Universal course numbering and credit transfer system: TCS Board and UW Board of Regents required to implement within five years, certain restriction eliminated -
SB342Advertisement of broadband services and Internet speed requirements and standardized consumer label based on FCC template; penalties and unfair trade practice provisions -
SB837Assembly rules revised and created re appearance at committee meeting by telephone or other means of telecommunication or electronic communication, time limits for debate for each proposal, dilatory motions, call of the Assembly, orders of business, withdrawing proposals from committee, motion to return a proposal to second reading state, determination of legislative day for purposes of referral of proposals to calendar, reconsideration of Assembly decisions on vetoes, and definition of Assembly chamber [Assembly rules 11 (4), (12), 13 (1)(c), 15 (2), 31 (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), 32 (3m), 42 (3)(c), 43 (2), 55m (1), 65 (2)(i), 67, 69 (1), 73 (1)(a), (b), (3m), 73m, 83 (2m), 90 (4), 95 (6), 96] -
AR12Broadband expansion grant funding [Sec. 131, 132, 1823, 9201 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 131, 1823] -
AB56Broadband expansion grant funding [Sec. 131, 132, 1823, 9201 (1)] -
SB59Broadband expansion grant program: political subdivision application process modified and report to the public re costs and revenues of a public telecommunications, video, or broadband facility eliminated -
SB836Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority -
AB955Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority -
SB834Broadband expansion grant program requirements modified; grant recipients required to report progress to PSC; LAB biennial performance audits required -
SB838Broadband expansion program: ``underserved" and ``unserved areas" definitions revised [Sec. 1819-1821; original bill only] -
AB56Broadband expansion program: ``underserved" and ``unserved areas" definitions revised [Sec. 1819-1821] -
SB59Caller ID spoofing prohibited and telecommunications service may block calls under set conditions -
SB132Caller ID spoofing prohibited and telecommunications service may block calls under set conditions -
AB147MA services provided through telehealth and communications technology: DHS required to provide reimbursement; conditions, definitions, and emergency rule provisions -
SB380Next Generation 911 and public safety interoperable communication system (WISCOM) transferred from DMA to DOT [Sec. 42-44, 247-251, 265, 290, 1951-1953, 1983-1986, 9131 (2), 9144 (3)] -
SB59Next Generation 911 and public safety interoperable communication system (WISCOM) transferred from DMA to DOT [Sec. 42-44, 247-251, 265, 290, 1951-1953, 1983-1986, 9131 (2), 9144 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Next Generation 911 and transfer provisions removed, deletes 42-47, 247-251, 265, 290, 1951-1953, 1983, 1984, 9127 (2); A.Amdt.1: Next Generation 911 funding added and modified, 244m] -
AB56Next Generation 911 grants from DMA -
SB465Next Generation 911 grants from DMA -
AB471``Pen register” and ``trap and trace device” definitions expanded; application by AG and DA for an order for the devices modified -
AB833``Pen register” and ``trap and trace device” definitions expanded; application by AG and DA for an order for the devices modified -
SB740PSC to require retail electric utilities and cooperatives to survey customers about broadband service availability and Internet service providers to disclose certain information to improve broadband mapping; supplemental appropriation for the broadband expansion grant program -
AB959PSC to require retail electric utilities and cooperatives to survey customers about broadband service availability and Internet service providers to disclose certain information to improve broadband mapping; supplemental appropriation for the broadband expansion grant program -
SB839TEACH program changes: information technology block grant program extended and revised; certain grants eliminated; and educational telecommunications access program data line speed increased [Sec. 87-117, 275, 1570, 1811] -
SB59TEACH program changes: information technology block grant program extended and revised; certain grants eliminated; and educational telecommunications access program data line speed increased [Sec. 87-117, 275, 1570, 1811; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, eliminated grants and data line speed provisions removed, 96m, 1811m, deletes 87, 92-104, 1570, 1811; A.Amdt.1: adds back 1570 with revisions, 1570f, 9434 (4)] -
AB56``Telehealth" definition expanded; DHS to develop MA reimbursement method for providers [Sec. 677, 9119 (2)] -