SB45,1448,1210(a) “Evaluation period” means the period of time established by the 11commissioner by rule that is used to evaluate whether a health care provider 12qualifies for an exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under sub. (2). SB45,1448,1313(b) “Health benefit plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.745 (11). SB45,1448,1414(c) “Health care item or service” includes all of the following: SB45,1448,15151. Prescription drugs. SB45,1448,16162. Laboratory testing. SB45,1448,17173. Medical equipment. SB45,1448,18184. Medical supplies. SB45,1448,1919(d) “Health care provider” has the meaning given in s. 146.81 (1) (a) to (p). SB45,1448,2320(e) “Prior authorization” means a determination by a health benefit plan, self-21insured health plans, or person contracting with a health benefit plan or self-22insured health plan that health care items or services proposed to be provided to a 23patient are medically necessary and appropriate. SB45,1448,2424(f) “Self-insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c). SB45,1449,8
1(2) The commissioner may by rule provide that any health benefit plan or self-2insured health plan that uses a prior authorization process shall exempt health 3care providers from obtaining prior authorizations for a health care item or service 4for a period of time established by the commissioner if, in the most recent 5evaluation period, the health benefit plan or self-insured health plan has approved 6or would have approved not less than the proportion of prior authorization requests 7established under sub. (3) submitted by the health care provider for the health care 8item or service. SB45,1449,129(3) The commissioner shall specify the proportion of prior authorization 10requests submitted by a health care provider that have to be approved for the health 11care provider to qualify for an exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under 12sub. (2). SB45,1449,1513(4) The commissioner may specify by rule the health care items or services 14that may be subject to the exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under 15sub. (2). SB45,1449,1816(5) The commissioner may specify how health care providers may obtain an 17exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under sub. (2) including by 18providing a process for automatic evaluation. SB45,1449,2019(6) The commissioner may promulgate further rules necessary to implement 20this section. SB45,294221Section 2942. 632.851 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1449,2322632.851 Reimbursement of emergency ambulance services. (1) In this 23section: SB45,1449,2424(a) “Ambulance service provider” has the meaning given in s. 256.01 (3). SB45,1450,4
1(b) “Clean claim” means a claim that has no defect of impropriety, including a 2lack of required substantiating documentation or any particular circumstance that 3requires special treatment that prevents timely payment from being made on the 4claim. SB45,1450,55(c) “Emergency medical responder” has the meaning given in s. 256.01 (4p). SB45,1450,76(d) “Emergency medical services practitioner” has the meaning given in s. 7256.01 (5). SB45,1450,88(e) “Firefighter” has the meaning given in s. 36.27 (3m) (a) 1m. SB45,1450,99(f) “Health care provider” has the meaning given in s. 146.81 (1) (a) to (hp). SB45,1450,1010(g) “Law enforcement officer” has the meaning given in s. 165.85 (2) (c). SB45,1450,1111(h) “Self-insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c). SB45,1450,1712(2) (a) A disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan shall, within 1330 days after receipt of a clean claim for covered emergency ambulance services, 14promptly remit payment for the covered emergency ambulance services directly to 15the ambulance service provider. No disability insurance policy or self-insured 16health plan may send a payment for covered emergency ambulance services to an 17enrollee. SB45,1450,2218(b) A disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan shall respond to a 19claim for covered emergency ambulance services that is not a clean claim by sending 20a written notice, within 30 days after receipt of the claim, acknowledging the date of 21receipt of the claim and informing the ambulance service provider of one of the 22following: SB45,1451,2
11. That the disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan is declining 2to pay all or part of the claim, including the specific reason or reasons for the denial. SB45,1451,432. That additional information is necessary to determine if all or part of the 4claim is payable and the specific additional information that is required.