Relating to: the applicability of the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law.
hist101785Read a second time.
hist101786Ordered to a third reading.
hist101787Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading.
hist101788Senate Bill 105
Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 152
Relating to: the operation of electric scooters on highways, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
hist101790Read a second time.
hist101791The question was: Adoption of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 152?
hist101792Ordered to a third reading.
hist101793Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading.
hist101794Senate Bill 152
Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 162
Relating to: fee for certain motor vehicle certificate of title transfers.
hist101795Read a second time.
hist101796Ordered to a third reading.
hist101797Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading.
hist101800Senate Bill 162
Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 162?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 32; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 1; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Bernier, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Craig, Darling, Erpenbach, Feyen, Fitzgerald, Hansen, Jacque, Johnson, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Miller, Nass, Olsen, Petrowski, Ringhand, Risser, Roth, Schachtner, Shilling, Smith, Stroebel, L. Taylor, Testin, Tiffany, Wanggaard and Wirch - 32.
Noes None - 0.
Absent or not voting - Senator Larson - 1.
Senate Bill 219