benefit manager to a consultant or
7broker who works on behalf of the health benefit plan sponsor.
SB111,1542,118 3. From the amounts received from all drug manufacturers, the amounts
9retained by the pharmacy benefit manager, and not passed through to the health
10benefit plan sponsor, that are related to the health benefit plan sponsor's claims or
11bona fide service fees.
SB111,1542,1612 4. The amounts, including pharmacy access and audit recovery fees, received
13from all pharmacies that are in the pharmacy benefit manager's network or have a
14contract to be in the network and, from these amounts, the amount retained by the
15pharmacy benefit manager and not passed through to the health benefit plan
SB111,2965 17Section 2965 . 632.865 (3) to (7) of the statutes are created to read:
SB111,1542,2018 632.865 (3) License required. No person may perform any activities of a
19pharmacy benefit manager without being licensed by the commissioner as an
20administrator or pharmacy benefit manager under s. 633.14.
SB111,1543,2 21(4) Accreditation for network participation. A pharmacy benefit manager or
22a representative of a pharmacy benefit manager shall provide to a pharmacy, within
2330 days of receipt of a written request from the pharmacy, a written notice of any
24certification or accreditation requirements used by the pharmacy benefit manager
25or its representative as a determinant of network participation. A pharmacy benefit

1manager or a representative of a pharmacy benefit manager may change its
2accreditation requirements no more frequently than once every 12 months.
SB111,1543,5 3(5) Retroactive claim reduction. Unless required otherwise by federal law,
4a pharmacy benefit manager may not retroactively deny or reduce a pharmacist's or
5pharmacy's claim after adjudication of the claim unless any of the following is true:
SB111,1543,66 (a) The original claim was submitted fraudulently.
SB111,1543,97 (b) The payment for the original claim was incorrect. Recovery for an incorrect
8payment under this paragraph is limited to the amount that exceeds the allowable
SB111,1543,1010 (c) The pharmacy services were not rendered by the pharmacist or pharmacy.
SB111,1543,1211 (d) In making the claim or performing the service that is the basis for the claim,
12the pharmacist or pharmacy violated state or federal law.
SB111,1543,1413 (e) The reduction is permitted in a contract between a pharmacy and a
14pharmacy benefit manager and is related to a quality program.
SB111,1543,15 15(6) Audits of pharmacies or pharmacists. (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB111,1543,1816 1. “Audit” means a review of the accounts and records of a pharmacy or
17pharmacist by or on behalf of an entity that finances or reimburses the cost of health
18care services or prescription drugs.
SB111,1543,2219 2. “Entity” means a defined network plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (1b), insurer,
20self-insured health plan, or pharmacy benefit manager or a person acting on behalf
21of a defined network plan, insurer, self-insured health plan, or pharmacy benefit
SB111,1543,2323 3. “Self-insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c).
SB111,1543,2524 (b) Procedures. An entity conducting an on-site or desk audit of pharmacist
25or pharmacy records shall do all of the following:
11. If the audit is an audit on the premises of the pharmacist or pharmacy, notify
2the pharmacist or pharmacy in writing of the audit at least 2 weeks before conducting
3the audit.
SB111,1544,64 2. Refrain from auditing a pharmacist or pharmacy within the first 5 business
5days of a month unless the pharmacist or pharmacy consents to an audit during that
SB111,1544,87 3. If the audit involves clinical or professional judgment, conduct the audit by
8or in consultation with a pharmacist licensed in any state.
SB111,1544,109 4. Limit the audit review to no more than 250 separate prescriptions. For
10purposes of this subdivision, a refill of a prescription is not a separate prescription.
SB111,1544,1211 5. Limit the audit review to claims submitted no more than 2 years before the
12date of the audit, unless required otherwise by state or federal law.
SB111,1544,1813 6. Allow the pharmacist or pharmacy to use authentic and verifiable records
14of a hospital, physician, or other health care provider to validate the pharmacist's or
15pharmacy's records relating to delivery of a prescription drug and use any valid
16prescription that complies with requirements of the pharmacy examining board to
17validate claims in connection with a prescription, refill of a prescription, or change
18in prescription.
SB111,1544,2119 7. Allow the pharmacy or pharmacist to document the delivery of a prescription
20drug or pharmacist services to an enrollee under a health benefit plan using either
21paper or electronic signature logs.
SB111,1544,2422 8. Before leaving the pharmacy after concluding the on-site portion of an audit,
23provide to the representative of the pharmacy or the pharmacist a complete list of
24the pharmacy records reviewed.