Sen. Roth: deliver enrolled SB266 to the Governor’s office per Senate Rule 44m (3)

Sen. Roth: deliver enrolled SB43, SB72, SB91, SB108, SB117, SB139, SB162, SB203, SB205, SB217, SB252, SB268, SB289, SB292, SB298, SB351, SB368, SB369, SB383, SB387, SB422, SB437, SB485, SB489, SB500, SB512, SB514, SB523, SB537, SB583, SB595, SB637, SB669, SB684, SB685, SB696, SB700, SB737, and SB768 to the Governor’s office per Senate Rule 44m (3)

Sen. Roth: deliver enrolled SB60, SB74, SB86, SB106, SB142, SB155, SB166, SB169, SB170, SB188, SB208, SB219, SB269, SB304, SB319, SB320, SB349, SB362, SB380, SB447, SB457, SB482, and SB495 to the Governor’s office per Senate Rule 44m (3)

Sen. Roth: deliver enrolled SB310 to Governor’s 0ffice per Senate Rule 44m (3)

Sen. Roth: Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems report on SB59

Sen. Roth: Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions report on SB59

Sen. Taylor: requests Sen.Sub.Amdt.1 to AJR8 be entered into the journal
S 65

Crowley, David C.

Resigned effective June 18, 2020. Represented 17th Assembly District. Elected Milwaukee County Executive in April 7, 2020 election..

Elections Commission — Communication to Assembly

Certified list of Representatives
A 1

Last day on which a proposed constitutional amendment can be placed on the April 2, 2019 spring election ballot
A 10

McGuire, Tip: certification of election to 64th Assembly District in 4/30/19 special election
A 127

Elections Commission — Communication to Senate

Certified list of Senators
S 1

Engrossed bills and joint resolutions

Assembly Chief Clerk directed printing of: SB605

Senate Chief Clerk directed printing of: AB655, AB869

Extraordinary Session

Session called 2/28/19 solely for the purpose of the Governor’s Budget Address
A 56

Session called 2/28/19 solely for the purpose of the Governor’s Budget Address
S 90

Session called 4/14/2020 in virtual session solely to consider AB1038/SB932
A 746

Session called 4/14/2020 in virtual session solely to consider AB1038/SB932

Governor, see also Appointments, Advice and Consent of the Senate; Communication – Assembly; Communication – Senate

Budget address
S 90

Rep. Vos and Sen. Roth: invitation to deliver 2019 State of the State Address in joint session

Sen. Roth and Rep Vos: invitation to deliver 2020 State of the State Address in joint session

State of the State Address, 2019
S 35