1Office of .... [County] [Municipal] Clerk.
To the Electors of .... [County] [Municipality]:
Notice is hereby given of a .... election to be held in the several wards in the
4[county] [municipality] of ...., on the .... day of ...., .... (year), at which the officers
5named below shall be chosen. The names of the candidates for each office to be voted
6for, whose nominations have been certified to or filed in this office, are given under
7the title of the office and under the appropriate party or other designation, each in
8its proper column, together with the questions submitted to a vote, in the sample
9ballot below.
as provided in sub. (4) and except where a different statement is
12prescribed by the commission for use in whole or in part by municipalities using
13electronic voting systems under s. 5.95, the voting instructions shall be given
14substantially as follows:
(4) The commission shall prescribe by rule the content of type B notices
17to be used at elections at which ranked-choice voting under s. 5.20 is used.
(1) (ed)
Elections administration; ranked-choice voting. A sum
20sufficient to implement and administer ranked-choice voting, as provided under ss.
215.20 and 7.62, including updating equipment and software and implementing secure
22technologies, and to provide grants to local governmental units under s. 5.05 (1) (g)
23for the same purpose.
(7) (b)
Except as provided under s. 5.20, the school board shall
2require a primary election if there are more than 2 candidates for any seat on a
33-member board or more than twice as many candidates as there are members to be
4elected to an unnumbered school board of more than 3 members. In school districts
5in which a plan of apportionment of school board members under s. 120.02 (2), an
6apportionment plan that apportions the territory of the school district into election
7districts under s. 120.42 (1m), or a plan for election of school board members to
8numbered seats has been adopted, the school board shall require a primary election
9for particular apportioned areas for which there are more than twice as many
10candidates as there are members to be elected and for any numbered seat for which
11there are more than 2 candidates. When there is a primary election it shall be held
12in conjunction with the spring primary.
Ranked-choice voting. This act first applies to the 2022 spring primary and
15spring election.